At this moment one more man decided to use the situation. He removed the panties from my wife’s mouth and pushed his knob inside. He even didn’t enter the mouth fully when he shuddered and started pouring his cum into it. It was clear Sophia’s lips embraced the cock tightly trying to suck every drop from the dick.
I was fucking my wife in my thoughts. Keeping my eye at what was happening I was masturbating and soon exploded and poured my semen onto the floor. At last my wife’s sex vision was broken and she was sucking like a real bitch!
Meanwhile the last soldier was shooting his loads into my wife’s overfilled cunt. When he finished one of the soldiers who had already fucked my wife climbed the table again and set his cock against her anus.
And a new wave of lust consumed the soldiers. They were standing and waiting for their turn. My darling was serving them with the help of her three holes now.
- This hole is full already! – Said one of the men.
– Give me her panties.
At first I thought this gang bang was over already but the soldier just made a lump from my wife’s panties and plugged it into her pussy. The guys kept on drilling into Sophia’s ass and mouth.
I noticed she wasn’t reacting to all manipulations with her body any more. Soon such lifeless fucking became uninteresting for the men and they started dressing up.
I was horrified. I thought my wife had been fucked to death. Being afraid the soldiers could find me and kill as a witness I crawled under the bushes near the window. When it was quiet and I was sure the men had left, I stood up and went to the room.
It was dark in here. The fact I had been watching the soldiers for such a long time allowed me now to orient in the darkness. I came up to the table moving slowly and carefully. In the absolute quietness I heard my wife’s even breathing. My palm lay on her face. It was all sticky and wet. The head was turned aside and excessive sperm was flowing out of her mouth.
I climbed the table. My eyes saw nothing but I knew exactly which way Sophia was positioned. Now her butt was inviting me to use the situation. Passing my fingers over her crotch I found the hole I was interested in. It was relaxed and open. I put my index finger inside. It felt like I put it into a glass with jelly. The ass was full and the semen was flowing down over the back of my spouse.
Sophia’s swimsuit panties stuck out of her vagina and were sticky from plenty of semen. The soldiers had a nice fuck. I guess their balls wouldn’t fill up for some time now. As for me, I was burning with desire. I penetrated my wife’s ass meeting no resistance. But anyway the new sensations made me excited pretty soon.
I had climaxed twice during this evening watching my wife being screwed. Now my dick was rigid again but waves of enjoyment were consuming me very slowly. I drilled into Sophia’s butt until I removed her panties from the loin. The heavy cloth soaked in semen and my wife’s nectar was very pleasant to feel in my hand.
My spare hand went into the passage. My fingers all together entered her moist vagina. I pressed a bit and my palm followed the fingers. I had never imagined myself moving my fist inside a woman’s twat. I felt my cock moving in the ass through the wall in between. I made an attempt to hold the thrust with my hand. I felt my cum was rising from the bollocks and the cock increased in size.
The effect of fucking my wife’s butt was incredible. I’d never experienced anything of this kind before. I started having an orgasm, it was longer than all my orgasms ever. About 3 minutes later I collapsed onto the table next to Sophia. When I came to my senses I realised I was covered in semen all over.
I unfastened Sophia’s legs and put her body slowly on the table. Then I left the room as unnoticed as I had entered it.
When I woke up the next morning the first thought I had in mind was I had had to take Sophia home. But at that moment I saw her silhouette in the window. She was coming to our hotel from the sea drying her hair with a towel. I couldn’t believe my eyes.
Her panties which served at night as a gag for her mouth and then her plug for her pussy was on her now! Her face expressed nothing. As if nothing had happened.
- Good morning, honey! – She greeted me.
Then she put on a bathrobe and invited me to have breakfast. I don’t know how but she had enough time to return from the abandoned house, have a good swim in the sea and even make sandwiches for me. However, her face revealed the fact she’d been drunk yesterday.
- I returned late yesterday and slept badly,
– she said as if trying to justify herself.
Of course Sophia didn’t tell anything about what happened. The rest of our vacation we spent rather boringly. We had no sex as she told me her monthlies had started unexpectedly.
When we returned home nothing changed. I didn’t dare to talk to her about oral or anal sex but more and more often I had ideas to make my wife drink too much and fuck her furiously. Soon I had a chance to realise my plans.
It was my birthday. I bought plenty of delicacies at the supermarket and a bottle of red wine that my wife liked very much. We celebrated it very well with love confessions and many pleasant words for me. Soon Sophia was already rather tipsy. As for me, I tried to drink as little as possible but simulated the drunken state very well.
Returning from the toilet I noticed Sophia added something into my glass and then hid the rest of that in the pocket of her skirt. I wondered what a game it was and pretended to drink the whole glass. I pretended I became sleepy and lay on the sofa more comfortably…
To Be Continued ... ... ...