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Old 16-09-2003, 07:31 PM
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Dear Bros,
I have been to 7 places in 7 days. I am still moving all over the place covering quite a few areas in Zhejiang.
Please excuse me from the scene for the time being.
Will be in touch when all official businesses are concluded.
Damn! I'm Dumb.
Old 17-09-2003, 12:53 AM
Crocodile Crocodile is offline
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Hello good brothers in Shanghai..

I should be going there maybe next week... for some work and RnR.. Was wondering if we could meet up as this will be my first time there... Newbie and i will be going there all alone... need the guidance of fellow brothers in shanghai...

btw, i have a fetish for mongolian chicks... anywhere i can locate them in shanghai?? ..

thank you very much in advance.. hope to see some fellow cheongsters there to help me around... dont worry.. expenses on company!!

Old 17-09-2003, 11:02 AM
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Mongolian Chicks

Bro., as I know the Mongolian chicks can be found at Beijing and other northern cities but not at Shanghai.
Old 17-09-2003, 11:31 PM
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hi i will be going to shanghai next week too but i am there for holiday. i will reach there on 21st sept , i will be alone too . hope to meet u and other fellow brothers in shanghai too

Originally posted by Crocodile
Hello good brothers in Shanghai..

I should be going there maybe next week... for some work and RnR.. Was wondering if we could meet up as this will be my first time there... Newbie and i will be going there all alone... need the guidance of fellow brothers in shanghai...

btw, i have a fetish for mongolian chicks... anywhere i can locate them in shanghai?? ..

thank you very much in advance.. hope to see some fellow cheongsters there to help me around... dont worry.. expenses on company!!

Old 18-09-2003, 10:11 AM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Cheong in Shanghai

Originally posted by Crocodile
Hello good brothers in Shanghai..

I should be going there maybe next week... for some work and RnR.. Was wondering if we could meet up as this will be my first time there... Newbie and i will be going there all alone... need the guidance of fellow brothers in shanghai...

btw, i have a fetish for mongolian chicks... anywhere i can locate them in shanghai?? ..

thank you very much in advance.. hope to see some fellow cheongsters there to help me around... dont worry.. expenses on company!!

I'm in Shanghai now. PM me if u need any assistance on any info. Shall try my best to provide.
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
Living life simple is a true blessing
Old 18-09-2003, 04:21 PM
zico34 zico34 is offline
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Look like we got lot of brother will be in Shanghai. I am also scheduled to be there on Sept 30th. I am looking for company to follow me....I have been there about 5 times...but SHANGHAI is just too big to explore.

If there is experience brother going there from Sept 30 to 5th Oct, I will be more than willing to join is always better to be togther rather than alone.....that is my experience.

PM me for those who want to come along.....
Old 18-09-2003, 06:17 PM
Ascott Ascott is offline
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National Holidays

To all bros. ,
Be aware that the National Holidays will be from October 1-7. Alot of the local bros. will be free but might not be a good time to cheong.
Veteran bros. can enlighten us on this.
Old 18-09-2003, 11:10 PM
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Brothe Ascott,

Not too sure if you mean that it is a National Holiday and most of the gals are going home ? Correct me if I am wrong.
Old 19-09-2003, 12:46 AM
honkytonk man
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Fellow brethren,

can I have a show of hands who is currently based in Shanghai and will be in Shanghai on a long term basis? Been in Shanghai for almost half a year but sad to say I haven't been to many joints....Been picking up gals from different spots in Shanghai but Golden Magnolia is the only joint that I would say has a reliable source of fuckable gals....But blowing that kind of money going alone just doesn't make sense.....Would want to know some bros who will be there for the long haul so that we can cheong together on a regular basis....

Just to share something with all the bros here....Had been to Qing Dao a couple of times....was never disappointed with the quality of gals over there....Esp those from Dong Bei....Just one hour flight from Shanghai....
Old 19-09-2003, 12:46 AM
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Fellow brethren,

can I have a show of hands who is currently based in Shanghai and will be in Shanghai on a long term basis? Been in Shanghai for almost half a year but sad to say I haven't been to many joints....Been picking up gals from different spots in Shanghai but Golden Magnolia is the only joint that I would say has a reliable source of fuckable gals....But blowing that kind of money going alone just doesn't make sense.....Would want to know some bros who will be there for the long haul so that we can cheong together on a regular basis....

