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Old 09-12-2006, 07:05 AM
The Bund The Bund is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by werrew View Post

It's really nice to know so many brothers around.
Sharing information with one another…….
This is my first year here in shanghai, i’m will be staying back in shanghai for Chinese New Year. Any advise for me what to do during this period.

Apart from the deafening din of firecrackers, Shanghai is rather quiet during the CNY holidays. Personally, that's what I like about remaining in Shanghai during that period. However, if you have to visit saunas and/or night-spots, please bear in mind that many meimeis make their annual pilgrimage home for their reunions with their families over this period. So you'd see a drastic reduction in terms of choice.

Travelling to nearby tourist spots, at least to me, is completely out of the question - unless you like crowds, and I mean, CROWDS! Bro shengge advised travelling from the 2nd day onwards probably having in mind this prospect but perhaps leaning more towards avoiding the crush in commuting to your destination. Still, once you reach your destination, you'd find yourself just a digit in the mass of numbers!

To experience what ren shan ren hai (people mountain people sea) truly means, all you've to do is take a short trip down to Chenghuang Temple on the 1st day of CNY. Oxford Street pales in comparison!

This is the period to unwind and relax. If there're places in Shanghai you enjoy visiting but have always been put off by the crowds, you may visit those places over the CNY as there'd be a smaller crowd.

If, on the other hand, you'd like to spend a few quiet days at home watching dvds in the company of your favourite meimei, well, you've about 2 months to work your magic.

Good luck!
To belittle is to be little.
Old 14-12-2006, 05:59 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

When SBF down, everything also slow down, posting goes down, so as YPH and FD I guess..............

Old 14-12-2006, 06:40 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by luvgangsta View Post
Soloken bro,

Judging from the info, I would say some of the info is at least 1-2 years old. These taiwan lists are usually cut and paste, and added on and on. Most of the information is usually outdated.

Anyway, thanks for the post, some of the bros will have a fun time looking for stuff no longer there! at least they will familiarize themselve with shanghai streetnames.

Yup it is abt 1 year ago, anyway will try to update more since I have been permanently posted to Shanghai now..spending christmas and new year here...wonder how is it like here...
Old 14-12-2006, 08:10 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

ALL new bros. spending their first lunar new year in Shanghai....make sure that you take your new year's eve dinner early! I had the experience of rushing to KFC before they close....all the fast-food joints close early that night !!
Old 15-12-2006, 10:29 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by nongho View Post
Some of the vendors from XiangYang Market has move to this location while some have move to 七浦路批发市场, QiPu Road wholesale centre. Qipu lu is a bit more messy, there are 5 malls of wholesale goods and fake products at the intersection where there is 1 mall at each of the intersection.
For those of us who stays in the west and do not want to travel to Pudong, there is another cluster of 300-400 stores that moved to a new mall in Changning district 长宁区 on Jin Hui Lu 金汇路 near to Wu zhong Lu 吴中路. It is located on Jin Hui Lu between Wu Zhong Lu and Yan An Lu 延安路. It is across the street from the Singaporean owned bah kut teh store called "Ah Long Bah Kut Teh". It is a big new pink color building. You will see a lot of korean restaurants and some KTVs on the other side of the building. Most of my regular and favorite stores all moved there, including the best pure silver and tiffany maker formerly in XiangYang.
Just tryin' to keep ma head 'bove the water...
Old 15-12-2006, 10:30 AM
werrew werrew is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Hi Bund

Thanks for your advise....

I understand what you mean; I was in Hang Zhou on the china national day (Shi yi)

Well, it is really crowded in shanghai. I just need to be somewhere to slow down the pace.

Breathe some fresh air….maybe will just go to some of the rural area…….

Thanks everyone

Take care

Originally Posted by The Bund View Post
Apart from the deafening din of firecrackers, Shanghai is rather quiet during the CNY holidays. Personally, that's what I like about remaining in Shanghai during that period. However, if you have to visit saunas and/or night-spots, please bear in mind that many meimeis make their annual pilgrimage home for their reunions with their families over this period. So you'd see a drastic reduction in terms of choice.

Travelling to nearby tourist spots, at least to me, is completely out of the question - unless you like crowds, and I mean, CROWDS! Bro shengge advised travelling from the 2nd day onwards probably having in mind this prospect but perhaps leaning more towards avoiding the crush in commuting to your destination. Still, once you reach your destination, you'd find yourself just a digit in the mass of numbers!

To experience what ren shan ren hai (people mountain people sea) truly means, all you've to do is take a short trip down to Chenghuang Temple on the 1st day of CNY. Oxford Street pales in comparison!

This is the period to unwind and relax. If there're places in Shanghai you enjoy visiting but have always been put off by the crowds, you may visit those places over the CNY as there'd be a smaller crowd.

