Thread: Thai Amulets...
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Old 21-06-2008, 07:17 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
Yes you asked me how come I got mine for $100 while you got yours for $699. The answer is all over the thread in the last few pages. I mentioned before in the thread I do not know about his pricing or who he got his barangs from. Go back the thread and read up. Come back to me if you can't find i will gladly quote it out for you, with text darkened.

You pm me telling me about Bro Necromancer's comments on my barang being a fake piece and his is genuine. I also mentioned in the my previous posting that I will post the pics of my Hun Payon on Sat, which is today. Bro Necromancer and not a single brother here has seen my pics and our Bro Necromancer can claim that mine is a fake?

By the way, I do not know if Bro Necromancer have indeed said all these to you, coz you are the one who pm me first, telling me about Bro Necromancer's comments on my Hun Payon and also asking me about snake skin takrut and polar bear takrut.

On the other hand, after I replied to you, you forwarded my reply, not a word less to Bro Necromancer. You know what is a double headed snake?

The reason why I ask Bro Necromancer to say it to my friend what i got from my friend is a fake was because my friend was mad to learn that someone here, without a clue of how my Hun Payon looks like, tell you its fake. If he can say mine is a fake, my friend who rented the barang to me wants to hear of it from Bro Necromancer. Say it and stand by it.

I did not learn any mediation techniques from Bro Necromancer. I do not know if he truly told you he taught me mediation techniques. However, he passed me a Katha known as 'The Rich Katha' to chant or recite. I went out with him on 3 occasions before but I didn't drink. I had green tea. You got it wrong again.
my reply to you> i did pm you as to ask you how come your hunpayong is 100 and i rented 699 from bro necromancer and also i ask you whether you have snake and polar bear skin takrut. then you reply to me is you dare necromancer to come out to said his is real and your is fake. my post and forward pm stated very clearly. if you said i pm you saying that i did said necromancer said that yours is fake and his is real then show the proof. as in the pm i sent to you stating what you said about my pm then.

also i want to highlight to you is a double headed head do things in this way. he said something in front of you and do another behind you. does it refers to you??? i pm you asking one things and i did forward your pm to necromancer to ask for the reality and truths how come his cost 699 and your cost 100 both of you claim to said that you HPY is real and both of you wanted to dare each other out to say but in the end no one do actions only talk.

does it means you are together with necromancer as in he taught you something and in the end you back stabbed him??? i am only asking for the true facts. my post dont have other meanings. i come direct and ask you but you pm say daring people but in the end you start calling people names double headed snake??? i think i know the meaning better than you but that does not means i am one. because i purposely post your pm to me to prove that your words against my words. that's all

also i pm you asking how come and where you get your HPY at 100 and i got from necromancer at 699 only. i read the posts everyday so i dont need any help to find any post.

also whether you gone out with him how many occassion or whether you drink is not my problem. my concerns is 100 against 699 how come double pricings and double standards. whose words is true and whois is fake? who is out there making us who knows nuts about barangs and tried to make false comments. kindly anyone come out to prove something.

lastly, we are not here to start a war. since there are people who want to by and sell barangs and amulets using sbf and there are quite a number of brothers in sbf have bought then i think we should resolved it here. if tehre are no one selling here using sbf then i think all these will not happened in this thread. anyone agreed?
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