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Old 10-04-2004, 01:23 PM
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Hi everybody. After being a guest in this forum for so long finally decided post my maiden FR.

After a few drinks with my chiong buddies. We decided to check out the mei meis in GL. Went over to Lor8 and check it out. To my disappointment, "chinatown" was empty. Most probably AV was here a while ago, sianz.......liao. Lan lan no choice, went over to the cat40 hse and look look see see. Go hse 43 and see. Char bo quality not too good. Neber mind went over to the 66 series hses. Thinking of checking out some gals intro by brudders in this forum. At hse 66A, saw a couple fish-tank very empty. Ask for G5, too bad, OKT said she working. Again,...sianz liao. Neber, change target. Went next door 66C and try my luck then. Open the door, wah....At least got five pooyings there. Saw number 5, 88,81,12, and forget number liao. Remember got ppl from the forum recommanded G12, paid the OKT money and hand in hand we go to her room.

Height: 163cm
Complexion: Quite chio from far, a bit disappointing when she come near you
BBBJ:7/10 yes(Hot tea). Pretty good suction.
FJ: 8/10 (RAW)
Attitude: 9/10(very gf feeling)

Keep calling me lao gong thru out FJ. Intially capped me with carex. But I teased her by telling her I prefer to do her raw. To my astonishment, before I can say anything, she had already guided my shaft into her pussy. Wah lah eh....what to do brothers??? Bo bian liao, I juz pumped and pumped her until I unleashed my load into her love tunnel!!!

In her toilet, while washing up, I asked her whether she does with every customer or not. I don't want to get STDs leh. She said:"no lah darling, only you lah, You so yan dao what." Anyway, quite immune to it liao, she's not the first one.....ermm that says that. In addition she not the only cha bor I did raw with lah. By the way, before I go, I gave her $50 tip.
Old 10-04-2004, 01:30 PM
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Re: L8h66cg12

haiz, another gonner
Old 10-04-2004, 06:30 PM
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Re: L8h66cg12

Originally Posted by RJ2004
haiz, another gonner
you are very generous to give her $50/- as tips. IF you stop giving her this amount the next time, you will be called "LAU KOW"(Hokkien for monkey)!!!

dun be fallen into such prey buddy. when the tide is low, any passing ship will be a bonus to a damsel in distress. am sure some forum buddies here will try her out once they read SONICE message.... SONICE, hold your horses.... just pray hard that you are the only one go raw.....

take it easy mate!!!
"Insights from the Insides...LorNewsGeylang"

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Old 10-04-2004, 06:39 PM
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Re: L8h66cg12

Originally Posted by Panerai
you are very generous to give her $50/- as tips. IF you stop giving her this amount the next time, you will be called "LAU KOW"(Hokkien for monkey)!!!

dun be fallen into such prey buddy. when the tide is low, any passing ship will be a bonus to a damsel in distress. am sure some forum buddies here will try her out once they read SONICE message.... SONICE, hold your horses.... just pray hard that you are the only one go raw.....

take it easy mate!!!
Sigh...better dun do raw man. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me:Can you be my gf?
Girl:We are friends, ok?
Me: How about fuck buddies?
Girl: No. Never. You not handsome.
Me:.......(feel my hate!! dine in hell !! nbcb!! )
Old 10-04-2004, 09:53 PM
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Re: L8h66cg12

FR like real siah.


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Old 11-04-2004, 02:47 AM
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Re: L8h66cg12

Never mind if you don't believe. Try her anyway, you may get a pleasant surprise!!!

Originally Posted by siamcutey
FR like real siah.

Old 11-04-2004, 09:56 PM
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Re: L8h66cg12

Originally Posted by sonice
Never mind if you don't believe. Try her anyway, you may get a pleasant surprise!!!

forum buddies here are given the benefit of doubts on all their postings. This is exactly the whole objective of this forum,,, to keep all buddies abreast of all the latest updates.... while most of us here have not met in person, i guess there will be no malice.

As you may be a new kid on the block, we are just encouraging you to exercise cautions... at the end of the day, you are responsible for your own actions....
"Insights from the Insides...LorNewsGeylang"

A Fling with EX GF sister.....

Lor 6 H72

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Old 12-04-2004, 12:25 AM
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Re: L8h66cg12

From what I do know of, the hse66 series in Lor 8 girls give hot tea bjs. But you left out this part. And you were emphasising on the RAW part in the FR. Since you had so many other RAW encounters, why only this?

