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Old 02-12-2004, 02:53 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Dear all "Shanghai-poreans"!

This is a very informative site for everyone, to be more exact every man, to visit should they need to know where and what to do when travelling.

The veterans do offer a lot of valuable advise. Brothers who are will to spend time doing "home work" prior to visiting only stands to gain.

Those of us based primarily in China tend to learn things the hardway (no pun intended). The longer one stays in China, the more disillusioned one gets. The star dust and glitter and excitement tends to subside after a while and when reality hits, so may take it in their strides while others might try to fool themselves that it did not actually happen... that will be silly...

Although I've never met Bro PuTongRen before, I find his sage advise and mature views highly enviable. Maybe one day we might be able to meet up and just have nice chat sessions.

Personally, I only visit KTVs in China on a stictly "Need To" basis as I find that it is a waste of money, having to pay tips and entertain those materialistic creatures of the night.

They will generally be nice if you:
1. Can help them meet their room booking quotas
2. Bring them out for expensive dinners
3. Buy them expensive gifts
4. Pay for rental and/or phone bills
5. Give them money to start a business or buy festive gifts for their family in hometowns
6. etc etc.. mainly $$ related

Some will at first seek "solace" in you... but eventually... when the time is right, I'm sure $$ issues will surface.....

Anyway, will try hard not to frighten anyone away from China.... need more brothers here..

Just my personal view...

Old 02-12-2004, 02:59 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shanghaitan
Oh.. no wonder... In terms of posting, I'm still what others would call a "Noobie"... I guess I'll just have to post more to gain the seniority points.

Cheerio fellow brothers!

if u have less than 5 post, u'll be under moderation which means tat u wouldn't be able to see your post immediately and u will have a (M) under your nick.

u have cleared 5 post so now your post will be immediate and u are not being moderated unless your rep point drops below zero.

Old 02-12-2004, 03:07 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shanghaitan
Dear all "Shanghai-poreans"!

This is a very informative site for everyone, to be more exact every man, to visit should they need to know where and what to do when travelling.

The veterans do offer a lot of valuable advise. Brothers who are will to spend time doing "home work" prior to visiting only stands to gain.

Those of us based primarily in China tend to learn things the hardway (no pun intended). The longer one stays in China, the more disillusioned one gets. The star dust and glitter and excitement tends to subside after a while and when reality hits, so may take it in their strides while others might try to fool themselves that it did not actually happen... that will be silly...

Although I've never met Bro PuTongRen before, I find his sage advise and mature views highly enviable. Maybe one day we might be able to meet up and just have nice chat sessions.

Personally, I only visit KTVs in China on a stictly "Need To" basis as I find that it is a waste of money, having to pay tips and entertain those materialistic creatures of the night.

They will generally be nice if you:
1. Can help them meet their room booking quotas
2. Bring them out for expensive dinners
3. Buy them expensive gifts
4. Pay for rental and/or phone bills
5. Give them money to start a business or buy festive gifts for their family in hometowns
6. etc etc.. mainly $$ related

Some will at first seek "solace" in you... but eventually... when the time is right, I'm sure $$ issues will surface.....

Anyway, will try hard not to frighten anyone away from China.... need more brothers here..

Just my personal view...

Dear Bro Shaanghaitan,
Well said article here bro!
Indeed all u said here r the truth about this bloody 'shit-pit' place here as I would called personally myself........
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
Living life simple is a true blessing
Old 02-12-2004, 03:20 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Dear Brothers,

I am flattered by so many complements that I feel shy to face you all. I am not putting up a false front pretending to be humble. We will only continue to learn if we tell ourselves that we have not learnt enough, and that others have something to teach us.

It will be my pleasure to meet you, Bro Shanghaitan. The next time I am in Shanghai, I shall PM you, and you can join Bro SGPShanghai69 and I for tea tasting session. I am just like you, I go to "entertain" the KTV girls whenever necessary. I am quite happy to stay in the hotel room, reading books and reading reports.

