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12-03-2014, 01:00 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Broadcast data project could provide free uncensored internet to anyone in the world

PUBLISHED : Wednesday, 12 March, 2014, 12:06pm
UPDATED : Wednesday, 12 March, 2014, 12:06pm

Angela Meng [email protected]


The project has the potential to eliminate the Golden Shield of China. Photo: Reuters

A team of developers and engineers in New York are working on launching a web-centric, global broadcast service that allows anyone, anywhere, to access free and uncensored content.

Called Outernet, its founder Syed Karim and his team plan to deploy low-cost mini-satellites in space to act like shortwave radios for the entire world as early as June next year.

“Just imagine if all of the files from your favourite websites were broadcast over the air, instead of being available only through an internet connection” said Karim, a director of charity Media Development Investment Fund, which provides business assistance to independent news outlets in “challenging environments”.

“What does the future of humanity look like when a basic level of information and education is available to everyone?” Karim asked. “I really want to find out.”

Outernet wants to solve two problems – costly internet data plans and obstacles to freedom of information. According to the project website, there are more computing devices in the world than there are people, yet only 40 per cent of the global population enjoys internet access – which the team says is a “human right”.

For the remaining 60 per cent of the world, especially urban areas, the sheer “noise” from all electronic signals might prove too dense for Outernet to work. Until the team is better able to develop a broadcast service strong enough for large cities, the project will give priority to people who otherwise have no access to internet.

“Although Outernet’s near-term goal is to provide the entire world with broadcast data, the long-term vision includes the addition of two-way internet access for everyone for free,” said Karim.

An idea on this grand scale requires many rounds of tweaking, the team admits, and Outernet is at this stage “more conceptual than executional”. But it hopes to get the cost of each mini-satellite down to US$100,000, the launch cost down to US$200,000 per satellite and the cost of providing high-speed coverage, preferably on the 802.11 frequency, as low as possible.

“Leasing existing transponders – which we will be experimenting with very soon – will cost at least a couple of million dollars for global high-speed coverage” Karim said.

Another issue is the cloud of content Outernet plans to provide. To transmit information from the satellites, it will first need to curate information. The team will have to decide what kind of content, generated from where and for what purpose, will get access to the limited broadcast resources.

Experts say if Karim’s project succeeds, despite the many obstacles, it could change the world. Internet censorship continues to pervade many countries with little to no sign of easing.

In China, where technology giants like Google and Facebook have faced political, logistic and moral battles to capture internet users from the world’s largest population of more than 600 million, Outernet has the potential to eliminate the Golden Shield.

That is assuming, of course, that the Chinese government does not block satellite transmissions.

“China has extraordinary technological capabilities,” Karim said. “If the government of China wants to block all satellite transmissions, then I’m sure they could figure out a way to do that.

“Still, there is only one way to find out.”

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?177024-Free-uncensored-internet-in-the-future&goto=newpost).