Need 3 Good Men - Sunday 8 April
Hi Bros,
Been quiet for a bit (in the background when am in town).
Anyway need 3 good men for a lady tomorrow.. Sunday 8th April. She is local average figure and looks but a nice lady that is hungry.
We are planning for a small partyy round 4 pm and will end by like 8 pm. Drinks and some games to warm things up. Need nice intelligent decent guys (ie not sleazy guys that cant behave).. so if you are like 26 to 34.. it would be good and of course have to be in decent shape.
We will just share the room cost .. that sit.. she aint a FL.. just a hungry person. If you are keen drop me a private mail (PRIVATE) with a few lines (not just I WANT I WAN) and then leave a number I can buzz you at.
Those who know me.. will know this aint a joke.