If, on the other hand, you'd like to spend a few quiet days at home watching dvds in the company of your favourite meimei, well, you've about 2 months to work your magic.

Good luck!
Old 17-12-2006, 12:00 PM
skydesperato skydesperato is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

YPH, Thanks to Lao Jiu man....

BTW, just a kind reminder for sammyboysss, don't ask taxi driver for places to cheong, coz it may end up you the one who was cheong....

Old 19-12-2006, 01:55 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by skydesperato View Post
YPH, Thanks to Lao Jiu man....

BTW, just a kind reminder for sammyboysss, don't ask taxi driver for places to cheong, coz it may end up you the one who was cheong....
Please leh, thank with a FR lah!
These days weather so cold, stay at home, it would be good to have someone to provide some update on YPH............

Generally, taxi drivers in Shanghai are OK, tried not to take those taxi in purple red colour one, becasue this colour mean driver is the private owner of the car, not under any company, ie not under any company management and monitoring and etc. So the risk factor is higher.


Old 19-12-2006, 10:23 AM
Shanghai_guy27 Shanghai_guy27 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shengge View Post

These days weather so cold, stay at home,

I've found that a nice warm wash by a lovely xiaojie is just a thing for this cold weather.
I wonder how many people saw Elvis today?
Old 19-12-2006, 10:43 AM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - HCs Update Info & Ranking Positions

Here's some info on both old & new HCs in Shanghai for all bros interest.
Happy cheonging!


【详细过程】 昨天晚饭后,和朋友商量去哪里泻火,听说新开一日式桑那,比上宾,鼎盛圆好,几个狼友就打车直奔那里.进场 后,直接进包房换衣,由小弟带领入另一包房,进房后前先从了一组小姐中挑选一中意小姐,随后如一包房,包房 内有洗浴设备,水床一个,按摩床一个.小姐先帮你洗澡,随后再水磨,随后的过程就不细说了.一 个字,爽.

早就听说“神泉会所”的大名了,就是离自己的活动范围太远而一直没有去,那天晚上正好忙了一个星期,而且又 碰上了一件非常倒霉的事情,让LZ输了几万银子,决定找个地方去发泄一下心里的郁闷。于是吃过饭后就往那里 赶.由于是第一次去吴中路,找了半天,不过一路上看见那里沿街的马路两边FL还真多,而且都是统一的白色连 衣裙到是有点特色的。500号门口有香蜜湖大酒店的指示,好象还是个汽车修理城。找了半天没找到门原来还得 又转,上了四楼换衣,冲浴觉得硬件的设施还是不错的,休息的地方也很好有LCD电视,但是就是生意太好了! !居然等了半小时没人理我。在我催了几次后终于出现了,哇:居然是一排XJ进来的,都穿着统一的露脐装,超 短裙,就象在KTV里面挑XJ。这样的场面只有在靖江有,要的就是这种感觉!!XJ一个个先给你鞠躬,然后 再自我介绍名字,哪里人几号,就是速度太快了都还没有听清楚的。其中有一个MM大大的眼睛,脸张得绝对象蒙 古,新疆人的脸,让我想起了“海市蜃楼”里的女主角。绝对的异域风情。身高在165左右,黑黑的皮肤,前突 后翘,小腰圆润结实,非常的健美并且很有野性!!看来今天得有个新口味了!!试试骑匹野马吧。就她了。其他 XJ出门后,“小蒙古”马上就搀着我的手往炮房里走,看来这里的确是蛮搞得定的,这样明目张胆的在客人的休 息房里和走廊里走。炮房是一楼有,三楼有,地下室还有,三楼好象比较大(听说的)但可惜的是今天人太多都满 了,只有在一楼.炮房不大也就一张床,一面镜子,居然还有个LCD电视,但电视节目很模糊,估计也就是摆摆 样子的。我问XJ“你们这里一个钟多少时间啊?”她说“1个小时”我随口答到“那么少的时间啊?那么得抓紧 啊!!这样就可以来两次了”说实话我也只不过是随笔问下看看能不能来两次的。没想到回答是。。。激烈的热吻 就象是情人那样的亲吻和抚摸然后就。。。。。。真的是很有激情哎!!有点累,正好让小蒙古给我做项目。此女 真的是很有野性!!漫游可以说是非常的有激情,舌头非常的有力量,全身上下就象张弓一样收起再弹出,圆润而 上翘的臀部冲击力量非常的大!!DL做的非常的到位,然后是红绳,冰火。。。BJ时还不时的用眼睛挑逗你, 次次深喉因为刚来过一次了,所以本人的反应没有那么快,毕竟是年岁不饶人了!!但她没有一点的不耐烦,而是 非常完美的在BJ,脸部的表情让人的感觉就象她是在享受一件非常快乐的事情,太爽了!!看着她的表情和动作 激情迸发然后。。。哇,此女真的是很厉害,叫声,手臂抓你的力度,腰腹部的回应都是那么的有激情和野性!! 结速后问她才了解到以前是体校队练短跑的!!难怪这么厉害,还和我说下次来和她体验下站着用不同的姿势ML ,倒!!看来此女的确是把这事情当成是一种享受了!!难得有干一行爱一行的人!!希望她能享受 工作的快乐。
总结一下:神泉的硬件应该来说是不错的,也符合680的场子的品位,软件:象这样一起过来给你挑的话上海的 场子不多的。毕竟一次次换和一起有比较的挑选是不一样的。但这里的确是人满为患,我在休息的时候就不停的听 到服务员的叫声:“欢迎光临,请更衣,谢谢光临,请走好”估计客流量在5-8人/5分钟。下次看来得在下午来,这样挑的余地就大很多了。
至于服务么就得看你选的,但这些程序是不会少的,XJ么就是见仁见智了。性价比蛮高的,就是远 了点。


