Originally Posted by SEAJ
** First thing to be wary of are those friends of friends – as.............!
Ooops forgot, gotta add!
Another thing to watch out for are those plaintive postings about wanting to meet up with bros "... am a newbie, need someone to hold my hands etc...." Too many times these are just wolves in sheep skin! Be a nice guy and hook up with them..... and you'll be slaughtered without you even realizing it yourself!
Decent guys who just want to help or even just want to have company on visits/dates coinciding (Yeah, even experienced guys like mongering together with supposedly like minded wolves!) will just unthinkingly respond - and that's when these stealth agents and scammers go into action.
You give Information - Hey, thanks, how about you take me/let's go together. When?
You offer to meet up - GREAT! Instant business!! The guy will feign "I don't know nuthin' but I hear that......"! Or "Hey, another guy responded to my calls to meet up - you don't mind us hunting together?" (Mind? Why? Great we can have a pack of like-minded wolves to enjoy...only you ain't one of the wolves fren! These scammers work best as a tag team). And all the other scams because you are thinking - hey, I'm helping this guy out, I'm teaching him....whilst he'll just go along and even without you thinking, he'll scam you.
So watch out for this as this is the easiest and most common way that these guys get to you.
Easy for them to create clones and do this when they ain't got anything better to do.