In the meantime, several of the more memorable ladies still waiting to come back. Amy, Ting Bao, Lulu, Xia Xia... all waiting. I know some have found jobs while waiting. That might again affect their decision to return.
Some of the above mentioned are not coming back
__________________ please don’t zap me if I said something wrong
Didnt met them separately. Lynn not my type. Ruby is v hardworking n prettier. But too bad elsewhere now.
I have good recollection of Ruby too. Classical oriental beauty features. She have a nice pair of boobs, a comfortable set of routine followed by sensual that is quite passionate. Will certainly visit her should she choose to return as ML.
Thinking back, I should've RTM-ed her a few more times before she flew back..
Feeling an intense itch/urge to resume this hobby, but social responsibility comes first..
somehow i was also kinda excited hearing she is coming back before the covid started.. her service is quite good and i only realized it after she went back
Haha, my 2 favorites. Many years ago Anqi looks amazing with tight figure and solid boobs, while tao hong have a solid milf tight body with amazing nuru HDLY that uses her fingernails to cause multiple orgasm.
Sadly, Anqi looks have deteriorated alot, but still hard working and willing to please, always aiming for 3shots within an hour, and Tao hong is still good but looks like she is missing in action after sudden no replies from her almost 8months ago.
Wow bro what's her original damage? Always aim for 3 in an hour?? That's a lot!
the thing i am more curious is there some lady laying bareback infront of the them? this look like some outdoor park!! or is it my eyes playing trick on me........