【 第 10 名 】 浅 草

浅草是上海几大著名的老牌SN之一,服务项目齐全,小姐敬业,向来有着不错的口碑,是彭浦地区众多娱乐场所 的核心.虽然近来人气呈现下降的趋势,但它就象我们上海滩上的一个老字号,多年如一日.以经过反复的权衡, 10强的位置当中还是留给其一席之地.
【虚拟人气】:361719 票

【 第 9 名 】 同 仁 苑
【采花点评】: 同仁苑是长宁区最著名的SN之一,曾经在上海的西部地区红极一时,其人气在01、02年前后到达过空前的高 度,那时在西部的狼友群落中几乎没有不知道同仁苑的. 可时间能考量一切,现在当我们再路过那里时,已是一幅破败不堪的画面,生意惨淡经营,小姐质量也大不如前, 差不多已经到了关门的边缘,硬件的落后无疑成了制约其发展的致命伤. 就目前而言,客观地说,很多没有进入10强的SN在各方面的条件已经远远超过了同仁苑,可是我们不应该忘记 历史,更不应该磨灭它过去的辉煌,而那一个个曾经诞生在它身上的奇迹是那些新兴的SN还没有的,所以今天只 要同仁苑还存在,就无法淡出

【 第 8 名 】 春 子
【采花时间】:去年, 今年
采花项目】:ML, DL, BJ
【采花点评】: 春子的成功来源于秋子,事实上它只是秋子的一家分店,可喜的是随着时间的推移,这一点越来越不被人们所提起 ,春子也象是成为了一个独立的品牌(就象提起FL中的白玉兰,有多少人会想起它是绿草地的分店;再比如聊到 国际米兰,又有多少人知道它曾经只是从AC米兰中分裂出来的一部分呢). 关于春子的评价众说纷纭,有人说它象真正的名店,服务极其到位,也有人认为它和秋子相比,样样都不如,可不 争的事实早已说明了春子在当今沪上SN中不可动摇的地位.
【虚拟人气】:1240007 票

【 第 7 名 】 士 嘉 堡
【采花地址】:昌平路, 新闸路
【采花项目】:ML, DL, BJ
【价格一览】:550, 开票600
士嘉堡也算是SN中的老牌子了,多年来一直以小姐靓丽著称,就冲着这一点,有不少狼友就是对士嘉堡情有独众 ,久而久之,这里就积累了不少固定的老客人.X]3M|-v"w _
总的来说士嘉堡无论从硬件到软件都是相当不错的,小姐的服务也中规中矩,按理说完全能有更好的表现,不过在 它身上我们总是看不到一股霸气,一股王者之气,所以那么多年来士嘉堡一直就在中游的位置徘徊.

【 第 6 名 】 智 慧 泉
【采花地址】:武宁路, 长寿路
【采花项目】:MY, DL, BJ, ML
【价格一览】:普通1000, VIP1200, 19:00前享受7.5折优惠
在现如今的上海你要说哪家SN档次最高,那智慧泉无疑是热门中的热门,其高昂的价格也几乎超出了其他场子一 倍,难道贵就一定好吗? 智慧泉的小姐来源广泛,由于毗邻-天上人间、帝豪-等顶级娱乐场所,有些在那儿混不下去的小姐就来到了智慧泉,这样一来无形中就把智慧泉的档次哄得水涨船高, 再加上处在这么一个生不逢时的地段,所以价格偏高也就不可避免了. 不过话说回来,这里的小姐确实有一定的质量,可现在已经青黄不接、大不如前.有人说:没去过智慧泉等于没去 过上海,不知这话有什么根据.

