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Old 13-03-2007, 04:34 PM
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Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie & HuMen

I have been cheoging in Dongguan areas (as mentioned in the title) almost every month since 2004. Compare to some of the seniors, my level of experience could be still quite low, however I am here just to share my experience which I feel fun and exciting (at least to me ^^).

The reason why I opened this new thread and not put my posting under the existing thread is because I am roaming around more than one place, and I could not find the suitable thread for me (seems like hardly to read the FR about HouJie and HuMen...), so, here is the new one.

For this posting, I am here to share one of my experience in CP, in early Dec 2006... where it was about 1 1/2 months after JiaYi opened and before Amazon start the renovation...
the story may seems a bit old, but don't worry bro, I will share the newer ones in the coming posting.

On Sat dec 9, one of the friend would actually like visit back Amazon, to see how is the situation after Jiayi opened, so we decided to go there. Sat usually is very crowded so we were a bit kiasi and arrived 6:30pm. Wah, KNS, the girls reduced so much after Jiayi opened, roughly counted, the girls were less than 200...

While walking on the flower street, found one sweet girl that smiling on me, being attracted by her sweet smile (for those who know me, u know lah, I like the girl with nice smile... ^_*), but bcos just in the beginning of the "shopping", so did not pick her. Walk to the 2nd lane, found another prettier and cute cute one, well, decided to pick her for the night. After picked and back to the waiting point to wait for the rest of the friends, "unconsciously" eyeing on the 1st girl that I interested... found that she is still standing there, and who knows, she was looking at me as well! So we were looking at each other for second... and seconds... then, she run out from the line and came to me... holding my hand, says: "Ge-ge, Yi Qi Wan Hao Ma?" (can we play together?)

She gave me the hesitation... look at the girl at my right, prettier and cuttier; but this girl who holds my left hand, smile sweeter... very difficult to decide... the pure and innocent young guy like me, u know lah, very soft hearted one, feeling guilty and not nice to reject anyone of them... so, decided to take TWO!

After back to the ktv room, as usual, play dice, sing song, drinking and chatting... the 1st girl I picked named JiaJia, the 2nd one XiaoLing (what a common names...) JiaJia was having the very good voice and sing very well... but she keep focusing on singing... wah lao, kns... and XiaoLing, besides chatting and playing dices with me, she also serves me fruits, pour wine when my cup is empty, give me mic when my song coming, give me tissue after eating n drinking... the very caring girl... and most important one, always shows her sweet smile to me!!!

At the end of the night, think, think, think, decided to dump JiaJia who is prettier but not cooperative and take XiaoLing back.

Had a supper after sing song and back to hotel around 1am. Chatted with XiaoLing for a while, then she initiatively asked me to go bath together... and then great time starts!! ^__^

On the bed, she first helps me to BBBJ, licking the balls softly and blowing for minutes... then, we start the action with different styles, men on top, women on top, dogging... (well, I guess I may not good in writing those "exciting" actions... so sorry... hehehe...), we "worked" until tired, then rest and chat chat, then bath, then bj, then action again! We repeat and repeat this until almost 6am... until I really tired and exhausted... To my experience, usually the girl will only let you bonk two times per night, the they will give the series of excuses to avoid bonking... but XiaoLing, she is so "hardworking"... one of the very outstanding performer which I have met!!!

I booked her for next night even we go to another ktv... having the very great and fun time with her... Felt really sextified for my trip... ^^
Old 13-03-2007, 05:34 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie & HuMen

For Mach, I will be in Dongguan on the following dates, if any bros happen to be there, just feel free to join me...

March 18 - 24: CP
March 25 - 27: HuMen
March 28 - April 01: CP

Old 13-03-2007, 10:06 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie & HuMen

hi, I know there is already number of threads providing this info but it is difficult to search through the long threads.

Can you help to provide some info on the best options to go from GuangZhou to CP ? Fastest, cheapest, most convienent with luggage ?
Old 14-03-2007, 01:13 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie & HuMen

Bro, are you referring to the guangzhou airport to cp? If yes, then the fastest and convienent way is go by private car, that will cost you RMB 350 - 450 per car. The journey is about 1.5 - 2 hours.

if you are coming from guangzhou city, you can go by train, that goes guangzhou station -> guangzhou east station -> shilong station -> cp (or dongguan station). This is pretty cheap, less than 50 RMB.

Originally Posted by hardone80 View Post
hi, I know there is already number of threads providing this info but it is difficult to search through the long threads.

Can you help to provide some info on the best options to go from GuangZhou to CP ? Fastest, cheapest, most convienent with luggage ?
Old 14-03-2007, 02:20 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie & HuMen

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
Bro, are you referring to the guangzhou airport to cp? If yes, then the fastest and convienent way is go by private car, that will cost you RMB 350 - 450 per car. The journey is about 1.5 - 2 hours.

if you are coming from guangzhou city, you can go by train, that goes guangzhou station -> guangzhou east station -> shilong station -> cp (or dongguan station). This is pretty cheap, less than 50 RMB.
Better take from GZ East Station -> Dongguan (CP), the price is 45RMB

Unless travelling in a group, taking private car is not worth it.
GD is Paradise
Guangzhou, Dongguan, ZhuHai, ChangPing, Qiaotao, DanShui, Huizhou
Old 14-03-2007, 03:14 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie & HuMen

agree with u bro, taking train certainly is cheaper; but may not convenient with luggage...

sometimes, u can't even get a seat, have to stand for about 50 mins... i had this experience once when i went fr guangzhou to cp... mayb that day my luck is not good...

this mean only 1 thing, convenient and cheap do not go hand in hand...