Your points on what those ladies expect of us are right on spot. I have met enough of them to testify. Like I always say, "Nothing is FOC, it is when and how you are going to pay". I have been giving advice to many people, and there are brothers whom I have never met, but would try to reach me from where they are (in Hangzhou, Suzhou, Xian, etc.) I always try my best to share with them my sad and unfortunate encounters. The usual statement is "This girl is different, and she is no after my money..." Granted that some of them might be truthful, but as I say, girls fall into this category are pathetically small. It hurts me deep inside when I see a brother, whom I have the opportunity to speak to, falls into the trap.

Let me recount any incident to you all. I once knew a girl from Dong Bei region in Beijing and became good friends, and I can tell you that she had put up a good show pretending not to go after my money. But, I was always careful, however, my guard was lowered by her beauty and the body (I was younger then). Once, when I was to be in the South of Chian, I called her from Singapore and asked her whether she would join me, and that I shall pay for the plane ticket (two ways). She agreed and told me that I did not need to pay for the transportation as we were friend (a big Bullshit, I found out later). She came and joined me, and we were together for few days.

The eve of my departure to come back home, as usual, I compensated her for the time spent, without the money for the plane ticket ( I was naive to believe what she said earlier). She turned immediately a black face, she complained that first of all, I gave her so little money, and secondly I did not give her the money for the airfares. Those brothers who know me would know that I am quite generous in my compensation. Concerning the air-ticket, she was the one who said that she would pay herself. I tried to reason with her, but she turned really ugly, telling me that her rate to accompany someone is RMB 1000/day and that I should pay for her airfares. Moreover, due to the fact that she was with me, she had lost a lot of income, blah..blah..... What the hell! Why a sudden change? The attitude was a 180 degree change, from good friends in Beijing to a money minded girl when in the south. Was it the weather? Fortunately, I was cool enough not to make a scene and yet was able to stand firm. I though she would storm out from the room, but she did not as it was night, and she would not want to pay for a room elsewhere. Nothing happened that evening, and obviously we did not talk to each other. The next day, when I left for airport, I was kind enough to offer her a ride, but she refused. I then ordered a taxi for her, guess what? she directed the taxi to the Railway Station. I cannot understand, one one hand, she told me she had bought two-way ticket, and now she was to take a train.

The moral of the story is that the PRC ladies are un-predictable, and $$ is the only thing on their mind.

My 0.7 cent worth

Hope to meet you in person soon.
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 02-12-2004, 03:31 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shanghaitan
Anyway, will try hard not to frighten anyone away from China.... need more brothers here..

Yes, we should not frighten anyone away from China, as it is now the land of opportunity. I have a humble advice to brothers here, to survive in China, we need to learn how to do:

Dancing with the wolves.

My 0.6 cent worth

Warmest regards.
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 02-12-2004, 04:17 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Dear Brother SGPshanghai69,
Thank you for your compliments. And it was indeed a pleasure talking to you earlier.

Dear Brother PTR,
180 degrees changes happen very often in China.. and that's a fact! These women are as unpredictable as the weather over here... At least in Singapore, we know that there will be showers in some areas EVERYDAY! hahahaha..

Let's have a nice little gathering early next year... those no frills type whereby we entertain ourselves (without having to pay "others").. It will be a meeting for like-minded people trying to (as Brother PTR said) dance with wolves... in packs!

China is indeed a land of opportunities but also a land filled with much treachery... the dangers are ever present and very very real... everyone thinks that expats are in China to be "slaughtered".... we're like walking RMBs, ready for easy picking... so it is very tiring surviving in a place such as this... but alas, we, or at least I, still need to make a living. So, like we say in Singapore, LPPL....

Oh well.. Come what come may... let's us just get well prepared in the mean time...

Cheerio everyone!

Old 03-12-2004, 03:59 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Dear Bro Putonren,

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. It takes courage to admit to the silly things we did in the past. However, there was one thing I did not quite agree with you, which was the statement below. You might have written it without much prior thinking, but still it sounds too much a sweeping statement for me.

