View Full Version : Educated Ape rushes to defend SMRT's well paid former SAF lackey Desmond

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05-03-2015, 03:40 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Transmodified from regime approved Mouthpiece


Educated Ape Professor Lee Ah Horny says the demands on the public transport system means well paid and profitable operators have less than 4 hours to carry out maintenance work. This is not compounded by the complexity of the work and manpower constraints but caused by the sheer numbers of stupid peasants who choose to board trains at the same time.

SINGAPORE: Despite parachuting two well paid SAF Fat Cat and sacking Lebsian Saw, two disruptions brought SMRT trains to a stop on Tuesday (Mar 3), bringing the number to five - in the space of just one week.

While peasants and the 'jiat leow bee' Land Transport Arses have expressed dissatisfaction, one analyst, appointed by the regime to save Minion Lui's face, claimed SMRT faces several constraints.

Prof Lee Ah Horny from the Department of Sex Engineering claimed he supported Josephine's latest Quantum Theory that states peasants cannot expect to pay cheap fares and expect world class transit system and if peasants all board the trains at the same time, it is only fair that train faults developed randomly.

Interesting the educated Ape has a new geographical theory, land scarcity.

Explained Prof Lee Ah Horny: "You know, I know, when well paid civil serpents e.g. Michael Ah Fam and his stooges designed our MRT system, we save a few dollars and decided against prepare backup tracks. Even the panty obsessed and stingy Nihons 'lan lan' got brains to think of backup tracks and multiple level stations. So you know lah, Mike Ah Fam, now he meets Lord Yama liao, cannot blame him, so lan lan lor, just say, next time build new tracks, learn from the Nihons lor."

He suggested that former SAF general Desmond may want to visit the Nihons and learn from them and may consider closing the system for longer periods of time to carry out essential maintenance.

On security, Prof Lee Ah Horny suggested that profitable SMRT better wake up and take the opportunity to spend some money to enrich a few techie fat cats, pay for an expensive but useless CCTV imaging detection and analysis techniques. These could be used to dish out sweetheart contracts to well connected nationalized corporations and wayang to peasants that Desmond is actually using his SAF trained brains to remake SMRT.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?201970-Educated-Ape-rushes-to-defend-SMRT-s-well-paid-former-SAF-lackey-Desmond&goto=newpost).