View Full Version : strategy you can use- outside looking in

Sammyboy RSS Feed
18-11-2013, 02:40 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Migrate now and outside looking in.

Take these into considerations:

1. old fart Con U up lorry anytime soon. If he hasn't it is buying time for you to get your PR approved of country you like to live in.

2. Old fart LHL is aging going 70s and no more stamina leow, and his arse cancer can erupt anytime, a high risk leader not worth considering. His PAP team so far no one has PMship quality so add more ticks to take the migration path.

Here is the strategy.

Take the migration path. Put your family outside Singapore and since there is no chance of seeing your CPF money in your hand exchange your IC with your hard earn CPF cash money. Money in your hand better than in Ho Jinx purse.

Outside looking in

Once outside Singapore you can look inside Singapore from a distance and wait for regime change. Better be on the other side of the fence than not seeing your CPF money, ever.

It may or may not happen in your life time at least your children can see the change. With new government dual citizenship may approve good for you and your descendants to go back when time is right.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?168530-strategy-you-can-use-outside-looking-in&goto=newpost).