Re: Pub At Geylang
Agree with bro Fallen11.
JC is only a short drive from Geylang. One issue is that most of the ladies are few, & if you are new, chances are that you may end up drinking alone.
It's not the fault of the ladies, whom are here to earn a bit of money to support their families back home, & would rather stick to regulars than try out new patrons, some of which sadly would never give any tips, some even attempting to play drunk or run away when the lady is away...
However, there are some that would honor their commitments, & stay with you even if you are new, more so if they are new to Singapore.
I went to Pebbles in JC a few weeks ago just to chill, which is under new mgmt & staff, & thus considered new. The waitress did ask me if i wanted a lady to accompany me for drinks, & the manager was most polite & hospitable to new patrons.
It is a small KTV pub, the usual size of a single double storey bldg in JC. It plays mostly soft music, & patrons can sing if they wish to. A jug of beer costs less than $40, if i remembered correctly, & tips probably just a few red notes. Usually, by 8pm, there will be short of tables & may need to share table with another, often just another friendly soul with needs to be met.
As for playability, it often depends on chemistry & time. Most of the ladies whom are new will be shy just as you are, as it is not their 1st choice in this line or your choice to be there with family commitments & bills to resolve. It will take a few trips before each is comfortable with each other & trust - not to be taken for granted with a few dollars, for a relationship to grow & intimacy to develop.
There are many other pubs along JC, such as Echo, 155, Agun. You just need to sort it out yourself, to find which is best for you, as no Human thinks alike.
All the best.