View Full Version : Huat or Not? even if ISIS all killed, Ang Moh never win ever

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23-02-2016, 12:20 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

In Vietnam and Korean Wars Ang Moh's nightmares were never-ending number of Communist Warriors kept emerging, regardless how you shot or bomb them. Now the same nightmares repeated with never-ending number of Jihadists emerging regardless how you bombed or shot them.

Ang Moh always got defeated.

http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/...ink-tank-warns (http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/628264/wiping-out-Islamic-State-not-end-global-jihadi-threat-Salafi-Islam-think-tank-warns)

65,000 JIHADIS will replace defeated ISIS if bombing campaign succeeds, warns report
WIPING out Islamic State (IS) "will not end" the global threat from jihadist groups, according to a report.

00:01, Sun, Dec 20, 2015 | UPDATED: 12:12, Sun, Dec 20, 2015


Thousands of jihadis are reportedly ready to fill the vacuum left by ISIS if they are defeated
At least 15 militias, numbering 65,000 fighters, could fill any vacuum resulting from a defeat of IS in Syria and Iraq by a coalition led by the US, the Centre on Religion & Geopolitics said.

Some 60 per cent of fighters in rebel factions in war-torn Syria identify with a religious and political ideology similar to the terror group, also known as Isis, Isil and Daesh, the report added.

The centre, a think tank run by the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, said: "The West risks making a strategic failure by focusing only on IS. Defeating it militarily will not end global jihadism. We cannot bomb an ideology, but our war is ideological."

Earlier this month, Britain joined a coalition of allies including France and the US in bombing ISIS targets in Syria. *

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://singsupplies.com/showthread.php?225505-Huat-or-Not-even-if-ISIS-all-killed-Ang-Moh-never-win-ever&goto=newpost).