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Old 12-08-2014, 03:54 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
That's what I am actually concern ......

Some hear say had turn out as if like true story

So far Mr Jxx do give best and actual info and further to it FGG also got the story from Mr Director .

Lets explore nearby town ...... Bros with nearby town info , pls share as my next trip date are very near .
Oh, forgot to mention one more place for u.

That's Xiamen. Haha

Sorry can't help u here as I have not been there myself.
CP is gone... ZH, here I come
Old 12-08-2014, 03:55 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
Oh, forgot to mention one more place for u.

That's Xiamen. Haha

Sorry can't help u here as I have not been there myself.
Heard that some places near Xiamen even have flower st.

Dun know how true... A hear say again. Heehee
CP is gone... ZH, here I come
Old 12-08-2014, 04:17 PM
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Arrow Changping Update (11/08/14)

Originally Posted by miracle90 View Post
Bro TonyCheong thanks for the information, very clear. At least it helps to decide whether to plan a trip to CP or not. Regret that things like flower street in CP may just be sweet memories now as I hardly find anything like it elsewhere.
Too bad for those who missed the last boat in late Jan 2014 for KTV flower street experience!
Old 12-08-2014, 04:43 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
Hahaha ...and you know exactly what those DJs doing there ... not just pouring drinks I presume ...

Have a good time there next month ... and dun forget FR... OK ?
Hehehehehehe... ya... tat's why 'DJs' and not DJs...

swee. i post FR on non-KTV conquests. haha... more challenging and more satisfaction huh?
Old 12-08-2014, 07:52 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
Nearby towns? U mean in DG?

I think u will be better off at other province loh.

Play at FS or Zhong San near GZ. Or Baoan near SZ. Or even Gongbei at ZH loh.

Anyway been to these places. All room min not cheap compare to CP. Expect to pay about 1k min for small rooms. Some more got DJ and some funny charges which will easily rack up to 500-600 more. DJ 300-400, then waiter another 100-200. Some even need to pay mummy... Some comes with room charge etc...

Per head spending about 7-800 every night which is damn ex as most of my friends are non drinker or light drinker.

FS and Baoan so far is the most ex. About 1k rmb per head. And I'm talking about hitting the min spending only.

Only ZH is cheapest in term of KTV expense. Room charge is 780 for small room. No need DJ. Waiter give 50-100. Can sit 3 ppl. That's for jinsha. Wangfu small room I can't remember. But should be around 880-980 maybe someone can correct me.

As for gals, they are also price lower. I seen a lot of cat 300 here. Which I saw none at many other areas.

But of course 99% of the cat 300 I cannot pick. Haha.
I prefer those cat 400.

ZH KTV pricing is the closest to CP before the YD. That's what I feel.

Jin Sha/Wang Fu are the lower class KTV at ZH. Low selection and full of taiwanese. Wang Fu is well known for their service level though, 99% of the girls there will BJ ^_^

Personally I prefer either Yong Li or Chang An International. Reasonably priced although the DJs do require to be tipped (ard 300). Girls in both joints are more towards the 400 range, got some 300's but CMI, and for me the 500's are just a waste of $$.

Either way, so far have not seen any 'funny' charges in my bill, everything is accounted for. One thing I have noticed about ZH is there is seldom a buy 2 free 1 deal. They look at total bill then decide to free you how many. So normally I notice the total bill will be actually lower than what I calculate cause some of it is considered free.

Even cheaper still is in the Tan Zhou (Zhong San) area, a lot of CP girls moved there but the joints there are rather poorly renovated and hotels are rather limited. Again, servicing mostly TW clients. I heard this area is under yanda yesterday so proceed with caution.

