Originally Posted by jackjackoff
I bet you are a lawyer or have taken literature in your subject combination.
No. Yes.
Originally Posted by arbitrageur
I also think that he is a lawyer or doctor
No. And no. But the written and spoken word is the most powerful tool of my profession. Hehe.
Originally Posted by rahl
Nah he eats low SES food.
Lol yes, and I prefer it to be totally honest. In fact, I found it to be the better soul food - a lot more delicious variety, full of nutritious reality, high in humility, and low in saturated demands. It's the healthier choice to fill my spirits with goodness.
I've of course feasted on high SES meals before, especially the local dishes. However, I found it packed with artificial reasonings, has the flavour of plastic and is low in moral fibre. Left a bad taste in my mouth.