Just 2 weeks back I posted that I visited a ML who kena Covid...
Just today found out another ML which I visited just a few days back also kena...
Have been doing ART daily since 2 weeks back and now have to continue...
Anyway, it is so common nowadays so play safe bros.
Based on my colleagues who got COVID-19 for past 2 months, ur ART result might be negative even when u have mild symptoms like irritated throat, slight fever, fatigue and chills on Day 1. The ART result will be positive when full symptoms developed on Day 2 but already infectious on Day 1.
You on Bluetooth ah? Actually if no symptoms just carry on right? Unless you have symptoms and that's why keep testing.
Not true, since I knew I was in close contact... and don't think can be any more closer.
Social responsibility, can transmit to others even if asymptomatic.
Based on my colleagues who got COVID-19 for past 2 months, ur ART result might be negative even when u have mild symptoms like irritated throat, slight fever, fatigue and chills on Day 1. The ART result will be positive when full symptoms developed on Day 2 but already infectious on Day 1.
Yes I heard something like that as well. They were saying the throat (tonsils) test is more accurate. It is not available here.
Not sure why but i never get reply from Zoya after so many sms sent, some in last year.
Keep trying. Same for me last year and I tried again a few weeks before CNY and gotten a slot. Her back stepping massage is really good and I extended 30 mins. I miss her boobs more actually.
Yes I heard something like that as well. They were saying the throat (tonsils) test is more accurate. It is not available here.
Correct. Discomfort in ur throat is the first warning sign and followed by chills and slight fever, runny nose and sore throat.
Its better to get it now to attain Hybrid Immunity for up to 6 months than when ur booster dose effect became less effective after 9 months to a year... symptoms might be more severe.
was personally informed by a ML that i visited, that she tested ART positive the day after my visit.
2 days later, i developed a running nose and slight sore throat. ART nose swab was negative while nose +throat swab was ART positive. the following few days it developed into a much more annoying sore throat, fever and body aches.
do a throat swab for more accuracy on the ART if you're developing the initial symptoms, as omicron likely attacks the upper respiratory system first.
and chiong safely bros. if any part of the ML's hygiene routine doesn't suit you, just pay and leave.
Hearsay-someone used the nasal one on the nostril negative but tried the same kit on the throat and got positive
Maybe I will inform my subordinates who received HRN to do throat swab instead. 2 of them tested positive on the 5th day of health monitoring. Better buy 连花清温胶囊 Chinese medicine to standby...many said quite effective to alleviate the symptoms.
Maybe I will inform my subordinates who received HRN to do throat swab instead. 2 of them tested positive on the 5th day of health monitoring. Better buy 连花清温胶囊 Chinese medicine to standby...many said quite effective to alleviate the symptoms.
Thinks for the heads up on 连花清温胶囊... maybe can ask the ML to try also.
Anyway after 7th day highly unlikely to spread even if tested positive, and can go out liao. Under protocol 2
Not sure why but i never get reply from Zoya after so many sms sent, some in last year.
not sure about what criteria she use to filter, but most of her regular usually go at least 1.5 to 2h straight and seldom take too many customers in a day.
and chiong safely bros. if any part of the ML's hygiene routine doesn't suit you, just pay and leave.
This is not likely to help if masks are off and most of the freelancers are maskless. Either you risk getting it now (as I did, symptoms are generally mild if vaccinated, though self-isolation is a pain) or you turtle in till the wave is over (doesnt make sense unless yopu have vulnerable people at home).