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  1. China has rewrite Alibaba story book...
  2. Looks like millennial kids are not so jiakleowbee, they are getting ready for toy wa
  3. Now we know why PAP cannot lockdowm Singapore...
  4. Companies that need to retrench staff..
  5. This is a virus war that went wrong ..... lucky it is not a HK war....
  6. Open Beer MaoTai Vodka etc! MAGA-too Boris Johnson Tiok COVID-19 Positive Already! Lo
  7. Myth SOVLED! Can Chow Ang Moh Protect Pee Sai / EU / Japan / Kim Chi etc REALLY?? Can
  8. SLUTTY Lao CB YouTuber thinks she got rape chance with brothel closure.
  9. No wonder ahnehs are jobless... cannot copy to create jobs for himself....
  10. 49 new cases. New Singpost Cluster!
  11. [Singapore] - Sg$9k cash gift for self-employed only applies to those who stay in HDB
  12. Medical Bill point of view: Untold story of how BE started the opium trade, then late
  13. Today Xijinping SHUT HIS DOORS ban ??? foreigers to enter China, ?????????!????!
  14. How a century-old Indian Muslim movement became Malaysia’s Covid-19 hotspot
  15. I got very high after watching this porn movie
  16. Muslims still believe Allah, see how secular policemen used canes to wipe them out of
  17. India adopts my broomstick method against Covid
  18. Time to rename COVID-19 to Dotard-Virus! Since Dotard-land is world #1 Epicenter as s
  19. This hacker managed to hack into the CCTV and spied in on the hackers in the process
  20. Recovered Wuhan COVID Uncle told TV crew how he went to meet ancestors & ?? and Docto
  21. More local community spread today:New COVID19 cluster at SingPost Centre
  22. How much savings should I have at 35 in Singapore?
  23. Singapore lost the battle against coronavirus
  24. Hubei Tiongs learn from Little India rioters
  25. New way of worshiping your ancestors : Online Ching-Ming
  26. Why do tourists still visit Sinkieland now?
  27. This US General so CONFIDENT compare with Sinkie Generals...heheheh
  28. Boris Johnson is the best!
  29. Typical Aussies!
  30. Boris Johnson is the best! Tested positive but still making the right moves!
  31. How deadly is the coronavirus? It’s still far from clear
  32. 7th time Bankrupt ahbeng Trump coming....
  33. Thats why Press must be controlled.... LKY did the right thing...
  34. More or less: Need to break up US to be more self reliance and less united. Be more c
  35. For thousands of moons, this is how natives stop their spread of diseases....
  36. Dr TCB 1 - Big Nose 0
  37. Maids, employers in conflict over rest days, home leave amid Covid-19
  38. ?: This is why animals kill their own baby to stop the spread....
  39. So what did LKY and Tunku Rahman knew about opium diseases epidemic that BE willing
  40. So when Jap said they destroyed BE colonies Singapore and Malaysia were to eradicate
  41. C19 betterer than DF26s and DF21Ds
  42. Heng ahhh... AMDK BE so glad to hv had abandoned their colonies in SEA many moons ago
  43. Chinese ask the world to FOCUS on USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier COVID - it
  44. NWO... keep the size of a country small and manageable... split big country up into i
  45. Why in war time the invader have to kill as many natives as possible after occupied t
  46. AMDK soldier Chapkaokee spreader potential... go to wedding...
  47. AMDK Hoarders and profitering tio kap... go to jail soon...
  48. Soon, hot new degree course in uni soon... better jump in or ahneh follow up with fak
  49. See. Tree is self breathing or moving.... when a evil man died turn into a tree... fo
  50. Why USA be producing a China or Italy every day in about 4 to 5 days time
  51. Shd u buy this new US 2T debt bill, T- Bill today.... here is thexreason no to.... si
  52. read my lips China is GLOBAL COVID SAVIOR GOD, USA is COVID-HUB! Coward Liar Bastard