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
The moral of the story is that the PRC ladies are un-predictable, and $$ is the only thing on their mind.
There are of course lots of nice girls, for example the remaining 99.99% of Chinese girls who are not working in the "entertainment" industry, or 0.1% of those girls who are. We should always remind ourselves that these girls (not pointing to this one of yours) whom we come into contact with are people who has chosen to sacrifice integrity for money. I'm not degrading them. Patronising these joints do not make ourselves any better people. What I mean is that when our main motive is getting their body with our money, their aim is likewise -- getting our money with their body! What you expect of them mirrors what they expect of us. For us to say, "all China girls are money minded sluts" is like hearing them say, "All Singaporean men are filthy losers."

I do agree we have to be careful as 99% of girls in such professions "know what they are after", but I would rather not call the kettle black. Simply because I'm a pot myself.

Old 03-12-2004, 07:27 AM
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Smile Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by colourwolfy
but still it sounds too much a sweeping statement for me.

What you expect of them mirrors what they expect of us. For us to say, "all China girls are money minded sluts" is like hearing them say, "All Singaporean men are filthy losers."

I do agree we have to be careful as 99% of girls in such professions "know what they are after", but I would rather not call the kettle black. Simply because I'm a pot myself.

DEar Bro,

Well said. I do agree that I have made a sweeping statement, for which I am sorry and grateful that you have pointed out my mistake. I should have written it as "99.9% of the PRC girls in the entertainment profession are going after our $$$", granted that you will find a pathetic percentage of them who is not.

Concerning the statement "What you expect of them mirrors what they expect of us.", while your statement is not wrong, however, I wonder what would one say in cases where they are all out fo con us. If it is an exchange, fine. You can of course argue that there is no fair deal in this world, for which I shall rest my case. Again, I need to be careful to state that 99.9% of them, but not all, are not honest enough. There is nothing wrong in them going after the money from the men they service, but it is wrong for them to exercise trick on their exchange partners. You may again argue that this is their aim, and to a lesser extent their right. There are multitude of possibilty to argue about this kind of situation. In most cases, many of us knowingly or not, fall into the trap. My aim is to forewarn our dear brothers here.

"I do agree we have to be careful as 99% of girls in such professions "know what they are after", but I would rather not call the kettle black. Simply because I'm a pot myself."

You are entitled to make the above statement, however, I beg to differ. I shall not call myself a pot to be at the equal at kettles which are real black. I hope you are able to continue the arguement with a open mind.

Nevertheless, I shall continue to write such story to warn our brothers so that many of them would not fall into the black kettle.

My 0.4 cent worth.
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 03-12-2004, 10:04 AM
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Cool Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Dear Brothers,
I beg to differ on the statement that only 99.9% of the 0.1% of ALL WOMEN working in the entertainment industry are not good.

Reason for saying so...

1. Do you know that Shanghainese girls have been inculcated since an early age to go after men with money and passports? This is an honest to god remark as I heard it with my own ears.

2. Do you know that it is a status symbol for a PRC woman to have a foreign boyfriend? Even for office ladies... their colleagues will view them with much envy and sometimes jealousy... not just women in the Entertainment industry..

3. Do you know that we're not only called Stupid Dog... but also called Kai-Zhi behind our backs?

4. Do you know that Non-Entertainment industry women are just as materialistic? A shanghainess proposed to another Shanghainese lady with a 0.8 carat daimond ring... and was asked why is it not more than 1 carat. My goodness... it is a proposal ring and the poor guy has used up all his money to buy that ring... and they have been together for close to 8 years!! Now the guy needs to think of ways to buy a house, otherwise, she will leave him... can you believe this?!?!

5. Do you know that a friend's colleague married a "decent" PRC girl from a "reputable family background" after years of courtship, and after getting her Singapore PR, it's 180 degrees change tore his dreams to shreds? They can ENDURE ANYTHING in order to achieve their aims! Beware!

