View Full Version : Gan kim yong thinks filial piety should not be monetised? (talking cock)

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05-03-2015, 03:30 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:


Post date:
4 Mar 2015 - 4:14pm

http://therealsingapore.com/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/field/image/gan-kim-yong-640-514825_4.jpg?itok=_1dBTjI9 (http://therealsingapore.com/sites/default/files/field/image/gan-kim-yong-640-514825_4.jpg)

Should not monetise “family support and filial piety”
According to the Channel NewsAsia news report “Direct caregiver allowance may monetise family support and filial piety: Gan Kim Yong (http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/direct-caregiver/1691886.html)” (Mar 3) – “Caregivers in Singapore play an important role but introducing a direct caregiver allowance may monetise family support and filial piety … family support and filial piety are “priceless” and should not be monetised.”
Malaysia gives caregiver allowance
Even Malaysia gives a RM500 monthly allowance to those taking care of invalid members under its Constant Attendance Allowance Scheme (http://www.theborneopost.com/2013/10/17/rm500-monthly-allowance-to-caregivers-of-invalid-members/).
Going by the argument that “family support and filial piety are “priceless” and should not be monetised” – then by the same token why do we pay our Ministers so much?
Shouldn’t servant leadership and public service not be overly “monetised” too?
What one of my friends said – this is really “talking cock” and hypocritical.
So many schemes to help already
As to “several financial schemes that are available for caregivers, saying that they “play an important role and we should indeed support them in their caregiving roles”.
For example, families with children below 12, family members above 65 or with disabilities currently benefit from a lower Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) Levy”
“This is on top of the enhancement of existing tax reliefs such as parent and handicapped relief for parent, spouse, sibling and child”
“Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW) Grant, ElderShield, and the Pioneer Generation – Disability Assistance Scheme”
“Besides financial support, there are eldercare and disability services caregivers such as home and community care options and respite care that can help caregivers their responsibilities”.
Of no use if no or low income
- Have our decision makers lost touch with the ground? Don’t they know that if the caregiver is looking after a family member full-time or can’t afford a domestic worker – the tax reliefs and the reduced FDW levy are of no help at all.
Go for training grant
“For instance, they can receive an annual Caregiver Training Grant to equip themselves with the necessary skills in caring for the physical and emotional needs of their care recipients,” Mr Gan said.
He added that MOH has also made respite services more accessible, with weekend respite services introduced at nine centres across Singapore. For the disabled, the Ministry of Social and Family Development is also “expanding the Day Activity Centres and piloting home-based care services” – All these are missing the point that many caregivers have no or low income because they are looking after a family member.

Money for transport and basic living
They also need money to transport the family member to the Day Activity Centres and weekend respite services.
Also, if they can’t even survive financially and/or are struggling with their time schedule – where do they find the time and money to go for training under the “Caregiver Training Grant”?
ElderShield payouts are generally only for a limited period (such as for a maximum of 72 months) and provided the person is insured (able to afford the premiums) and qualify under the claims criteria (severely disabled).
“Talking through your nose”?
Like what my friend said – If you are miserly and stingy – despite a cash Budget surplus of over $20 billion a year under IMF fiscal reporting guidelines, and paying yourself millions – at least try not to insult our intelligence by “talking through your nose”. As if saying “an NSman’s service to Singapore cannot be measured in Dollars and Cents” wasn’t bad enough – this one really tops it off!

Win battles lose war
TRS Contributor

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?201926-Gan-kim-yong-thinks-filial-piety-should-not-be-monetised-(talking-cock)&goto=newpost).