View Full Version : Supreme Commanding Officer Generalissimo Goh Meng Seng kena shoot

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30-11-2013, 09:50 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

http://anyhowhantam.blogspot.sg/2013...undit-hes.html (http://anyhowhantam.blogspot.sg/2013/11/goh-meng-sengs-no-political-pundit-hes.html)

Since I started blogging I've tried to steer clear of writing about Goh Meng Seng (GMS), the former National Solidarity Party (NSP) leader, for the simple reason: he's just not worth the effort. He was just a lightweight political wannabe who imagined himself as a great leader. Maybe he even thought he might be the next Lee Kuan Yew! Thankfully after his ill-fated run for elected office in GE 2011, he decided to quit active politics, and chose to be a political pundit. No harm in that, because if one truly believes in democracy than we gotta give imbeciles like him the right to share his 'wealth of experience and opinion'.

To quote Churchill, Goh Seng Seng is 'a modest little man, with much to be modest about.' Unfortunately he thinks he's King Kong!

And boy has he been busy with opinions on anything and everything, especially when it comes to opposition politics. Still this was no reason to depart from my decision to ignore him altogether. However that all changed last week when he decided to write an article in response to his former protégé Nicole Seah's Ground Zero Facebook post. In that post, Ms Seah has described this year as her 'Annus Horriblis', as she reflected on her missteps since the last GE and how she planned to overcome them in future. It was a truly a brave and honest admission on her part. Very few politicians, let alone youngish 27 year old ones, have the courage and ability to analyse and reflect in the manner she did.

Nicole Seah rides in a train. Her 'down to earth' demeanour won her many admirers during GE 2011.

Even so, she did not actually name names of those whom she felt had let her down, neither in any way did she criticise her party's leadership, past or present. Essentially she acknowledged her faults and came up with a pledge to herself to remedy the situation. Instead of sympathising with Ms Seah and offering encouraging words of wisdom and guidance, and doing so in private given his previous rapport with her, he chose to do the only thing he knows best since entering politics - writing a bitter article to snipe at her while pretending to offer advice and encouragement. Since GMS has decided to stoop so low, I think it's appropriate that I lift my self-imposed ban on him and give him the discredit and humiliation he truly deserves. Then again, given his interactions with the public both on and offline over the years, I doubt he even would be affected or feel remorseful for his actions. He lacks the plain decency and courtesy, you hope to see in elected officials. Even though I've criticised and mocked PAP MPs, I think even the ones I ranked the lowest like Lee Bee Wah and Tin Pei Ling, have far more culture, class and common-sense than he will ever have.

Goh Meng Seng in Worker's Party 'blue'. Looking back now, one can infer his outburst and resignation had a lot to do with his failure to get his own way in the party.

Before I go into his ill-worded article, let's just refresh ourselves with his 'history'. He joined the WP aged 31 in 2001 and was on the slate of the Aljuneid GRC team that contested GE 2006, and narrowly lost. In between he even rose to hold a seat in the party's Central Execo (CEC). Barely 6 months later, it all ended in tears when he got embroiled in a heated exchange in an online forum and thus tarnished his party's reputation. He appeared to take the 'gentlemanly course' then by declaring that he was accountable for his actions and admitted damaging the party. He stressed no one forced him out and he took the decision on his own, while pledging to continue working for the party, albeit as a supporter on the outside.

Sammyboy's Sam's Alfresco Heaven forum. Inappropriate and offensive? Not to Goh Meng Seng, who was a regular contributor there.

But that did not last very long, murmurs of discontent with the WP were soon heard and seen in online posts by him. Oh yes, he's a very active one on the Web (perhaps he fits the mould that PM Lee says of unhappy people who go online). And 1 of the online forums he joined was none other than 'Sammyboy!' I also think Sammyboy has rich, sometimes 'colourful' and 'juicy' tidbits about Singapore politics. But it's long been associated with sleaze and prided itself with being 'the most offensive forum in Singapore'. I'm sure no other politician, let alone a party leader, would want to be seen engaging in debates in that forum.

Anyway GMS joined the NSP in 2007 and claims he was co-opted into the CEC, even though he 'didn't ask for it'. In his article to Ms Seah, he tries to paint a positive picture of himself working the ground tirelessly and yet never coveting the leadership or SG (Secretary General) position. Only after Ken Sun relinquished the position was he 'persuaded to run' and in typical fashion even mentions a possible rival to the position. Again he declares his magnanimity by offering to stand aside, if his rival could secure 2 nominations. Was this really necessary for him to disclose, as a former party leader? Isn't the party ballot a private internal affair? Do we hear other parties be they SDP, PAP or WP disclosing all these internal party secrets? Nope, but GMS has to paint himself as a Saint and play the reluctant hero.