Anyway, sweeping statement or not, I feel that it is always better to be safe than sorry. 小心驶得万年船

There are millions and millions of women out there... pay a small controled sum to know each and every one.. eventually you will be able to find ONE on your luckiest of days.. but until then, my personal advise would be to be extra careful....

I think Brother PTR is a seasoned fighter in this field and if whatever he said is read between the lines, one will uncover a lot of deeper meanings that can only be gained after having gone through numerous "battles"

I'm sure there are a lot of veterans out there who are just as seasoned... let's hear your opinions! This is an open discussion, no right or wrong as everyone has the right to his or her own opinions. Right?

Keep it going brothers (and perhaps sisters? )

Old 03-12-2004, 10:45 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Hello to both Bro Colourwolfy & PTR,

Bro Colourwolfy,
Your statement, "I should have written it as "99.9% of the PRC girls in the entertainment profession are going after our $$$"", is wronged. 100% of these ladies are working for money. Whether they are going after your money, I think this is equivalent to whether you are looking for a FOC FJ. In this way, then I would agree with you that, "I would rather not call the kettle black. Simply because I'm a pot myself."

I don get you when you said, There are of course lots of nice girls, for example the remaining 99.99% of Chinese girls who are not working in the "entertainment" industry, or 0.1% of those girls who are.
First, you add up 99.99%+0.1% = 100.09% (Haha, just joking!)
Secondly, why those not in the entertainment industry are only 0.1%, they are two group of people. Among them, there are good and bad one. For that I agree with you.

Bro PTR,
In my opinion, I think what you are trying to put up is that, like owning a car,
you have petrol and regular maintenance fees but if these cost keep on going up, either you need an overhaul or get rid of it. However, I must say that these ladies are not so easy to maintain like cars.

To further strengthen your point, a KTV gal (36C only) I met at Kunshan, have been paying for the past few times we met. Last week, I chose not to pay her, as she said she just wants me to visit her and want nothing from me. Words like, "lao gong", "hao xiang ni", "wo xi huan ni" not to mention. She even prepared dinner for the last 2 times. Early this week, she said she has no money liao! As some bros has said, those FOC prob comes with high initial investment.

Well in PRC, like my friend has said
P = People
R = Relationship
C = Cash

You need all these factors to be successful in China, the act of it is to maintian the balance within these 3, otherwise you may ended up in spending too much $ and not getting return.

Lastly, bro PTR, look like you credit is running out, I can top up for you when you are in Shanghai. You may want to add another digit, like 0.39 cent. PM if you are available when you are here.

Old 03-12-2004, 10:49 AM
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Talking Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shanghaitan
Anyway, sweeping statement or not, I feel that it is always better to be safe than sorry. 小心驶得万年船

Keep it going brothers (and perhaps sisters? )

Thank you Bro Shanghaitan for the post and the supportive comments.

I always enjoy reading your posts. Your standard of English is impeccable. Your grammar is very good, I am sure I can learn from you in this regards. You have been fair in your statements. Judging from your postings, I think you are also a seasoned brother in China. I know many seasoned brothers in China, from whom I have learnt a great deal. They do not post but are always ready to share their experience with me now and the then me, a newbie in China. They are even more bold in making a statement such as "Bro, becareful, ALL PRC ladies are after your money!". I though that was a sweeping statement, and disagreed then. I slowly came to realise what they meant and knew that that was not an over-statement. They are real seasoned fighters, much experienced and seasoned than me.

We believe in fair exchange, no con job no ulterior motive, but do the PRC ladies think likewise? That is the reason why I refuse to put myself at the same level of integrity with them.

The incidents quoted by you have happened many times based on my humble knowledge, and are, unfortunately, still happening. We cannot be over-careful in dealing with them. Like Brother Shanghaitan said, I sincerely hope that more veterans can come out and share their opinions, for all of us to learn. When I post, the main objective is to share with fellow Singaporeans so that they are not hurt unnecessary. Call it patroitism, or otherwise, this is my sole objective. Rep points do not matter to me as far as I am allowed to post.

