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Old 08-03-2015, 10:18 PM
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MR for Superb BBBJ Min Min 敏敏 North area

Originally Posted by fieryguy80 View Post
FR on MinMin

Face: 8 (Exact 95% with photo)
Age: Mid 20s
Boobs: B
Figure: 7.5
Massage: 9
Catbath: Yes
HJ: 6 (2 times)
Timing: 90 minutes
Damage: $120 + Tips
Location: North
Accessibility: Public transport; Yes, 10 min walk. Drive; Yes, quite a number of parking
Spacious Room w Attached toilet
GFE: 9
Overall: 9 (for massage lover)
RTM: Return few times liao..


- Help to shower you b4 and after massage
- Can talk anything under the sky
- Full body massage from head to legs


- Sharing house with other guys, might see them when walking to her room.
- a bit of tummy

Couldn't get a slot for those I shortlisted and regulars, and with the raid in town for the past few days, I go north.

Near MRT, shared unit with attached bathroom, saw 2 PRC guys on my way out.
Instruction to her unit is easy. Punctual!
Looks like pic, maybe 26-27 yo.
I'm more into young Milf than SYT, but she got a bit of auntish look (not old) under certain angle. Nevermind I cum for the massage!

Friendly and accommodating
Ask me want massage or FJ.
I chose massage + HJ.
Stripped down and gave me a clinical wash, while I roam with no objection (4G).
Skin is not bad at all.
Slim figure with Small B Boobs, nipple is nice too.

Massage is passable, pace a bit fast to my liking, but I didn't ask her to adjust.
She know her stuff.
The sensual part is good, she is a FL afterall.
Gliding her smooth body over mine, with catbath along the way.
Then she swoosh down and took it all in, couldn't stop her in time.
I thought I only wanted a HJ ???
But she was good so I didn't stop her hehe.
Came in no time, I'm usually a slow cummer.
Wash up, paid and left.
About 50min total, she didn't hint me to go but no point staying bcos she don't gum me.

Took a few calls during the session, she make it short and sharp and she did ask for permission. From her reply, can tell she didn't try to overlap any booking.

If you're into BBBJ kinda service in the north area, she is not bad, the skill is there.

Also advertised for FJ as XinYu 心雨 here:!xinyu/c20l4

... the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable.

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Last edited by macktamer; 15-03-2015 at 08:49 PM. Reason: added FJ link