View Full Version : Time for SG to go back to strong, authoritarian regime

Sammyboy RSS Feed
08-02-2015, 07:30 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

After GCT took over from LKY in 1991, Singapore’s governance transited from a strong, authoritarian type to a consultative and consensus-seeking one. Since then, free and open expressions on all matters of the nation has grown, along with the availability of the Internet. Public opinion, public surveys and polls, feedback through official and social media have their influences on policy-making. Is this a change for the better?

“Judging from the social media, the majority of the expressions are anti-establishment and anti-government in nature.”

It is not working well. Judging from the social media, the majority of the expressions are anti-establishment and anti-government in nature. Abusive and venomous expressions are frequently being spewed at politicians and government officials. Interest groups fight for their own interest without regard to national interest. In almost every case of public disputes, the government has shown flexibility and acquiescence. But that does not seem to stamp the tide of negativity. Instead, it is coming in bigger and stronger. The demand from the ground increases in quantity and becomes more unreasonable.

“Do those negative expressions in the social media truly reflect the distrust, discontent and dissatisfaction on the ground, if any?”

It is very important to read the situation correctly in order to give the right response. Wrong response will feed the situation in a way which will make it worse. Do those negative expressions in the social media truly reflect the distrust, discontent and dissatisfaction on the ground, if any? Do public opinions, public surveys and polls, feedback through official and social media provide adequate and accurate means to feel the ground? Most important of all, can they be based upon to provide solutions to problems? Surveys and polls only provide quantity measures in terms of numbers in response to simple questions. Social media are full of vicious and venomous personal attacks while good opinions are far and few. There is a lack of knowledge, sound analysis and deep reasoning under those settings.

“This is where the government and all its think tanks should come in.”

This is where the government and all its think tanks should come in. They have all the information, knowledge and intelligent personnel. This is when the government should show its leadership. It seems the government merely looks at the numbers, accept them as truth and respond accordingly. It is looking like a follower rather than a leader. This does not seem to win it any popularity. Instead it is being perceived as weak. This in turn invites more attacks. The situation will not reach a chaotic state nationally soon. But it will surely adversely affect the performance of the ruling party in the coming election.

Perhaps it is time to shift back to strong, authoritarian governance.


* Submitted by TRE reader

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.singsupplies.com/showthread.php?200077-Time-for-SG-to-go-back-to-strong-authoritarian-regime&goto=newpost).