Let me relate another real incident to share with you. I know of a young man, who travels rather frequently to China. He has a good salary and recently married to an attractive lady. I know him personally. Although his salary is good, and while travelling, he is on company expenses, staying in hotels higher grade than mine (that is okay with me), he is always short of money. Several occasions, when we visited KTVs and he brough girls back. The next day, he would tell me that he wanted to give the girl money, but the girl did not want to take. I kept warning him about this using my usual statement "There is no such thing as FOC, it is how and when you have to pay for it....". True, enough, he has been buying expensive gifts to girls who did not take money from him, sometimes to the amount of S$600-800. All brothers here are intelligent, the amount is close to RMB 3000 to 4000. If he had done it several times, it is not difficult to know how much he would have to spend. In fact, I learnt about his expenditure from others, including the girls themselves. I suppose he is too shy to tell me. If he does not stop, I think he would be in for bigger trouble. We are really what Brother Shanghaitan said, we are called "Kai Zhi" or "Big Carrot Head".

Our most experienced old bird in Shanghai, SGPShanghai69 and the Cheonging Ambassador in Hangzhou, DumbAss would tell you more stories of this nature.

Dear brothers, and Dear fellow Singaporeans, 小心驶得万年船 is an extremely good advice that we should frame it up to remind ourselves when in China. It works both in the entertainment and business scenes. Over ten humble years in China, this statement serves as my guiding light. Yet, in my younger days, with no internet or Sammyboy forum, many of us were not guided and fell. I hope you all will benefit from our humble experience and wise up when dealing with PRC nationals.

My 0.3 cent worth. - Two more days to Kunming.
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 03-12-2004, 11:22 AM
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Cool Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Thank you Brother PTR for your kind words...

Contrary to what you have said, I'm nowhere near the leagues of yourself, SGPShanghai69 and all other veterans.... I've only been in Shanghai for less then 2 years... in China for less than 10... so.. I'm still a junior with much to learn.

I just contribute whatever I can whenever I can.. Have been a "guest" for far too long.. I feel that it is about time I try to do something in the community... hahahaha...

Anyway, keep the discussions open and the thread flowing.. it's a good source of information for everyone...

Old 03-12-2004, 11:50 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Dear Bro Shanghaitan,

First of all, I do know why you make such comment, Do you know that Shanghainese girls have been inculcated since an early age to go after men with money and passports? Sorry but I would like to say: I hope you are not one of those that was cheated by Xiaolongnv? You made such strong comment, probably you have seen a lot of those cases. Lao Jiao!

You are right to say that 小心驶得万年船, but you cannot 一竹竿打翻一船人。Bcos we can choose to blame other but sometime I think why can't we be smarter than those Shanghaiese. Our education system and environment have thought us that what after one is two, we were not exposed to the situation whereby we have to if, else if, else if.... Shanghaiese tends to think more ahead of the others. As saying goes, 东北人,从早喝到玩;广东人,从早吃到晚;上海人从早算到晚。

Most of us are lucky to have bros like you, PTR, SGP69 and etc to prvoide us with the real life experience here to provide guidance to fellow people. All these lessons take time and money. A big thanks to this forum.

Ultimately, I think if we were not to expose ourselves too much to these ladies, not trying to show off to much, humble practise like our bro PTR, I think most of us can live and work well in China.

Got to stop here, got a appointment later at Suzhou.

Old 03-12-2004, 12:04 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!


I always enjoy reading your posts, and the other old bird's comments. So this is another FR for you.

I've just came back from Shanghai (went there after Beijing) and would like to share a FR on Park 97.

As usual, I was alone, so one bored evening, I went to check out Park 97 in Fuxing (the full name is Lan Kwa Fong at Park 97). This place is actually a collection of bars and resturant under 1 roof. All the establishments are interconnected. Had some difficulty locating the place as my taxi driver did not know the place.

California Club (CC) is the last place furtherest away from the entrance. Looked around and did not enjoyed the music (largely techno). At 10 pm, the quality of most of the girls were poor. and some of them looked like my mother!

