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Old 10-04-2021, 11:38 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

you are right, their daily expenses also use cash any talk of alternative payment is just trouble making. somehow this reminds me of a joke by a ML which had me laughing when she described my cock as useless because it is losing money when i pay to cum and her pussy is superior as it operates like a "刷卡机“ every time swipe will earn money.

Originally Posted by ltum2000 View Post
I think that the PRC ML's who work from their apartments will prefer cash, and not any other method of payments.
Old 10-04-2021, 12:43 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

CASHLESS payment for homebased ML? No thanks to this kind of "convenience" man. Digital trail and who knows what kind of risk you are opening yourself to, lots of very IT savvy people lurking around these days. Each session is just 2x Blue notes + a few pieces of Red notes..not that cumbersome imho.

Plus you tend to not feel the pinch as much when the physical dollar notes are not taken out from your wallet..suddenly any top up services feels very affordable since you don't see the $$ disappear from your wallet.
Old 10-04-2021, 12:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by lupinrobin View Post
I would say both are good. OMM if you also need hard massage, Long Nu sensual is better imo.

If i were to pick bone in an egg, that would be Long Nu scheduling cause I still get cancelled from time to time.
Both have their plus / minus points.

OMM = PSE experience
LN = playful SYT

OMM = pricing on higher side
LN = her habit of double booking is still there ( she claims she gets a few no shows so now she rather to double book and then cancel one if both turns up)..... I had 5 previous appointments with her and 3 were cancelled at last minute even though I had arrived. But now that I know her real reason for doing so..... she has assured me that I will get priority over the other guy should my next appointment be double booked again.
Old 10-04-2021, 01:00 PM
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Talking Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Lotus2013 View Post

LN = her habit of double booking is still there ( she claims she gets a few no shows so now she rather to double book and then cancel one if both turns up)..... I had 5 previous appointments with her and 3 were cancelled at last minute even though I had arrived. But now that I know her real reason for doing so.....
WTH!!!?? You sure? That really isn't at all a very good business practice. Getting aeroplane is just another occupational hazard for a ML.

I've never had any of my sessions cancelled last minute by her so far, but wow, I'm actually quite disturbed by this blasé attitude to people's time.
Old 10-04-2021, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by yumihisoka View Post
Yea I got a ml that can do this but it's a bit of a miss because her tits are not very firm so there isn't much friction.

A good bf need some firmness in my opinion.
Too soft = no feel
Too firm = feels like putting my dick between rubber balls
Well summarised! If I may add my own Boobs Fuck (BF) from my own experience with 3 oredi RTC MLs:

1.Polly (the one with the awkward dance),her boobs are big but not firm. She does BF with her seated on edge of bed and expect me to thrust my clamped dick up and down while STANDING. Not an enjoyable experience and didn't succeed to cum as her boobs not firm enough to clamp well.

2. Hebe/ Ziqing (miss her loads man), hers is she seated on the bed, with my lower body resting atop her thighs, she then clamp my dick between her valley and she work her boobs up and's a tried and tested method but to be honest while her boobs are not small, ain't huge enough to fully clamp a dick..didn't succeed to cum too but damn shiok la cos she is so chio.

3. Laura the legendary ML. My maiden and only successful Cum from BF. Hers is with her lying flat, I ride on her upper body, she positioned her huge knockers to clamp my dick and I just thrust forward and back like screwing a cunt, and coz Laura boobs are huge and firm, completely engulf the dick and she will keep dirty talk and horny looks, I cum very sextifying, even sprayed some onto her chin and face accidentally lol, but she is sporting, din scold me and still smile and joke that I give her facial. Really a superb ML.

