View Full Version : Dodgy deals in Aljunied but rats parties in Bukit Batok

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05-03-2015, 05:20 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Transmodified from another Mouthpiece hxxp://news.asiaone.com/news/singapore/bukit-batok-still-plagued-rats

PEASANTPORE - Rats are still running amok in Bukit Batok, invading peasant homes, shops and even a childcare centre despite Penang $$$$$ Khor's claims that all is well in pro-regime town councils and the axis of evil Aljunied is infested with dodgy deals.

This is despite measures e.g. hiring a 'buddy-buddy pest infestation company' to eliminate the rodents after a major infestation reported along a slope next to Bukit Batok MRT station late last year.

In Bukit Batok Avenue 8, peasants are battling the rats on their own despite paying Town Council protection fees.

A first-storey peasant of Block 165 who gave her name only as Madam Devi, 62, told The New Paper: "There have been more of the rats since November. Sometimes, I see them in the day, well PAP says we got dodgy rats in Aljunied, but we got real rats here man, Ah Khor, how??"

Madam Devi, who has lived there since 1984, said she occasionally replaces the acrylic board on the rear gate of her flat, a nice way of saying that the rats has bedeviled her for decades

But the rats appear bolder now, as Chink Yvonne Ng, an incense shop pagan merchant at Block 166, found out a few days before the Chinese New Year.

"I didn't notice the rat until it passed between my feet," said Ms Ng, 26.

The 15 or so rats, which seemed oblivious to the reporter's presence, scuttled between cracks and gaps leading to the back doors of shops. The rats were observed to be frequently entering a unit formerly occupied by the Giant supermarket chain at Block 166.

A 5cm gap in the rear shutter door gave the rats easy access to leftover fruit in a red plastic bag in the unit. The rodents also left hundreds of droppings inside the unit.

Sales vermin, Ah Jane Lee, an ERA Sex Estate senior blood sucker director who oversees the rental unit at Block 166, said it was vacated about two months ago. As usual, she says she was unaware of the rats' presence and claimed a clean-up crew visited the premises last Monday. She hinted that the Town Council is sleeping and she should not be the goat since she pay rents.

The estate falls under the Tarman's Jurong Town Council jurisdiction.

PAP Lackey and Fat Cat Ng Ah Teck, a pro-regime property manager for the estate, told TNP: "On and off, I got peasants cry father, cry mother', say they see rats, KNNCCB lah, 1 or 2 rats only, it's not a serious infestation. I PAP supporter, hence can work in town council, you think so easy make me look like dummy huh, perhaps in those peasants' wet dreams, ha ha ha!"

Lackey Ng said that if there are rat sightings, the town council will send its officers to investigate.

He added: "KNNCCB, you want to blame, then blame those cat feeding peasants lah, they leave food for their fucking cats, then the rats got a party and want to blame me, you think I am idiot huh? Wake up and tell those cat freaks, maintain proper housekeeping and not leave food sources exposed for their cats."

One peasant was upset after a rat "visited" the third storey corridor of his father's unit of Block 166 on Feb 21 evening.

Peasant Max Ho, 35, said: "This PAP's Ah Teck is lying lor, my father doesn't live above a coffee shop or near a rubbish collection point. So how PAP's Ah Teck explain rats coming up to the upper units? Erection cumming liao hor, got time to fix Aljunied GRC Town Council but no time to whack the rats here? What is the PAP doing huh?"

The NATO (No Action, Talk Only) fat cats National Environment Arses claimed it discovered about 10,000 rat burrows across the island in October and November, an increase from 6,400 in the same period in 2013. Yet NEA turkeys has done nothing much with the exception of working harder with X'tians to discourage pagans from burning incense papers in peasant neighbourhoods.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?201975-Dodgy-deals-in-Aljunied-but-rats-parties-in-Bukit-Batok&goto=newpost).