Good thing about being older, I was patient. Sat at the bar next to CC, where the music was not so loud, and I could check out the people going in. There was a steady stream of people going in and out. Soon 2 girls and an ang mo came to the bar. Managed to chat up 1 of them, and found out she was from Zhejiang, and was working in Malone (another bar). After a while, I realized that she wouldn't bite, so I moved on.

At about 12 midnight, another 2 girls and 1 angmo came by. This time I was very interested as 1 of them was tall and fair. Must be from the North. Waited for my chance and started a conversation with her.

Her name is Chao and she is from Dalian. After a few mintues, I have already sized her up. She is in for the biz. Her opening price was 1400 RMB. Ha! Thanks to all the info bros have been giving on SHA pricing, I managed to half it to 700 RMB. It was worth every cent!

Interestingly, on returning to my 5 star hotel, I walked hand-in-hand with Chao unharassed to my room. (I used to get stopped in BKK when I do this, and the hotel would require me to register the girl.) This is Pleasant Surprise 1.

Pleasant Surprise 2 - Chao was every thing I want in the women. Aggressive in bed, slutty, and horny!

We started off with a Ying-yang shower, and warmed up in the living room (I had a suite) with some kissing, rubbing, and she gave gave me one of the best BJJ. (It was as good as my favorite G150 girl - the retired Yoko!)

After humping in a few position and Chao had already cummed once, I rested. Guess what - Chao started to rub her breast and cunt to warm up for round 2!! Wah Lau! I tested the water, and asked if I could take some pics. She said YES! Jumped out of the bed, and got my equipment. (I will post it in the pics section.)

Humped her some more, and finished with round 2. While resting, we chatted. You know what she brought up in the conversation? SHe mentioned that she had tried anal with her last boyfriend, and she felt very horny and wanted to try with me!!

But sit, I had no KY!! I tried for a few minutes to warm up her 2nd hole with her own cunt juice. Then tried to slowly put my dick into her 2nd hole.. Tried.. tried.. Chao tried her best too, moving her backside into my pole. BUT alas, Chao gave up. SHe said I was too big! Next trip, I will bring my KY along!

Tired out we hugged each other to bed.

Next day, I woke up to a persistent rubbing at my pole. Chao was one horny woman! We managed to have a 2nd bang before breakfast. And I sent her off before leaving for office.

Chao was a different tpye of bang from Xiang (my BJ GF).

Looks: 7.5
Body: 34B-26-34
BJ: 9

Hope you guys like the FR,

Old 03-12-2004, 12:15 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

一竹竿打翻一船人, well said, Bro Shengge. I supposed many of us made that statement is because of our humble experience. I also admit that it is perhaps not very correct to say this. I would like to seek the permission of brothers here to allow me to make a statement like

"Statistically, PRC ladies are after $$$, not necessary the Singaporeans, but foreigners".

Yes, I totally agree that we ought to learn to be smart. This is perhaps many of our brothers here are relating their experience to warn the rest. In doing so, it is inevitable that strong statements are sometimes made. Brothers here should not take those statements by their face value. When some brothers here made those statements, there must be some truth in it. Alright, maybe not 100%, but take them as statistically accurate with certain level of confident interval. I admit that I have seen a lot, my humble experiences and those of the brothers. Everyone of us, I can even vouch for many of the seasoned brothers here, had been bitten at least once. We just do not like to see the re-occurrence happens to our fellow citizens. The spirit of sharing.

I will stop discussing about whether the statement is a "sweeping one", but would leave it to the brothers here to find out for themselves. In this regard, I sincerely hope that our humble postings would prevent you from dropping into the black kettles. I would now prefer to continue to recount and to share my experience, in my small way. It is indeed my sincere hope that what we have posted here would be useful. We are impartial, just quoting facts, and incidents that either we have gone through ourselves, or those that happened on others.

My 0.2 cent worth (Counting down to 0 cent, and I would stop writing)

Kunming here I come!
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
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