  53. Ginfreely get caught at airport...
  54. Look at how millennial kids hv taken care of their future... go hiking still need a
  55. SPG Sharon French wannabe Au shows off her large courtyard.
  56. LKY has setup a strong PAP for this pandemic crisis...
  57. This is why India got no future.... police no brain, locals no brains... their 15 yea
  58. Wah... qik to grab one now... kill 99.9% of germs... scrub yr lungs now...
  59. US printing paper money where they get all the printing materials, 2T quantity papers
  60. This is what happen with allow them to hv sex anywhere in parks, car parks, staircase
  61. A friend of a friend saw a top secret memo which allegedly stated how much Ho Ching e
  62. Malaysia Polis up-lorry Die die must PRAY muslims, not afraid of Allah's wrath????
  63. Wuhan : Scan personal data before boarding public bus.
  64. HK rioters get shamed by the lawmakers... can only hv 4 rioters in a group.... malu l
  65. GVGT! ????????World Highest 5G Technology SMART PHONE TRACKING COVID = made China COV
  66. What if one of US States cross the line bypas WH ask China for help...
  67. Investigating the impact of influenza on excess mortality in all ages in Italy during
  68. WTF...Boss Sam's chewren dance the waiata on SQ flight
  69. PAPpy dip into Reserves is another name for Quantitative Easing. QE
  70. GVGT! Brazilian President confessed that he already healed from COVID and got immunit
  71. Singapore companies is going Largest corporate Bond default in History
  72. Wedding Anniversary Wishes For Parents, Couples, Friends, And Spouse
  73. GPGT! HK Rebels caught making guns & bullets in secret factory, should they be inject
  74. Remember the Herpes Epidemic...
  75. COVID can not stop most lucrative Chinese Military Export TOP TANK KILLER MISSILES ??
  76. God save the Queen!
  77. Social distancing may stop spread of covid19
  78. Wah ?? is happy like Larry, 1st person to give away Not His Money $2T which taxpayers
  79. Watch out what yr chiobu is doing to her nails, yr dickhead is next....
  80. COVID-Dotard rang up Xijinping for help, Xi gave him KKJ to suck! Read this ??? news!
  81. Wah... look at all the news readers face... happy like larry... get a drumstick from
  82. High Quality Men Attracts High Quality Women
  83. WHO Medical Expert said if he kenna COVID-19 he wish to be treated in CHINA if possib
  84. I think some Leaders are taking Anti Anxiety, Anti Depressants..facing gigantic press
  85. ?? super wealthy China gave 100% FOC COVID MEDICAL TREATMENT average@¥770K to 82278 c
  86. World's Top 10 Richest Families
  87. Back to Mao history that Mao killed 60 million Chinese... thats not true base on toda
  88. IMF:US$2.5 trillion needs emerging mkt...Singapore can help..
  91. Mud kicked aunty machiam a Bersilat opponent lika that
  92. Xia suay Malaysians are always telling evil filthy lies to harm Singaporeans
  93. Minah raped in drain by few Muds.
  94. Sinkieland finally admitted that it is caught unprepared contrary to what it has clai
  95. Thanks to HK wong tai sun god, make her life much more easier...
  96. 1st time in history India ever got her first bath, shower, and wash clean her cheebye
  97. Breaking News. 70 new coronavirus cases in Sinkieland
  98. No Effective Results from ANY countries struggling hard to duplicate Wuhan's Victory
  99. Victor Lie again
  100. Covid-19 : And now the end is near.....
  101. US Homeland Security warns terrorists may exploit COVID-19 pandemic
  102. Ah Bock verbally fucks Big Nose Gargamel Teo..Captain of Sick Ship .
  103. Two Good Cops Down With Covid-19! Should John Be Worried That He's Next?
  104. SPH Unmarried Spinster Tan Hsueh Yun Lau Chee Bye Shows People Her Minimart
  105. Covid-19 : Trump seeks South Korea's help!!!
  106. French pride TGV HSR gets converted into GIANT AMBULANCE to move TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF
