View Full Version : rubbish Ang Moh Fathers Day Mothers Day no count one lah

Sammyboy RSS Feed
15-06-2014, 11:00 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Asian must not eat all these Ang Moh shit culture. Foolishly in the minds of many people they adopted unknowingly too much of western rubbish and took for granted at if these had to be Global or International culture, where indeed these are alien shit which are to have nothing to do with us at all, and we should have nothing to do with them. We shouldn't forget who we are and we should be DIFFERENT from the Ang Moh, we retain our own culture and values, we reject their rubbish. Ignore and neglect their rubbish entirely, disrespect and look down on their craps.

Asian traditional culture treats parents 10X better than Ang Moh Kows, we do not need celebrative days, we do not sepratedly iconize our appreciation respect and love for our parent on 2 different occasions. Our relationship with our parents is LIVE LONG, non-stop. Fucking Ang Moh ditch their parents and fly away when their own feathers are ready to fly. Only on fathers day they go find out if their pathetic father already died in old folks home, only on mothers day they go find out about their mom. It is true but very sad that Asian had eaten the same Ang Moh shit doing the same. It is shameful.

Older generation of Asian knows way better on how to look down on western culture, but we are losing that. We must educate our children correctly and teach them out to identify and alienate Ang Moh rubbish and craps. You should give a slap to your kids when then want to celebrate Fathers Day with you. Teach them what is Asian Value and how are we better and superior compared against the cheap bankrupt Ang Moh.


Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?184104-rubbish-Ang-Moh-Fathers-Day-Mothers-Day-no-count-one-lah&goto=newpost).