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Old 21-01-2021, 03:17 PM
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Originally Posted by kaixin82 View Post
Visited yiyi recently:

looks: 8/10 SYT. Early 20s (94% resemblance to her pictures)
massage: NA. i gave it a miss. waste no time
location: pretty central but different from the usual ones i went
gfe: 8/10 chatty and gave me the full 1 hour
sensual: green but willing to try. has her restrictions (i.e no kissing)

overall: good for syt lovers but advisable to skip for hardcore seekers
Waste time . Spend $130 to just touch. Act prude .got attitude. Picture quite close to actual. No fj not kissin anywhere. Wtf.
Old 21-01-2021, 03:56 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Sqsia View Post
I think I know what happened to Aini

PM me to find out more

Only selected account and regular will get a respond
U wanna marry her ah
Old 21-01-2021, 04:19 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Sqsia View Post
I think I know what happened to Aini

PM me to find out more

Only selected account and regular will get a respond
I can figure out your agenda, which is to put her down. So won't be responding to you anymore.

The rest of the folks here know what to do.
Old 21-01-2021, 04:34 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Give Aini a break la
You agree to confirm a booking so many days in advance
Bound to have some hiccups along the way
The best she could do is inform in advance which she did
Old 21-01-2021, 05:17 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Have not touchbase with aini since 2 wks back. No need to stress her, probably just ping her 1 day before appt to confirm again.
Old 21-01-2021, 05:37 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ulysses84 View Post
Have not touchbase with aini since 2 wks back. No need to stress her, probably just ping her 1 day before appt to confirm again.
yeah lah... 又不是几百亿美金的买卖,只不过是几亿精子的,别急,别烦人。。。
Old 21-01-2021, 05:38 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Walao I also want go book appt with aini
please don’t zap me if I said something wrong
Old 21-01-2021, 06:38 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

My appointment with Aini is tomorrow

Didn’t get any msg from her just yet lol

Hope that her accommodation is solve
Old 21-01-2021, 07:21 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ASeng View Post
She already moved twice over the last 4 days so look like we may have to wait a little longer.....
Wow.... just as well cos last week when I visited, had to walk past so many doors to get to her...... felt somewhat insecure.
Old 21-01-2021, 07:40 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Joined2005 View Post
Wow.... just as well cos last week when I visited, had to walk past so many doors to get to her...... felt somewhat insecure.
I think with so many doors and units on one floor is actually a good thing. Neighbours will then be used to constant movement and other doors opening and closing outside. And because there's a fair number of foreigners renting, seeing unfamiliar faces doesnt raise any suspicion.

Anyway, last week I went into the lift with these 2 hot hot hot young local bitches in hot hot hot shorts. One had a tube top with showing half ball. I exchanged pleasantries with them while drooling over her deep cleavage. I had a semi hard on by the time I entered Aini's place. That condo is filled with young people.
Old 21-01-2021, 07:52 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

commando FR for JJ slg, new advert, up for a few days only but appears to have been active back in 2017/18. TL;DR, this was a commando that headed straight into a landmine, but could have avoided if i heeded all the warning signs.

not gonna bother rating as per usual FRs.

location was central area. parking available within the building, which was a mixed development i.e. shops on first few floors and apartments above. warning sign #1. texted again to confirm whether it was a condo or shop, and was her reply was, yes it was a condo apartment.

reached earlier by 15 mins and texted her, but no reply. warning sign #2. called at appointment time and was told rather curtly to wait for awhile.

10 mins past appointment time, she called back informed me that the condo was "full". was abit stunned, and I didnt obviously understand the meaning of condo being full, but was told to go a first floor unit. warning sign #3.

at this point, being alr 10 mins past appt time, feeling super horny, decided to fck it and just go, and as expected, was a tiny MP. resigned to fate and decided to just lower service/looks expectations.

looks wise, couldnt tell too much, but 80% like photos. wore mask whole time though. body as per photo. warning sign #4, collected money before service. this was the last point of exit, and i failed to heed many bros previous advice.

service thereafter was horrendous. massage so-so, and sensual was just taking off her top and oil HJ. no top roaming and she positioned herself well out of reach anyway.

if anything, she could chat very well but she could sense i was kinda annoyed with the whole situation.

somedays it doesn't pay to be a commando. this is one of those days.
Old 21-01-2021, 08:02 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by xels View Post
commando FR for JJ slg
not gonna bother rating as per usual FRs.

somedays it doesn't pay to be a commando. this is one of those days.
Thanks for rip commando FR. Give you some humble points although it's not gonna help much.
So many warning signs but still go ahead is really small head take over big head tho


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Old 21-01-2021, 10:19 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by pikuso View Post

Need more amy-s to join the scene

A good rotation between her and long time advance booking ml xD
notice her rate went up 10% from 100, probably expected as her regular base start to build up.
Old 22-01-2021, 01:07 AM
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Smile Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Was feeling adventurous as Xue er/ Ning Xia is not available, went to test this very newly posted ml.

From the pics, it is indeed tempting with her boobs.
Fast hand and leg book her for 90mins for some slow test drive.... haaa...kiasu...

Arrived at location, greeted by her behind the door.
Well... first look... haiz... no wonder face pic is not shown...From first look, I think >35+???
abit short and round...

Nevertheless, just go ahead since never make any Plan B.
Well, shower alone and was given a small face size towel... I was joking with her where to wipe sia... lol...

Have a small chit chat and realise she was very green in this line and bought many small towel.
Previously working in some facial shop..

she strip her top, on some music while i lie flat on the bed...
Some small massage here and there... well.... she tried her best...untrained..
continue chit chat alot more... once in a while she will try to simulate from my back.... some good attempt though...

Start flip around while she remove her bra...
Wow.. nice round boobs and nips, I should say...
but sign of C-sec on tummy...I try to focus my eyes more on her boobs only...
Slowly i roam her ass... nice ass she got there...proceed on to roam southward...
No resistance... Request to strip her sexy panties and ok!!!...

making full use of my hand, I roam top and bottom...
sadly... after several attempt... I think she is not arouse at all...=.=!!!

Well, not the best sensual I got.. but great boobs there...
Ended 1 shot before lying down hugging together to chit chat more... more like a friend talking.. She use nice perfume though... smell like Victoria Secret...
PS: the smell may stay on your body/shirt for quite some times.

2nd shot is more or less the same.
Below is my personal rating.

Looks: 5.5/10 Well... Below average compared with Xue Er/ 7princess I have visited.
Boobs: 8/10 Think this is the only part that excel on... nicely natural shaped boobs
Figure: 6/10 Well.... MILF, ok, the ass is nice for grab
Massage: 5/10... She will still try her best
Sensual: 6.5/10 Well at least she is FN with no restriction but hj part... alot more room for improvement
Attitude: 7/10 Good attitude she got there
RTP: er.. maybe not?
~ Semi Retired... Only a wet gal and huge boobs entice me now...
Old 22-01-2021, 02:38 AM
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Originally Posted by ulysses84 View Post
Have not touchbase with aini since 2 wks back. No need to stress her, probably just ping her 1 day before appt to confirm again.
Just pray hard your slot isn’t cancelled. Trying to make a new appt over the phone is close to almost impossible.
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