View Full Version : Slamming PAP guarantee you a week jail and $5000 fine?

Sammyboy RSS Feed
13-01-2016, 06:50 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

https://scontent-sin1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/12549112_1697159797163171_6058601052295472494_n.jp g?oh=1c022199860f9c2b167bcb1e500960d0&oe=56FE56FC

Alex Tan claims Singaporeans will be thrown in jail and fine for slamming the Singapore Govt on facebook.

What do you think?

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.singsupplies.com/showthread.php?223376-Slamming-PAP-guarantee-you-a-week-jail-and-5000-fine&goto=newpost).