Originally Posted by GD_Paradise View Post
Better take from GZ East Station -> Dongguan (CP), the price is 45RMB

Unless travelling in a group, taking private car is not worth it.
Old 15-03-2007, 04:47 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie & HuMen

Originally Posted by GD_Paradise View Post
Better take from GZ East Station -> Dongguan (CP), the price is 45RMB

Unless travelling in a group, taking private car is not worth it.
I've done this trip several times. As long as you don't have too much luggage, it is the best way to go to CP. I take a taxi from Baiyun airport to East station and from there, I catch the train to CP.

I'll be doing exactly that on 22 March. If any bro would like to share a taxi please let me know.
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Old 15-03-2007, 04:51 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie & HuMen

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
For Mach, I will be in Dongguan on the following dates, if any bros happen to be there, just feel free to join me...

March 18 - 24: CP
March 25 - 27: HuMen
March 28 - April 01: CP

Hey bro 3dee, I'll be in Dongguan at the time. Perhaps we can meet up and go cheong together. Please PM me your contact and I'll give you a call when I arrive. (Sorry, I do not have a hp number yet. The existing one may or may not have expired- almost six months liao.)
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Old 15-03-2007, 10:05 AM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie & HuMen

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post

I booked her for next night even we go to another ktv... having the very great and fun time with her... Felt really sextified for my trip... ^^

So bro, what is the damage? still 200, 500 and 800?

I was also at JiaYi last weekend but was quite disappointed as there were no rooms in KTV for us, at the end, the group of us had to take out at JiaYi and go over to the KTV at Hua Tai.
Old 15-03-2007, 12:04 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie & HuMen

Yo bro, hv pm u my contacts.

Originally Posted by Happykiwi View Post
Hey bro 3dee, I'll be in Dongguan at the time. Perhaps we can meet up and go cheong together. Please PM me your contact and I'll give you a call when I arrive. (Sorry, I do not have a hp number yet. The existing one may or may not have expired- almost six months liao.)
Old 15-03-2007, 12:11 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie & HuMen

amazon still 2/5/8.

in cp the ktv generally is either 2/5/8 or 1/3/6 (or 1/3/5 if u know how to bargain)...

JiaYi is very easily to get full on fri n sat nite, as they have only less than 70 rooms there... so next time remember to book early yo!

Originally Posted by K123456 View Post
So bro, what is the damage? still 200, 500 and 800?

I was also at JiaYi last weekend but was quite disappointed as there were no rooms in KTV for us, at the end, the group of us had to take out at JiaYi and go over to the KTV at Hua Tai.
Old 15-03-2007, 05:26 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie & HuMen

Originally Posted by K123456 View Post
I was also at JiaYi last weekend but was quite disappointed as there were no rooms in KTV for us, at the end, the group of us had to take out at JiaYi and go over to the KTV at Hua Tai.
Next time must book earlier, JY cannot just 'walk in'. If JY no place, just go to other place . HT is a good choice. The MM there also not bad.
GD is Paradise
Guangzhou, Dongguan, ZhuHai, ChangPing, Qiaotao, DanShui, Huizhou
Old 15-03-2007, 07:41 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie & HuMen

How are those 1/3/6 places? I rarely see anyone post about partying at those places. It seems economical to get many MMs to party together and pick the best one at the end of the night. Imagine 3-4 MMs fighting for your attention...and what they do to get your attention.

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
amazon still 2/5/8.

in cp the ktv generally is either 2/5/8 or 1/3/6 (or 1/3/5 if u know how to bargain)...

JiaYi is very easily to get full on fri n sat nite, as they have only less than 70 rooms there... so next time remember to book early yo!
Old 16-03-2007, 05:48 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie & HuMen

there are few in cp... the famous ones will be YueHua and TianErHu, and hongkee likes to go HaiXia. not only MM damange is cheap, but drinking also cheaper than those 4 n 5 stars...

the only thing is the ktv hardware may not be that good... but this does not affect MM quality. one of the reason being so is because MM pay very low montly management fee, n some even do not charge management fee.

lately met few nice ones, one slim, pretty n sweet face hangzhou MM (i have her photo yo! ^__^); one who has worked in sauna before that provide the excellent services; and... more... and more... update you on my upcoming posting ok?

Originally Posted by AznSurfer View Post
How are those 1/3/6 places? I rarely see anyone post about partying at those places. It seems economical to get many MMs to party together and pick the best one at the end of the night. Imagine 3-4 MMs fighting for your attention...and what they do to get your attention.
Old 16-03-2007, 06:07 PM
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie & HuMen

Originally Posted by 3dee View Post
there are few in cp... the famous ones will be YueHua and TianErHu, and hongkee likes to go HaiXia. not only MM damange is cheap, but drinking also cheaper than those 4 n 5 stars...
bRO... me free next week. Give me a buzz .. I would like to recce the places too ... KTV hardware not important... Mei Mei hardware is VERY important...
GD is Paradise
Guangzhou, Dongguan, ZhuHai, ChangPing, Qiaotao, DanShui, Huizhou
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