View Full Version : IB Deisenroth........???? Singapore TEchnology Kinetics

Sammyboy RSS Feed
23-03-2016, 06:20 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Above company in Bonn Germany is ST Kinetics "strategic partner"........ why a company which is so shady and untrustworthy with its boss Federick Ulf Deisenroth who for years was wheeling and dealing esp cheating the German Govt and now on the run from German Tax Office. He declared his own death.......

Was it Dr Richard Kwok Wai Onn who introduced and made IBD aka Deisenroth the strategic partner of STK in view of the benefits he derived from IBD passive armour technology as Dr R Kwok was once VP of amouring for the Bionix

Why was the rogue company and corrupt boss chosen as ST K's strategic partner?? Where is the due diligence????

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?227097-IB-Deisenroth-Singapore-TEchnology-Kinetics&goto=newpost).