As for those missing FS, I dun think there is anywhere in China offering it now. Xiamen there is a mini FS but not much different from bringing to room Basically just go into room and pick the girl you like instead of they bring the girls to you. Could be just the few joints I went to though.
Old 12-08-2014, 07:55 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2

am in cp now understand that there are no more and limited service.
just wondering there is a massage shop up on my hotel, do they provide special service and any possibility of bring mms back for overnight?

appreciated the replies
Old 12-08-2014, 08:28 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2

bro cuntarow

i doubt u can enjoy any special in any massage shop there liao.... the most i guess only help u HJ LOL

as for bring mm back, yes u can still look around, check out wechat or if u have contact of those previous mummy

preorder is the key LOL

By the way, to think of it in the past it always have this auntie who always hog around hotel lobby giving name cards for MM LOL

I can still recall 1 is called 潘金莲 lol
Old 12-08-2014, 09:07 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
That's what I am actually concern ......

Some hear say had turn out as if like true story
Are you saying that all of us should not post up hear-say/things we hear from our own sources who we consider reliable? Anything anybody posts MUST be verified and proven? How?

So I guess what one fellow here states, and had even incorporated into his signature line, is true.

Now, forum writers' addressing is also dictated.. Lol....
Posting needs to substantiate with essays.

Tomorrow, if you post saying that you got bbbj fm
Your ktv gal, you will need to substantiate with a photo!!
I would have thought that most of us would be able to decide for ourselves what is more true/accurate and that the most important thing in a forum would be the dissemination of whatever each one of us consider relevant. Exchange of whatever information/opinion each one of us has.

I mean even rumours and hear-say, coz who is to say if any information has legs on it or not. And usually “Where there’s smoke there’s ……!”

So far Mr Jxx do give best and actual info and further to it FGG also got the story from Mr Director .
I am glad that you can also make your own decision as to which information is more accurate; and I am NOT saying that you are wrong, but have you considered that these two sources - both employees of the Mxxxxxn hotel itself – probably have an interest in shedding their employer in the best light?

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Last edited by SEAJ; 13-08-2014 at 12:19 PM.
Old 12-08-2014, 09:45 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by cuntarow View Post
am in cp now understand that there are no more and limited service.
just wondering there is a massage shop up on my hotel, do they provide special service and any possibility of bring mms back for overnight?

appreciated the replies
I seriously doubt it that "services" are gonna be so easily available in any hotels in Chang Ping these days.

Your best bet would be to contact one of the Agents who are advertising here that they are still offering services in Chang Ping; its not going to be cheap but at least you have something to work with if you do not have any other sources.

Things have drastically changed for the worse in Chang Ping since Mid February when this yanda started and still continues.


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Old 12-08-2014, 10:37 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2

One thing for sure is the KTV will be closed for 3 days, someone sent me the text message from management ....

This KTV like HMTL before it is out source to outside to operate thus understandable for them to make their money as fast as possible .... and resulting in GA paying more attention also expected.
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 12-08-2014, 10:48 PM
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Siawlang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
One thing for sure is the KTV will be closed for 3 days, someone sent me the text message from management .... This KTV like HMTL before it is out source to outside to operate thus understandable for them to make their money as fast as possible .... and resulting in GA paying more attention also expected.
The ktv is open. Tomorow my friend will go there to comfirm. Mummy comfirm its open. Also feedback tomorow will know for sure seeing and enjoying there is best info.
Old 12-08-2014, 10:49 PM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
One thing for sure is the KTV will be closed for 3 days, someone sent me the text message from management ....

This KTV like HMTL before it is out source to outside to operate thus understandable for them to make their money as fast as possible .... and resulting in GA paying more attention also expected.
That makes a LOT of sense. Didn't think of this prior.
Do you know if this is the case with the Fuhao also? They seem to also be over-eager.

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Old 13-08-2014, 12:11 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Crazy ppl around again
Old 13-08-2014, 12:20 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by cuntarow View Post
am in cp now understand that there are no more and limited service.
just wondering there is a massage shop up on my hotel, do they provide special service and any possibility of bring mms back for overnight?

appreciated the replies
Let me guess which hotel you staying , Yihao ? Miraton ?

Even if they does , the JS are mostly older lady , just happen if you found one of your liking is better to buy hour and bring her back your room
Old 13-08-2014, 12:23 AM
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Re: Events in CP 2

Originally Posted by Dabao View Post
Crazy ppl around again
Cool and ignore .

See you tmr !
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