Originally Posted by Amigo_Gonzalez
Ok lah! Good experience. Next time wiser for us. We will gain from your experience.  I also wanted to try but see she always have excuse. I sian better.
Hope you really wise up...so nxt time dun go arnd asking for ctc.. go do the hunting yourself lah instead of living off others and when thang turn sour, all the complain come out...
Originally Posted by detective
Actually for local so cheap, u also think twice first la,
I really must salute to those agent who do locals, cause local gals always aeroplane, late, and sometimes attitude is like fuck.
now tats totally an un-cool thang to say, dun sink a whole boat wif just 1
bamboo...there are alot of local who are professional and good service...if you got a thang wif local just skip the thread...