  109. India Modi screwed up. Cases are going to shoot up the roof...
  110. Many Up Lorry in AMDK Cuntry
  111. What True Happiness Are Singaporeans Searching For?
  112. South Korea Top Infectious Disease Expert Says Wearing Masks Is Very Important To Pre
  113. Two Sinkie policemen become Coviders! Stay away from men in blue!
  114. Canterbury man ends the silence about what it's like to go bust
  115. Bro Chun Sing Helps Grounded Jetstar Asia Crew Find New Jobs As Safe Distancing Ambas
  116. Sinkies are FUCKED
  117. Princess Maria Teresa of Bourbon-Parma, a cousin of King Felipe IV of Spain, died on
  118. Botak Fat Fuck Loser Oppie Terry Admits That Oppies Are Only Spectators On The Sideli
  119. Go illya, heck care lo
  120. State vs State ownself take care ownself... breakup USA coming with end in sight of b
  121. Coming soon: Singapore to be the hub for manufacturing MASKS.....
  122. Crisis actors used just to scare foreigners enter China at own risks... ?????
  123. Digital virus or medical virus...
  124. Is Little India crowded today? Are busloads of Ah Nehs still going there to gather?
  125. [ROFL] Daniel Ong KPKBu-ing now
  127. Jet Li regrets becoming a Singapore Citizen
  128. Why no fucking DOSCON RED
  129. Another one bite the dust - Covid 3
  130. AMDKs Super BOH SONG ready to Wack Ah Tiongs over COVID 19!
  131. I love social distancing! Should do this PERMANENTLY!
  132. Coronan Rhampsody - (Donald Trump Parody) Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody
  133. Stanford Prof: Coronavirus May Be Less Deadly Than We Think — And Too Mild To Justify
  134. Best way to fight Covid-19 is to use Vietcong tactics
  135. Ah Nehs are finished. This morning video showing all running away to the villages
  136. So sad... who did u voted for.... vote oppo Trump no poltical experience but plenty o
  137. CECA Ahneh say breath raw, no condmask needed...
  138. Modi say sorry.... before that taken 1 month to prepare for Trump ignore China strugg
  139. Actually lost interest to follow US progress... knowing the early part is sickening .
  140. Covid-19 : World Is Running Out of Condoms Because of Pandemic
  141. Driver tell Ginfreely to take out her CB and let him smell!
  142. Sinkie passport cancelled for violating SHN.
  143. LeongSam is an Idiot like the maggots maggotess saying masks useless
  144. Do Re Mi
  145. Bayi Super Spreader Of Covid19! 40,000 Kelings Quarantined By Him Alone!!
  146. How USA going to be tiew to be kann to be fucked
  147. First Sinkie old man has finally died from COVID-19
  148. Lee Hsien Loong changed his FB profile pic
  149. First Sinkie old man has finally died from COVID-19 today (29 March 2020)
  150. First Sinkie old man (70 years old) has finally died from COVID-19 today (29 March 20
  151. India shd break up and be competitive...
  152. This morning my mom scolded me
  153. John Tan Found A Factory To Make Face Masks Cheaperer, Betterer, Fasterer! Oppies Int
  154. Newly-wed SG actress Apple Hong said she accidentally got married to a SG businessman
  155. Little Grassroots Leader Ask General Chuan Jin To Stop Asking So Many Questions! Plea
  156. Breaking News. 42 new coronavirus cases today.
  157. DBS,UOB,OCBC, must merge to create a SuperBank.
  158. PM Ah Loong should learn from Malaysia PM to go shopping at NTUC supermarket to show
  159. Huat Ah! Mui Cock got 2 Aircraft Carriers tio Kungflu!
  160. Boris Johnson dulan with Winnie liao.
  161. just discovered my favourite new music
  164. Shell Singapore,Entire Jurong Island refiners losing $ billions a day
  165. Your Balls Will Shrinked Seeing This!
  166. AMDK Becoming Low SES from Covid 19!
  167. Chinese Huawei 5G Network OVERCOME COVID doing CYBER SHOPPING in WUHAN GPGT!
  168. Sinkies Complaining While AMDK Paid USD40K for Covid 19 Treatment!
  169. Dotard can solve shortage of mask, no need to beg Xi Jinping, solution found - GPGT!
  170. Sinkie Chiobu Sharon Au Farked Deep Deep by French Man!
  171. Do owners of dormant companies qualify for self-employed person income relief scheme?
  172. Low SES Jobless Flooding Markets!
  173. Post Covid19 will be Golden Era
  174. My worries come true
  175. Singapore External Trade is 3X GDP, was $1Trillion, Now $100 billion
  176. 5 Fastest Electric Scooters for Sale in 2020
  177. AMDK Wannabe Kenna Wacked Jialat Jialat due to Covid 19
  178. Cum meet Sg Lumpar 1 Prata King
  179. Virus ranking in 4 to 6 weeks
  180. Correlation between universal BCG vaccination policy and reduced morbidity and mortal
  181. NYC is the sick man of USA.... revenge rethoric of that mf journalist live in NYC...
  182. 1918 Spanish Flu vs 2020 Covid19
  183. ??.... EV cars going to boom... next hit...
