View Full Version : PAP MPs are P.O.S.H ?

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30-08-2015, 04:40 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

http://www.tremeritus.com/2015/08/29...s-are-p-o-s-h/ (http://www.tremeritus.com/2015/08/29/pap-mps-are-p-o-s-h/)

PAP MPs are P.O.S.H ! (http://www.tremeritus.com/2015/08/29/pap-mps-are-p-o-s-h/)

http://www.tremeritus.org/simages/dmca_protected_sml_120n.png?7cd35f http://www.tremeritus.com/wp-content/themes/WP_010/images/PostDateIcon.png?7cd35f August 29th, 2015 | http://www.tremeritus.com/wp-content/themes/WP_010/images/PostAuthorIcon.png?7cd35f
Author: Contributions (http://www.tremeritus.com/author/contributor/)

Recently, I came across this photo on my FB:


Indeed, these four words clearly defined the PAP members of today. Let me
explain :

There is simply no debate here. We want to
compare apple to apple. How many of the Workers Party’s MPs have quit their job
to fully focus on the task in hand? The PAP treats the MP job as a final jewel
on their gem-studded crown. They want the prestige associated with it but they
can’t be bothered with the heavy lifting that comes with it. What the opposition
party’s MP has clearly shown is 100% time and commitment!! There is no better
way to show this than to resign from your current job!! Note that in UK, their
MPs are full-time ones.

Three names – Ong Ye Kung, Desmond Choo and
Dr Koh Poh Koon. All losers in SMC fights with the opposition parties, all
parachuted into GRCs now to ensure that they will be speaking in the next
parliamentary session. I will always remember how Mah Bow Tan lost to Chiam See
Tong in a SMC fight, and brought into the Parliament after hiding him in a GRC.
Look at the mess that he has left behind in the HDB!! I rest my case.

Look at the salary they are demanding
taxpayers to pay as ministers’ wages!! To me, this is not a salary but a
RANSOM!! Not only that, take the case of Lee Bee Wah. Her company tendered for
building contracts in her own constituency!! I’m sure the tenders were all
above-board but it speaks a lot about her heart. Is she joining politics to take
care of residents or to expand her business contacts?

The PAP MPs wear several hats. Yeo Guat
Kwang alone has 64 jobs!! This is the reason why for majority of us don’t get to
see our MP until the election is around the corner. Don’t say that these MPs
have no time for the people who voted them in the first place, these clowns
don’t even have the time to attend the Parliamentary sessions!! Just look at the
bottom 10% attendance rate of MPs (previously published, now removed from the
public eye), they all belong to the PAP!! That’s why I am dead against doctors
joining the Parliament, because they are supposed to save lives!! Where will
they find the time to debate in the Parliament?

GRCs and Gerrymandering

Why am I so dead against PAP?? I think the recently circulated video clip
depicting Jack Neo as the PAP MP says it best. Because of the invention of GRC,
there were rampant walkovers all over Singapore. I alone only got to vote at the
age of 39!! The GRC is the biggest con PAP has ever successfully pulled!! On the
pretense to protect minority interests, GRC was born. Its real motive was to
protect and to consolidate PAP’s political power!! Farhat Hussain, a Malay wrote
it best, “ So whats the big deal PAP getting more Malay MPs? You ever heard them
fight any Malay/Muslim issue?” I am a strong advocate for a national referendum
to be held to whether the GRC system should be abolished or not!!

Not only that, the gerrymandering is absolutely ridiculous!! Look at the Nex
shopping complex. It sits in Serangoon, yet it is in East Coast GRC!! That’s why
the actors in the clip even suggested to Jack Neo that they should change the
electoral boundary for Potong Pasir to lump it with Woodlands to form a NEW
GRC!! You think it is not possible? For the PAP, anything is possible for the
sake of winning!!

Unaffordable Housing

In the 1970s a 4-room HDB cost less than 4 year’s salary of a Polytechnic
graduate. A diploma holder could easily raise a family of 4 with a single
income. There was greater retirement security with a 6.5% CPF interest rate.
This was the legacy left behind by the PAP old guards!!

Fast forward to 2010s, a 4-room cost OVER 8 year’s salary of a University
graduate. It would take the dual income of 2 degree holders to raise a family of
four. With CPF interest rates between 2.5 to 4% and escalation living costs,
there is NO retirement security!! This is what our million-dollar PAP ministers
have done for us!!

6.9 million population

The Economist reported in July that more than half of the people living in
Singapore were not born there!! This is not shocking to you?! Why does the
government continue to allow so many foreigners to displace us?! Perhaps there
is some truth in what SingFirst SG Mr Tan Jee Say said – that the government
despises us!!

With the population explosion here, how has these million-dollar ministers
been planning for it? From 2006 to 2013, the number of hospital beds increased
by 508. Yet, in that same period of time, Singapore’s population increased by
1,200,000. If this is the type of planning they made, are you certain that they
can plan for 6.9 million people?!

ZERO accountability

Not only has the planning for infrastructure been extremely poor, there is
absolutely ZERO accountability in almost everything PAP does. Look at the recent
spelling error on our commemorative packages!! This is clearly UNACCEPTABLE!!
Yet, whose head rolled?!?! Well, certainly not the head of the Monetary
Authority of Singapore!!

Last but not least, PAP no longer has the ability to differentiate good and
evil or tell right from wrong!! There are so many photos of the infamous Yang
Yin taken with various PAP MPs. There is even one taken with our Prime Minister
LHL!! Not only that, IDA continues to employ Nisha whose degrees from 500th+
Mumbai University and an unknown university from KL, likely got her the job in
the first place!! She ought to be fired!! If election was not around the corner,
MOM’s position on “fake” degree would not have u-turned so dramatically!!

Goh Chok Tong ever said, “Retrenchment is good for Singapore. If there is no
retrenchment, then I worry”. So, let’s follow GCT’s advice and go ahead to
retrench a few PAP MPs, for the good of Singapore!!

Remember, what that does not kill you will only make you stronger. If the PAP
loses a few more seats, they may finally do a soul-searching exercise and in the
next round bring in candidates who are truly committed to serving the

Prof MC

* Submitted by TRE reader

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://singsupplies.com/showthread.php?214199-PAP-MPs-are-P-O-S-H&goto=newpost).