C'mon you are cheongster, i also cheongster. So what some of us think will be in the same wavelength. Fact or fantasy, I leave it to the others to think.


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Old 12-04-2004, 01:59 PM
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Re: L8h66cg12

Ah hia,

Even though I'm might be new kid on the block in this forum, I've cheong GL for quite sometime already. Definately not a newbie in this GL Cat 40 scene. You know why I started a new thread about this gal 12 in this forum? Its to highlight my "extraordinary" experience, or else, I would have post it under the Cat40 thread.
As for the hot tea blow job, no need to mention lah, this house so famous already what!

Originally Posted by siamcutey
From what I do know of, the hse66 series in Lor 8 girls give hot tea bjs. But you left out this part. And you were emphasising on the RAW part in the FR. Since you had so many other RAW encounters, why only this?

C'mon you are cheongster, i also cheongster. So what some of us think will be in the same wavelength. Fact or fantasy, I leave it to the others to think.

Old 12-04-2004, 11:03 PM
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Re: L8h66cg12

Originally Posted by sonice
Ah hia,

Even though I'm might be new kid on the block in this forum, I've cheong GL for quite sometime already. Definately not a newbie in this GL Cat 40 scene. You know why I started a new thread about this gal 12 in this forum? Its to highlight my "extraordinary" experience, or else, I would have post it under the Cat40 thread.
As for the hot tea blow job, no need to mention lah, this house so famous already what!
Sorry, I don't know you well, arai pii nong?

Also, I thought you mentioned she 's not the only one with "extraordinary" experiences?


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Old 12-04-2004, 11:09 PM
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Re: L8h66cg12

Originally Posted by sonice
Never mind if you don't believe. Try her anyway, you may get a pleasant surprise!!!
bro not us will get a pleasant surprise . it u will getting a pleasant surprise (STD) then u know !
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Old 13-04-2004, 05:21 AM
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Re: L8h66cg12

i believe wat u said r true....i oso did raw wif her b4...aft tat revisiting her for 2nd 3rd 4th times..dun dare to do raw wif once she come auntie i did wif dat days onwards very visit her anymore...lolz
Old 13-04-2004, 06:19 AM
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Re: L8h66cg12

Haha, brudder, I respect everybody contributing in this forum that's why I call you Ah hia. If you not happy, fine with me. haha, anyway, don't the WL also called us Ah hia, actually it means customer(no feelings involve, solely business), or "chai tao" to them. Hope you can think this way if it makes you feel "better". Hahaha

Juz my two cents worth!

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Sorry, I don't know you well, arai pii nong?

Also, I thought you mentioned she 's not the only one with "extraordinary" experiences?

Old 13-04-2004, 10:20 AM
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Re: L8h66cg12

Originally Posted by sonice
Ah hia,

Even though I'm might be new kid on the block in this forum, I've cheong GL for quite sometime already. Definately not a newbie in this GL Cat 40 scene. You know why I started a new thread about this gal 12 in this forum? Its to highlight my "extraordinary" experience, or else, I would have post it under the Cat40 thread.
As for the hot tea blow job, no need to mention lah, this house so famous already what!
Being a "new kid on the block" you obviously might have shot your fr off without looking around the new territory first because then you would have realised that we do not like people telling us about such raw experiences because (a) if she does it with one she does it with many as there's no "special" one to them and (b) this forum is not so secret and certain people reading this might well put this girl out of work since the nature of your fr is frowned upon. if you're not new to the cat 40 scene as you claimed you should have known better too. do you just go around telling any tom dick harry at any kopitiam about what supreme special the girl does?
Old 13-04-2004, 10:21 AM
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Re: L8h66cg12

Originally Posted by sonice
Haha, brudder, I respect everybody contributing in this forum that's why I call you Ah hia. If you not happy, fine with me. haha, anyway, don't the WL also called us Ah hia, actually it means customer(no feelings involve, solely business), or "chai tao" to them. Hope you can think this way if it makes you feel "better". Hahaha

Juz my two cents worth!
Unless to people I know, other than that, I don't like the thought of someone acknowledging "brotherhood" with me. It feels even more suck, when you know some people have a hidden agenda in doing that.


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