View Full Version : Chitchat Democracy for China

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14-01-2017, 12:00 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Bananas in this forum will advocate democracy for China. They are so screwed by their western masters to believe that Chinese should only reminiscent their Chinese Roots but not the political system that is so successful in transforming China into a world power.

Democracy is western system and culture totally unsuitable to developing countries and Chinese culture in particular . Democracy works well in countries like Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, etc. because they have small population with intelligent minds and less or no poverty. Democracy is not even suitable for countries like the USA and many EU component countries and it will ultimately tear the USA apart. Indeed the process in USA is obvious. Look at the corrupt and laughable democratic process of the recent PE in particular the exposed democratic operation to remove Bernie Sanders.

If you have impoverished farmers, jobless and poor people who are pre-occupied with survival, their votes can be easily be manipulated (as remarked a pap strategist) or bought or casting votes without any intelligence. Therefore, this so called western "democracy" is totally unsuitable for Taiwan , China, Thailand, India, etc.

The damage inflicted by democracy upon India seem fatal and will condemn Indian citizens for generations to come.

Screwed Balls and the likes declared that Chinese should value their roots but not the CPC, which has given Chinese the world over pride and glory not seen for a century past. These 'bananas' are traitors to all Chinese.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?240016-Democracy-for-China&goto=newpost).