  184. Do you think Singapore will go into lockdown soon?
  185. Angela Merkerl's MINISTER COMMITTED SUICIDE over COVID STRESS! PAP minster ready?? Ju
  186. Know why PAP is willing to give handouts to jhk and prcs working in sg?
  187. COVID-19 American Voters now realized that Dotard Governance & Leadership FAILED AT E
  188. Bishan CPF closed for disinfection
  189. Kim Jong Nuke finally share his COVID-19 control secret weapon GPGT!
  190. Trump Balls Shrunk Seeing Body Bags Up Lorry!
  191. American COVID past 14000 cases = 150% of China's total, Trump stop singging MAGA son
  192. Ex NUS Lecturer Farked Many Many Sinkie Boys!
  193. SG Clean Ambassadors Network launched to promote hygiene
  194. British Doctor Killed by COVID
  195. USA is finished. Ambulances sent from Chicago to NYC
  196. Semi famous slutwhore Melody Yap carries PAP balls fucks Oppo
  197. stupid horse store ah beng in tampines ave 8
  198. In Chinese Chess which strategy is best one to succeed ? but normt to win... ?
  199. Lagi sangkok... even delivery drivers scared to work.... so how.... where are the car
  200. What do you think of Sinkies uncles and aunties who put mask but cover their mouths o
  201. Moron Trump is paying for banning Huawei 5G technology.
  202. Who wants to sign up for CECA essay writing competition about COVID-19?
  203. So sad to see these IT ahnehs workers lose their scamming jobs on the internet and th
  204. ?? ??? is here...
  206. If Cancock is nice to China.... it cld br 17 ton of medical aids... stupig Cancock ??
  207. I hope PAP doesn’t ban restaurants, Food courts, coffeeshops and other F&B businesses
  208. Trump got new products: Trump bags..
  209. Why is he still around not forced resign ..... balless beecock kia....
  210. MAS, Helicopter Heng double dip Reserves....WHERE IS OUR STOCKPILE of GOLD?
  211. STI INDEX down 4.67%
  212. Any scoop or update on Margaret Lee ah?
  213. AMDK Bestest Again - Nurse Suicide Due to Trauma for Seeing Many Up Lorry!
  215. Did u clap @8pm a while ago?
  216. Today 30 Mar, MORE LOCAL TRANSMISSION CASES vs Imported cases!
  217. All Demsick Companies 1 by 1 in need of urgent cash..
  218. No wonder lazy Beecock kia hv to give up manufacturing. Work so low with few workers
  219. Breaking: Empress Dowager Ho Ching Has Spoken : Wear A Mask!
  220. [Singapore] - PM Lee’s interview with CNN praised by Americans but criticised in Chin
  221. [Singapore POFMA] - Some CNA staff accidentally keyed in today's entry forgetting to
  222. Anyone know what this uncle is doing to her ?
  223. Point to ponder - resilient package vs cpf
  224. Orways blame manufacturerer product bad when dont know how to use or follow specifica
  225. Ugly bitch Pat Mok can't decide to wear mask or not.
  226. Been follow this from HK riots to watching Wuhan military game show and then see Wuha
  227. Patriots Clap For PAP And Singapore At 8pm Tonight 30 March 2020! Majulah PAP! Majula
  228. I hope I do not get covid. I am serious, not joking. I am worried.
  229. Anyone still remember chiobu Steph Song ?
  230. GPGT! Why is Singa-pura useless! Fucking Bapok!
  231. GVGT Dotard Trump said he had not seen so many dead bodies in NY hospital, will LHL s
  232. Thailand Prison Riot due to fear of COVID spreading in prison, fired hundreds of guns
  233. US Marines GAVE UP on having tanks - reason is PLA can kill them just like video game
  234. all the Chow Ang Moh's tiny little balls are in our hands said China! Up to us to cru
  235. LHL told Dotard that USA can stop to be world leader, all the USA dogs like Pee Sai w
  236. JohnTan, PA Grassloots Leaders finally comes out as a Homo..sent his hearts to Jolova
  237. Propaganda: As a leader of a school I know that learning must continue; & at that sam
  238. The US Dollar is still king.
  239. My foreveralone friend share how he got piak by his mother
  240. After March analysis, I have come up with this ten stocks to buy
  241. Is retiree Ginfreely either in JB or out?
  242. Canadian Ah Nehs are so good
  243. Crude Oil Price Collapse Under USD20 - Expect More Prostitutes & Grab Drivers!
  244. Famous pervy Japanese comedian dies from Wuhan virus
  245. Instead of just whinging and complaining do something productive to help you deal wit
  246. Sinkieland donates masks to foreign governments
  247. latest map of known genetic variants of the sars-cov-2 virus, a.k.a. covid-19
  248. New Yorkers Balls Shrunk Seeing Body Bags from Covid 19
  249. Do the consequences of this lockdown really match the threat?
  250. Matland Versus Ah Tiong in Combating Covid 19