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Old 02-07-2023, 12:54 AM
edmundng edmundng is offline
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edmundng is one of the Best!edmundng is one of the Best!edmundng is one of the Best!edmundng is one of the Best!
Originally Posted by Gumm View Post

New listing, decided to go commando today. First time doing commando, glad that i did.

Looks: 9/10 Looks prettier in real life. Tall and has a model like figure.

Location: 7/10 Central location. But not very accessible by train.

Massage: 7/10

Sensual: 9/10
-Very strong GFE
-Kisses you everywhere, inclusive of lips.
-Hugs you passionately and tightly. First time experiencing such a passionate hug from ML.
-4.5G roaming
-Nice pair of butt cheeks to grab as well
-Her boobs are of adequate size and soft to grab. Yes, my hands are real busy with so many access given.
-She got me really high and I had a massive orgasm.

Overall: She is very nice to talk to. First time overseas and she is surprised that SG don't have 4 seasons. Lol.
She was asking me how does she compare to the others. I told her that in terms of looks, figure and service, she is already at the top among the vanillas.
She is really another gem in the current batch.

RTM: Definitely
Want up you but don’t know why my power disappeared, booking right away