Never had a slogan been so true! The voters of Whampoa had a voice and choice, and it certainly wasn't for a 'dinosaur' like Ken Sun

He then leads the party into GE 2011, and despite having some stellar names like Ms Seah, Hazel Poa and Jeannette Chong, he failed to secure any seats for himself or his party. In fact in his own contest in Tampines GRC, he stood an excellent chance against the hugely unpopular Mah Tow Tan, the PAP team leader. Instead of focussing his energies there and taking the case to the people, he just couldn't stand the limelight Ms Seah was getting in her Marine Parade contest. He had to be part of it too, spending needless time and energy on stage and by her side, while ignoring the hot button housing issue that made Tampines vulnerable. Instead of being a dynamic and strong leader and picking strong teams to contest in winnable seats, he proved totally ineffective and continued to let 'dinosaurs' like Ken Sun run in a possibly winnable Whampoa seat. I voted in Whampoa, and although the PAP's Heng Chee How was a former loser (in Hougang), pitting Ken Sun against him was a mismatch. He was much younger and campaigned harder, while Ken Sun looked like 'the tired old punch drunk fighter trying for one last hurrah'. Still he managed around 1/3 of the votes. A stronger candidate would have made this SMC competitive. Unfortunately the party contesting there was led by GMS, an apologist and a weak strategist.

Hazel Poa, Goh Meng Seng's successor as National Solidarity Party Secretary General. He does like 'picking on' women it seems.

Barely a month after the fruitless campaign, GMS quits the SG position and announces he'll let his membership lapse. As with his WP resignation, he cites needing to take stock of his life, wanting to help his deceased brother's family cope and go into business. He also declares the party is in good hands. But as now revealed in his letter to Ms Seah, all that was mere bluster. Instead of being a true party leader who accepts that the buck stops with him after such a failure and that party members and even the public had a right to demand a change of direction, he now declares that there was a 'new clique' of younger members led Hazel Poa, who were 'eager' for leadership positions. He even suggests that he 'knew' Ms Poa would never make it, but nevertheless vacated his position. What does this say about the man and his dedication for the party? Where's his loyalty to the party? If he truly felt Ms Poa was unsuitable why not voice it out? Why not suggest someone else instead? Why quit? No, that's not his way or style. He knew he couldn't win, and just hoped that he would be proven right if Ms Poa herself relinquished the position, as she just recently did.

Tan Kin Lian (in suit) with his principal advisor GMS. We can always rely on GMS to 'advise' us whom are the best candidates to vote for!

And now that Ms Seah has herself complained of burn-out, he again adopts the 'I just knew it line'. Hindsight is such a wonderful thing, eh, GMS? He goes on to list all the 'predictions' he had made that now have come true. The only problem is that he kept these 'predictions' to himself and made no mention of it until now, when something negative has happened. He basks in self-glory, comparing the 'wonderful achievements' he secured for the party under his leadership while pouring scorn on the perceived failures of his successors and juniors. Reading through that article addressed to Ms Seah, I can come to 1 simple conclusion, the NSP should count itself fortunate that GMS has 'left the building'. Had he stayed on, the party would have definitely drifted into oblivion under his weak and childish leadership. And looking back now, it's perhaps better for the residents of Tampines GRC that he didn't win because of his inept campaigning. No doubt Mah Bow Tan retained his seat, but at least Tampines gained a better Minister and leader in Heng Swee Kiat. Imagine if they had GMS instead of him? A petty and small minded man, who bears grudges and 'throws his toys out of the pram like a spoilt child' if he doesn't get his way. Don't forget he's also the man who advised (and campaigned) Tan Kin Lian to run for the Presidency. Only to see him finish last, lose his deposit and in doing so take enough votes away from Tan Cheng Bock and thus propel Tony Tan to the Presidency!

And he's not only laid into the NSP, he still bears a grudge against his previous party - the WP. You'll find him posting numerous online rants attacking them like these. He also accused the WP MPs of getting their priorities wrong, not speaking up when they should and speaking when they shouldn't, as he enjoys 'the show' while 'eating his popcorn.' And in the same manner he snipes at Ms Seah under the guise of 'advice', he dished out the same to his former comrade in arms in GE 2006 - Ms Sylvia Lim. Ms Lim as we know is now dating former football star, Quah Kim Song. This is GMS' "advice" for her:

"People never learn here. It's strange that Sylvia Lim didn't use her usual no comment style when approached about this little romance. It's after all a private matter. She basically put herself in a very vulnerable position with this literal admission of dating romance. I don't think she even know who's she dating except that he's a former soccer star! This is just a brew for disaster in the making...sigh.."

Sylvia Lim and Quah Kim Song. Perhaps GMS had a 'relationship' with Quah, since he was able to advise Sylvia that Quah was unsuitable for her!

Can you imagine such a spiteful and pathetic statement like that? Who needs enemies when you have 'friends' like GMS? To top it off he claims to be a 'political pundit' who's with the 'pan-opposition cause!' He's no pundit, he's a pun and a pathetic one at that. I'm no great pundit myself, certainly no romance counsellor like him and do not know Ms Seah or her circumstances well enough to offer advice or 'words of encouragement' like him. But I can give Ms Seah one very good and simple advice - delete him from your contact list and have nothing more to do with this 'pathetic excuse of a man' who suffers from illusions of grandeur.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?169272-Supreme-Commanding-Officer-Generalissimo-Goh-Meng-Seng-kena-shoot&goto=newpost).