View Full Version : Serious Mud Samurai Taunt Mata With Katana Sword Shout In Hokkien! Will Hokkiens Acce

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09-08-2017, 08:40 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

SINGAPORE - Less than 1½ years after his release from reformative training, a young man committed a series of offences that included causing grievous hurt, and criminal intimidation to cause alarm to a police officer.

After delivery attendant Shukry Rezza Arman was charged with various offences in February 2017, he jumped bail and went on to commit further offences.

He was arrested again on March 31 and has been remanded since April 1.

On Tuesday (Aug 8), the 20-year-old was sentenced to three years behind bars and ordered to be given eight strokes of the cane.

He admitted to six of 17 charges: causing grievous hurt with two others; drug possession and consumption; threatening to cause grievous hurt by waving a 70cm-long katana sword at a staff sergeant; and possessing offensive weapons.

Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Sarah Ong said that Shukry and his friends, including brothers Muhammad Aidil Rusnin, 29, and Muhammad Saiful Al Dinie, 21, were walking towards McDonald's at Clarke Quay at about 6am on Nov 20, 2016, when they heard someone in student Muhammad Lukman Al-Hakim's group making "chut chut" (sucking) sounds behind them.

Lukman, 18, his girlfriend and two others had ended a night of clubbing and were waiting to take the first train home. They were sitting at the concrete barriers between UOB Plaza 1 and the entrance of Boat Quay at Raffles Place.

Offended by the sounds, Saiful, a waiter, confronted Lukman's group and asked whether they had made any sounds at him. He also demanded to know who had made the sounds.

The group surrounded Lukman, who told Saiful that he had not been making sounds at the group but was instead calling out to a bird that was resting at the top of a lamp post.

On hearing this, Saiful became angry as he felt that Lukman was being sarcastic.

He punched the victim in the face a few times.

Shukry and Aidil, a nightclub bouncer, joined in the assault by throwing punches at the teen's head and face. When Lukman fell, they kicked him in the head and body.

Shukry also got on top of the victim and held him down while punching, elbowing, knee jabbing and kicking him, said DPP Ong.

When Lukman tried to get up, he was kicked back to the ground.

Before the group left, Saiful demanded an apology from Lukman. He made the teen kneel and apologise.

Lukman suffered multiple skull and facial bone fractures, among other things, and was given 10 days of medical leave.

In another incident on Feb 23, 2017, DPP Ong said police officers, acting on a tip-off, saw Shukry and his girlfriend sitting at the void deck of Block 17, Ghim Moh Road.

Shukry, who was holding a long, black stick which was actually a katana sword, fled on seeing the officers.

At the playground of Block 21, he unsheathed the sword and swung it at Staff Sergeant Heifi Ab Rahman, saying "lai la, lai la" ("come here, come here" in Hokkien).

Staff Sgt Heifi told him to surrender, but Shukry refused and continued running.

At the top of a staircase facing Giant supermarket, Shukry once again unsheathed his katana sword and swung it at Staff Sgt Heifi, saying "lai la" before running off again. The officer was alarmed by his actions.

Subsequently, backup police resources arrived and Shukry was arrested for various offences. He was found with drugs and other offensive weapons - a black karambit knife, a silver knuckleduster and a black extendable baton.

He was charged on Feb 25, then released on court bail.

However, he jumped bail and went on to commit more offences. He was arrested again on March 31.

DPP Ong had sought a total sentence of 39 months' jail. She said Shukry had not learnt from his previous stint at the Reformative Training Centre for robbery in 2013.

She said: "The accused had repeatedly re-offended even after his first arrest on Feb 23, 2017. He even absconded while on court bail and committed further offences during this period."

The cases against Saiful and Aidil are pending.

http://www.straitstimes.com/singapor...-grievous-hurt (http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/man-gets-three-years-jail-eight-strokes-of-the-cane-for-causing-grievous-hurt)

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (https://singsupplies.com/showthread.php?245706-Mud-Samurai-Taunt-Mata-With-Katana-Sword-Shout-In-Hokkien!-Will-Hokkiens-Accept-Him&goto=newpost).