There you have it, I don't ask for BF much cos most are either not huge enough, some are not skilled enough. But above gives you an idea of the few basic ways to do it, find one that suit your liking/kink, then suggest to the ML if her default method not working for you. Not all of them really knows how to do it so communication is key..and most important don't get too hung up if not successful, I appreciate when ML is willing to do BF, so even if it fails, just thank her efforts and switch back to HJ/BJ to get your happy ending. Cheers
Old 10-04-2021, 01:16 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Lotus2013 View Post
LN = her habit of double booking is still there......
I dun tink she does it on purpose.... more is due to her disorganised nature. After my last session with her I told her I want to schedule another appointment. She ask me for date & time and just wrote it inside s small notebook.... later while she was tending to her phone I flipped through the notebook and discovered she already had another booking for my scheduled day/time a couple of pages back.
I pointed it out to her and her reply pissed me off.... " 是吗? 没关系...先到先得 "........ very nonchalant attitude and no apology or asking me whether want to reschedule or not. Anyway I told her to change to another timing after checking she does not have any booking..... just hope she does not double book another guy to my slot.
Old 10-04-2021, 01:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Beretta View Post
Anyway I told her to change to another timing after checking she does not have any booking..... just hope she does not double book another guy to my slot.
Sometime cannot blame them also, her WeChat was looking for replacement for 11 am and 2 pm this morning. Some bro also fly her aeroplane. She already delete it likely she already found replacement
Old 10-04-2021, 01:29 PM
Franco_Barsei Franco_Barsei is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Beretta View Post
I pointed it out to her and her reply pissed me off.... " 是吗? 没关系...先到先得 "........ very nonchalant attitude and no apology or asking me whether want to reschedule or not. Anyway I told her to change to another timing after checking she does not have any booking..... just hope she does not double book another guy to my slot.

Pissed and no apology from her and yet still proceeded?

Exhibit A of why these WLs take us for granted.
Old 10-04-2021, 01:36 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Beretta View Post
I dun tink she does it on purpose.... more is due to her disorganised nature. After my last session with her I told her I want to schedule another appointment. She ask me for date & time and just wrote it inside s small notebook.... later while she was tending to her phone I flipped through the notebook and discovered she already had another booking for my scheduled day/time a couple of pages back.
I pointed it out to her and her reply pissed me off.... " 是吗? 没关系...先到先得 "........ very nonchalant attitude and no apology or asking me whether want to reschedule or not. Anyway I told her to change to another timing after checking she does not have any booking..... just hope she does not double book another guy to my slot.
i saw some posts mentioning she charges $150 now ?

her ad still shows $120 though
Old 10-04-2021, 01:49 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Knowingly accepting two bookings at one time is considered double booking. It may be of no loss to.the ML, but to us (those who are not young anymore), time is very valuable.

Is a big no no for ML criteria. Regardless regular or not, it's a straight drop.

Last edited by Blu3; 10-04-2021 at 02:39 PM.
Old 10-04-2021, 01:56 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Franco_Barsei View Post
Pissed and no apology from her and yet still proceeded?

Exhibit A of why these WLs take us for granted.
Totally agree bro. These girls knowingly throw leftover crumbs on the floor and we still accept it. Wrong is wrong, why are people even making excuses.

She may be legendary, but that's an epic no-no in my book.
Old 10-04-2021, 01:58 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Is this the Jessica everyone was raving about?
Old 10-04-2021, 01:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post

I've never had any of my sessions cancelled last minute by her so far, but wow, I'm actually quite disturbed by this blasé attitude to people's time.
Totally agree lol, the reason we fix appointment is to commit a certain timing if either side can not honour should inform beforehand at least have time to make other arrangements...I agree that will be 'pilots' around as ML perspective should just blacklist those instead of double booking...
Old 10-04-2021, 01:59 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by yumihisoka View Post
Is this the Jessica everyone was raving about?
Nope.... this one is an imposter
Old 10-04-2021, 01:59 PM
Franco_Barsei Franco_Barsei is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
Totally agree bro. These girls knowingly throw leftover crumbs on the floor and we still accept it. Wrong is wrong, why are people even making excuses.

She may be legendary, but that's an epic no-no in my book.

I haven't seen her yet for this stint, but planning to.

If she ever does this to me, I'll call her out publicly, regardless of the fact that her BFF was my regular.
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