View Full Version : Serious [Singapore] - Video of a toddler girl suffocated, slapped and abused at a McD

Sammyboy RSS Feed
19-06-2016, 06:40 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

[Singapore] - Little toddler girl suffocated, slapped and abused at a McDonalds outlet. It's unknown if the abuser is her mother or a domestic maid. The abuse is certainly much worse and ongoing at home.


Video (can someone help to embed in in this thread?) :
http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/th...ds-to-stop-her (http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/this-urban-jungle/woman-slaps-and-stuffs-tissue-into-crying-toddlers-mouth-at-mcdonalds-to-stop-her)

For those who criticize the Stomper for filming instead of intervening : if he simply intervened (eg. scold the mother/maid) without filming, the abuse will certainly continue at home and the toddler may eventually die from the abuse. But if he films it, there is evidence for further action (eg. police, counselling, removing the toddler from the abusive parents, etc), and there's a greater chance of the toddler escaping the abuse in the long-term.
Attached Images http://www.sammyboy.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=27105&stc=1&d=1466332278

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.singsupplies.com/showthread.php?231578-Singapore-Video-of-a-toddler-girl-suffocated-slapped-and-abused-at-a-McDonalds&goto=newpost).