Just to share something with all the bros here....Had been to Qing Dao a couple of times....was never disappointed with the quality of gals over there....Esp those from Dong Bei....Just one hour flight from Shanghai....
Old 19-09-2003, 01:55 AM
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Re: National Holidays

Originally posted by Ascott
To all bros. ,
Be aware that the National Holidays will be from October 1-7. Alot of the local bros. will be free but might not be a good time to cheong.
Veteran bros. can enlighten us on this.
I always avoid going to the happening places two weeks before and two weeks after any National Holidays. There will be more regular checks especially two weeks before the days. This is especially so in Beijing where I have been there on trips during the last 10 years. Other than checks and raids at the joints, bringing girl back will run the risk of being stopped at a check point (usually at large cross road junctions). Getting into tight spot like this could end up in a Police station for further questioning.

The way it goes is: You and the girl will be asked to be on the different sides of the car, and be questioned separately. The questions they asked are usually to find out how well you know each other. If you just know the girl that evening, you will be in for suspicion for engaging in prostitution, which is against the laws in China.

Have been in Shanghai for the past 6 years or so. In my humble opinion, the degree of the abovementioned events is less, but no one can assure that it would not happen on you.

In addition, many girls are also afraid of such checks and raids, and hence you might not find gems there during these periods as many of them will also avoid these places. SGPShanghai69 and Shagman69 can provide more information on Shanghai, and I am sure they would help brothers in providing information.

It is better to play safe in a distant land.

Just my 2 cent worth.
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man

Last edited by PuTonRen; 19-09-2003 at 01:58 AM.
Old 19-09-2003, 03:00 AM
trax222 trax222 is offline
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Re: Rollcall

Originally posted by honkytonk man
Fellow brethren,

can I have a show of hands who is currently based in Shanghai and will be in Shanghai on a long term basis? Been in Shanghai for almost half a year but sad to say I haven't been to many joints....Been picking up gals from different spots in Shanghai but Golden Magnolia is the only joint that I would say has a reliable source of fuckable gals....But blowing that kind of money going alone just doesn't make sense.....Would want to know some bros who will be there for the long haul so that we can cheong together on a regular basis....

Just to share something with all the bros here....Had been to Qing Dao a couple of times....was never disappointed with the quality of gals over there....Esp those from Dong Bei....Just one hour flight from Shanghai....
Off topic question but can you share some tips on qingdao? Thanks man.
Old 19-09-2003, 03:35 AM
honkytonk man
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Re: Re: Rollcall

Originally posted by trax222
Off topic question but can you share some tips on qingdao? Thanks man.
Been there twice in fact.....Twice I returned a satisfied man.....Return air ticket on Dong Fang airline cost close to to Qing Dao operate on a hourly basis everyday....Lodging cost about 300RMB per night if you are not too fussy...they have some decent hotels over there...I always stay in Yuan Yang....somewhere along Hong Kong Zhong Lu.....The last joint I went to is a nightclub at Bei Hai's an old rundown hotel but the nightclub was quite decently furnished.....Room cost about 200++ with beer thrown in....200RMB for the gal to "zuo tai"....800RMB if you decide to boink the gal.....Most of the gals are from Dong Bei....In general they have rather big frames + big tits of coz...

1000RMB+600RMB(2 nite stay)+1600RMB(2 overnite fuck)+500RMB(KTV rooms for two nights) works out to less than 4000RMB for two nights of fun & fuck....

So it's just a matter of knocking off early on Friday to catch the flight in PuDong airport...having a nice time for two consecutive nights and returning to SHG on Sunday at a time of your choice....

I have always got a thing for Dong Bei gals so Qing Dao always appeal to me.... At least it is free of Ang Mohs....There is a strong Korean and Japanese presence over there consider Qing Dao's close proximity to the two countries....
Old 19-09-2003, 10:03 AM
zico34 zico34 is offline
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Hi Honkytonman,

I am glad we have a leader who can lead the way in all our objectives in Shanghai. From my experience, if you are newbies, get ready to be span on your back with all your monines. I was almost conned once in Shanghai in one of the run down KTV.

I believe with all our cooperation together and deligence, we should be able to work smarter against this trickster.

Take note, I have already confirmed by flight to be in Shanghai around Oct 1st to 5th.....but had to travel to YIWU and NANJING between those days.

I reckoned I am should be available on 30th Sept as I am flying in from Changchun to Shanghai on sept 30th...

Let me know your availability ???
Old 19-09-2003, 10:06 AM
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Thanks for the tip on qingdao. I think I shall make a trip there after this national holidays is over and report back on findings. Cheers.
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