View Full Version : Lesser Mortal: I Volunteer to Wear Green Hat, But My GF Still Left Me for Rich Elite!

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09-07-2014, 03:30 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:


.node-article .field-name-ad-box-in-article {float: left;margin: 15px 15px 10px 0;}.node-article .field-tags{clear: both;} Post date:
8 Jul 2014 - 11:40am

http://therealsingapore.com/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/field/image/materialisticgirl.jpg?itok=Qt-iN_6L (http://therealsingapore.com/sites/default/files/field/image/materialisticgirl.jpg)

Dear The Real Singapore,

More than half a year have passed since I last wrote an viral letter on your website on 10 nov 2013: Dear The Real Singapore, I am never good enough for my girlfriend! (http://therealsingapore.com/content/dear-real-singapore-i-am-never-good-enough-my-girlfriend)
For those who don't remember please read it first. There are more than 2,600 Facebook shares on my last letter.

I wish to update your readers that my girlfriend eventually left me for a rich guy who drives a Z4 (she said she is considering but i highly doubt so). I know I suck to leave it so late because I thought I could give her the chance but well she always said she is the one giving me the chance. I'm pretty sure no guys love to fight right but I am just silly enough to let this go on for long and completely disregard some comments i received previously in TRS. It is my fault to allow a girl have 2 boyfriends at the same time willingly.

This is what she said to me (let's call her A):
A: I don't look for potential, i go for ready made.
A: I don't know whether i should give up on us yet but i want go get out of this rs
ME: Why? Because he drove a sports car?
A: No, I want someone who can bring me for brunch every week
A: I fear when I marry you I might run away
A: I'm that material. Do you understand?
ME: wow!

Of course, i tried to persuade her. Being together for 2 years, i still have a little hope she was just blabbering but honestly I am lying to myself. She is really this kind of girl. I was very angry, i scolded her. I texted the guy asking if he knew my gf was with me. This guy got the cheek to apologise then said that he is sorry and if he could turn back time, he wouldn't do such a thing. What a guy, key words were "turn back time".

So I'm actually being two timed all these while. I'm particularly sad but though she can say nasty stuff I do not think that she will commit such an act. Stupid me yet again. She told me her sad past of how she is being cheated by ex-bf before but she did that to me eventually. By the way, this isn't the first time she cheated on her ex-bf. Before me, she dumped her bf for a fellow office colleague but of course she denied it. I do have friends who know about this and promptly updated me but well again, i choose to believe my gf. Really stupid of me.

I told her parents about it because I'm still slightly close to her mum and I could see the disappointment in her mum's face. My mum even text her what happened and she got the cheek to say she is greedy for more and will probably leave me when we are married anyway.

Her most recent whatsapp status is "Live the way you LOVE" - I'm sure everyone can decipher.

I just want to check if most Singaporean girls are really that materialistic? Is there any really nice SG girls out there?

Sorry for the blabber. I feel really depressed and suicidal living in Singapore and meeting these types of Singapore girls. All the previous girls I met are all so materialistic and leave me for a richer guy.
What do you think I should do?

Should I end my life?

Non-Sweet Guy
TRS Contributor

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://singsupplies.com/showthread.php?185426-Lesser-Mortal-I-Volunteer-to-Wear-Green-Hat-But-My-GF-Still-Left-Me-for-Rich-Elite!&goto=newpost).