View Full Version : Conspiracy Theory Debunkers.............Fall In & Debunk These Cases..............

Sammyboy RSS Feed
08-07-2014, 09:20 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

General Wesley Clark, who spent years in NATO and the Department of Defense, admitted in 2007 (before Obama became president) that after 9-11 he was shown plans to invade 7 countries which included Syria, Libya and Iran

Judge Andrew Napolitano explained how the FBI pays young muslims to carry out terror plots after supplying them with fake explosives. The FBI then foils its own plots while convincing the public they are keeping them safe without letting them know who created the plots in the beginning.

Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy admits live on CSPAN that he attempted to stop the 2009 Christmas Day Underwear Bomber (Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab) from flying to the United States by denying his VISA but was stopped by an unnamed US national security group who told him they knew exactly who Umar was and were watching him.

A few months after 9-11, Anwar Al-Awaki, a top Al Qaeda official who had ties to multiple hijackers, attended a catered dinner with top military officials at the Pentagon.

Before the current Afghan war, Afghanistan produced 10% of the world’s heroin. Now under US control, Afghanistan produces anywhere from up to 96%. Soldiers such as football star Pat Tillman attempted to blow the whistle but later died under mysterious circumstances.

The World Trade Center bombing in 1993 that killed six people was assisted by FBI informant Emad Salem. The FBI asked Salem to help build the bomb with the terror cell and exchange harmless powder in place of explosive powder. The FBI called off exchanging the powders at the last-minute. Salem recorded his phone calls before and after the explosion. Fearing he may be set up, Salem ran to the media and played the audio tapes of the FBI admitting their involvement. The story was picked up by Dan Rather but was immediately scrubbed as if it never happened.

During the Oklahoma City bombing, Timothy McVeigh took a truck full of explosives and detonated it outside the Alfred P . Murrah Federal building, killing 168. After the explosion, bomb squads on scene found multiple unexploded devices INSIDE the building. Yet despite this news being covered by every major news outlet that day, none of this information was ever presented in court. To this day, no government official has explained how Timothy McVeigh managed to bring thousands of pounds of C4 into a government building that housed multiple agencies including the ATF. Oklahoma City Police Officers who tried to pursue the lead, such as Officer Don Browning and Terrence Yeakey (who was later found dead), claimed they received threats from the FBI for asking.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://singsupplies.com/showthread.php?185410-Conspiracy-Theory-Debunkers-Fall-In-amp-Debunk-These-Cases&goto=newpost).