【 第 5 名 】 泉 涌 4a
【采花地址】:高阳路, 周家嘴路
泉涌是一家注重服务的SN,小姐以东北的居多,相貌一般,但活十分到位.由于开业时间较长,环境看上去已略 显破旧,不过其价格确具备十足的竞争力,性价比极高.对于那些讲求实惠的狼友来说,泉涌是不二的选择.唯一 的遗憾是和上海最著名的SN之一的秋子离得太近,而且价格也相当,想要超过秋子的地位又几乎不可能,所以在 人们选择的时候往往就会处于一个不利的境地,这便是泉涌的硬伤.

【 第 4 名 】 舒 怡 泉
【采花地址】:延安路, 威海路口
【采花项目】:漫游,DL,胸推,KJ,ML,舔趾,红绳 l
【价格一览】:600, 开票650
舒怡泉想必没有人不知道,在狼群中间人气极高,也算是老牌子了,原先价格比较高(800),在装修一新之后 确降到了600,看来老板也是看准了市场,做起了长线生意
SYQ的最大特色在于服务,其整体服务质量可以说是代表了目前上海SN的最高水平,小姐几乎性爱18招无不 精通,在她的服务中你很难再挑出半点瑕疵.假使在上海所有的SN中你只能选择去2家的话,那SYQ必定是其 中的一家.

第 3 名 】 秋 子
【采花地址】:高阳路, 东余杭路
【采花点评】: 从外滩往北走不远就来到了上海最著名的SN-秋子-,多年来秋子在沪上同行业中的地位几乎牢不可破,它就象一本上海SN的活历史,下面就让我们一起来翻开它. 关与对秋子的介绍想必都已经是废话了,因为凡是狼友都对它是再熟悉不过了,秋子的成功就象是在我们这座城市 树立了一座丰碑,也许我们应该颁给它终身成就奖.

【 第 2 名 】 吉 原
【采花地址】:胶州路,昌平路 8I
采花项目】:MY,DL,胸推,BJ,ML ,GJ
吉原,就是这么一个才开业1年多的场子,却在上海创造了一个奇迹.今天,吉原的人气已经到了独步天下的程度 ,,生意好得匪夷所思,在各大介绍上海娱乐场所的网站上,关于吉原的性息几乎占据了一半,在圈内也慢慢形成 了一种吉原现象.如今有不少新开业的场子都打着吉原分店的旗号,就这样也能招来不错的生意.!
从硬件上看,吉原由于才开业1年多,环境设备在同等SN中都属一流.软件上,吉原的小姐更是经过了严格的选 拔,不仅外貌出众,而且无论从服务水平、项目还是态度上的综合实力绝对是最强的.
不过由于失意实在是好得离谱,导致吉原的小姐过度疲劳,体力严重透支,时间长了就造成了力不从心,服务也呈 下降的趋势,做吉原的小姐也真是够矛盾的.

【 第 1 名 】 新 淮 海 (现名阿拉宫)
【采花地址】:复兴路, 顺昌路
有什么场子还能排在吉原会所之上呢,那就只能是新淮海了,只可惜今天的阿拉宫已经不再是当年的新淮海,一个 戴在它头上的光环也渐渐隐去.
我们怀念当年的新淮海,也不会忘记它在史书上写下的一段段神话,只感叹再好的东西也终究会有消失的一天,现 在狼友们身边的阿拉宫只不过是一个普通的SN,但我们还是怀着无比敬仰的心情把第1名的位置留给了当年的新 淮海,但愿有一天它能重现昨日的辉煌.新淮海的精神将永远在狼友们中间流传

Cheerios to all bros, and a early Merry X'mas & A Happy New Year to all.
Best regards.
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
Living life simple is a true blessing

Last edited by SGPshanghai69; 19-12-2006 at 10:45 AM. Reason: errors
Old 19-12-2006, 11:24 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

greetings bro,

any kind soul here can provide link for free chinese text convert to english

many thanks for the kind heart guy

fake goods in pudong
another fake goods location in pudong is inside the science technology station itself, this station is inbetween dongfang lu (now rename as pudong nan lu station) and century station.
Old 19-12-2006, 11:44 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Don't I wish I paid more attention in my Chinese class.

Merry Christmas
I wonder how many people saw Elvis today?
Old 19-12-2006, 12:01 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - HCs Update Info & Ranking Positions

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69 View Post
Here's some info on both old & new HCs in Shanghai for all bros interest.
Happy cheonging!
Wah Bro SGPSha69,
Very detailed recommendation.
What is your personal rating on them?
Got discount for sbf bros or not?

Happy X'mas and 2007.


Old 19-12-2006, 12:03 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - HCs Update Info & Ranking Positions

Originally Posted by shengge View Post
Got discount for sbf bros or not?
Use your nick, discount n time extend.....
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 19-12-2006, 12:05 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - HCs Update Info & Ranking Positions

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
Use your nick, discount n time extend.....
Don't anyhow use that name, later kena beaten......

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