Comparison Between Surgical Abortion and Medical Abortion with Mifeprex™, or Methotrexate, with Misoprostol
PregnancyOptions.info: A Workbook of Options including Abortion, Adoption and Birth.
. How painful is it? The amount of bleeding varies from person to person and with length of pregnancy.
Mifeprex™ with misoprostol:
• Heavy bleeding & clots are common during the abortion process for 4-8 hours.
• Afterwards, bleeding like a period is common for an average of 13 to 16 days.
Methotrexate with misoprostol:
• Heavy bleeding & clots are common during the abortion process for 4-8 + hours.
• Afterwards, bleeding like a period is common for an average of 10 to 17 days.
Vacuum Aspiration:
• Not much bleeding immediately after procedure.
• Like a period, up to 14 days, usually about 9 days.