View Full Version : Why he calls me "Baby"?

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07-12-2015, 10:10 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

I am a wee-bit uncomfortable to share this, but I guess it is probably ok as this forum is anonymous.

Further, there is a decent spectrum of mature and responsible members here, for instance Charlie, Yellow, my elder brother Eatshitndie, Zhihau, Wunder, and lifeafter41 and some that I may not be able to remember.

Of course there are a couple of hoodlums who either have a squalid mouth or are egotistically specious and exceedingly unreasoned. No names mentioned, you know who you are. My advice to these hoodlums ~ I have more respect for you if you keep quiet rather than drivel endlessly here.

Let me start ~ I do not deny that I have “needs” and enjoy physical and emotional intimacies and I am not shy to admit it.

However, there is one thing that I like – that is to be called my name during the heat of the moment.

For example ~

"I love you, Claire!" instead of "I love you, Baby!".
"I coming Claire!" instead of "I am coming, Baby!".
“I like it Claire” instead of “I like it Honey!”

…. And the list goes on.

It somewhat bothers me a lot when my man does not call my name but uses a generic term "Baby" or "Honey" at that crucial and critical moment (if you know what I mean).

Seeds of suspicion are sowed in me when my man uses such generic terms. My misgiving is that it feels like he is trying to hide something (I really don't know) or is a very cautious man and do not want to risk calling the wrong person's name!

Am I being "too" sensitive?

In my previous two relationships, my ex-es had always called me by my name ~ no matter how “excited” they were, and hence, now, my suspicion now with the current man. He is older than my previous ex-es, and I am wondering if there is a “generation gap” between us when it comes to such intimacy issues.

My simple question to men like Charlie, Yellow, Eatshitndie, Zhihau, Wunder, lifeafter41 - what do you call your wife or girlfriend at the crucial and critical moment?

If you do not address her by her name, why so?

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?221205-Why-he-calls-me-quot-Baby-quot&goto=newpost).