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Old 21-02-2025, 12:11 PM
fallen11 fallen11 is offline
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Excuses to tell your wife to get some alone time to go look for sex

Come share some good excuses to use as many men trapped like bird in cage when they are married.

Some use "gym" to get alone time.
Some took up new hobbies, like collecting fish, overseas volunteer work, etc.
Come and share what you know or encountered from friends before
Old 21-02-2025, 08:40 PM
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Re: Excuses to tell your wife to get some alone time to go look for sex

If last time is yes. Now is definitely No no no.. we are not facing realities and i will repeatedly say so. And i will need to gei xi find ways to grow bit by bit and over my death coffin among everyone. So either we learn ai lang or dead righr now.

So fuking wash yr face now and talk to your younger G and older G self right now. Are you really teaching kid G now to really grow right now in your fab. lang, knowledge or preaching right now in your now sense?

And even if you repeatedly in watever sense thar old G and the followers rest tells me in his preaching eng or spreading in one or mult lib. I will shoot both of you down immediately. It does not woek that way. It doesn't work at all. Fullstop, dun even try.... eventually most likely caught by me after. I am teaching botg of your in your native languages. And it doesn't work that way. And it will never will... Either migrate or die now or die trying. Now i am understudying... and i will not hestitate to silently make foes now, in the face of the pub eyes. Shitholes holes always in wayever areas. Either you accept or continue change in whatever ways. Sek tai m tai! In God we trust for our ginnas and future Gs, armen. Dun even tink of migrating, sure fang ok db one with Chop after a long long time.
Old 22-02-2025, 07:18 PM
alea alea is offline
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Originally Posted by fallen11 View Post
Come share some good excuses to use as many men trapped like bird in cage when they are married.

Some use "gym" to get alone time.
Some took up new hobbies, like collecting fish, overseas volunteer work, etc.
Come and share what you know or encountered from friends before
Pretend to kena a sports injury like sprained elbow or ankle. So every week got to go to therapist to have the injured part massaged.
Old 23-02-2025, 12:34 PM
fallen11 fallen11 is offline
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Re: Excuses to tell your wife to get some alone time to go look for sex

I heard some married men act tio thai gongtao or pray thai buddha
so that they can get clearance to go thailand every few months / every year and have some alone time to get some gongtao therapy or go some ulu temple to pray.
Old 24-02-2025, 11:25 PM
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Re: Excuses to tell your wife to get some alone time to go look for sex

Why not just end the marriage and become a free man permanently, one-off difficult task to solve the problem forever.
Old 25-02-2025, 12:59 AM
Jammz Jammz is offline
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Originally Posted by fallen11 View Post
I heard some married men act tio thai gongtao or pray thai buddha
so that they can get clearance to go thailand every few months / every year and have some alone time to get some gongtao therapy or go some ulu temple to pray.
Haha this is funny. I have friends like that too
Old 25-02-2025, 06:11 AM
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Originally Posted by CookCrew View Post
Why not just end the marriage and become a free man permanently, one-off difficult task to solve the problem forever.
That's like saying why complain you are poor. Why not just be rich la.
Old 25-02-2025, 07:43 PM
fallen11 fallen11 is offline
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Re: Excuses to tell your wife to get some alone time to go look for sex

Originally Posted by CookCrew View Post
Why not just end the marriage and become a free man permanently, one-off difficult task to solve the problem forever.
you end a marriage because you cannot live together with your spouse anymore (or lacking some other benefits that comes in your marriage). Not just because you wanna fuck other girls. Besides, nowadays old couples tend to close 1 eye. Dont ask dont tell policy and never ever bring it home (not even bring home feelings for other girls), and they just let it slide.

Sex is not equal to love, i think you know that by now.

Reverse the question: Do you have to marry every girl you fuck too? You have feelings towards every girl you have sex with?

Last edited by fallen11; 25-02-2025 at 07:53 PM.
Old 25-02-2025, 07:50 PM
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Re: Excuses to tell your wife to get some alone time to go look for sex

Originally Posted by Jammz View Post
Haha this is funny. I have friends like that too
this quite the norm.

other friends take up new hobbies.
so have 1 friend who began to collect fishes. Frequently go fish farms or kelong in batam area to look for new fish. Take pics, videos, send wife, post on social media, with fishes, with his hobby mates. Thing is, his pics are all during daytime and his trips are at least 2-3 days always. So you secretly wonder what activities he has at night

another one go to japan with his wife for holiday. They are old so they tend to sleep early. Suddenly the husband at midnight, craving for ice cream. With his wife asleep, he told her he going down to get some ice cream (wife tired so she dont fucking bother). Think he got someone to eat his ice cream instead

some guys with bikes, like long distance biking trips. Enough reason to be away for up to a whole month!
Old 28-02-2025, 04:43 PM
shiroi shiroi is offline
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Re: Excuses to tell your wife to get some alone time to go look for sex

Sometime I say go for my bike servicing and can for a one hour massage and come back .

Another is take up some hobby than can let you excuses yourself for few hours. Like maybe card game that need to meet people in the game shop to play .

Well for going to other country I guess depend on your working industry
Old 02-03-2025, 02:37 PM
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Re: Excuses to tell your wife to get some alone time to go look for sex

Originally Posted by shiroi View Post
Another is take up some hobby than can let you excuses yourself for few hours. Like maybe card game that need to meet people in the game shop to play .
Lying take certain level of acting skills

Some smart wives might be sharp enough to know that you are lying.
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Old 05-03-2025, 06:55 PM
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Re: Excuses to tell your wife to get some alone time to go look for sex

Originally Posted by shiroi View Post
Sometime I say go for my bike servicing and can for a one hour massage and come back .

Another is take up some hobby than can let you excuses yourself for few hours. Like maybe card game that need to meet people in the game shop to play .

Well for going to other country I guess depend on your working industry
if the massage place is right next to the bike shop, perfect!
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Old 05-03-2025, 07:55 PM
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Re: Excuses to tell your wife to get some alone time to go look for sex

Picking up a "boring hobby" usually works. But do take note that nowadays many activities that used to be more male-oriented are also being taken up by women. For instance, a lot of women cycle and go hiking.

For me, quite heng because as a kid, I like to play chinese chess (the real one). So I supposesedly spend a lot of time in the "library" reading up on chess moves and also going to parks and finding old people to play with.
Old 05-03-2025, 08:39 PM
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Re: Excuses to tell your wife to get some alone time to go look for sex

Originally Posted by titan View Post
if the massage place is right next to the bike shop, perfect!
Ha I never really go service my bike most of the time . I head straight to service my bird
Old 05-03-2025, 08:40 PM
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Re: Excuses to tell your wife to get some alone time to go look for sex

Originally Posted by Ecuader View Post
Lying take certain level of acting skills

Some smart wives might be sharp enough to know that you are lying.
Ya you are right . Just lucky that my wife have some certain degree of trust in me
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