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Old 11-04-2021, 01:29 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by i1c2z3y4l5 View Post
This is her character. please move on.
Not just her leh bro, got several others message and wait the whole day no reply one..
Old 11-04-2021, 01:34 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

I had my fair share of being aeroplaned or radio silence by MLs when I already reached, and was usuallly given ridiculous excuses. Will just move on from such bad encounters.

Just want to share my only positive encounter from a genuine double booked situation with Xue Er few months ago.

I made advance booking and was anticipating my first session with XE. On the day, I texted XE when on my way for the session, and she immediately called me to apologise that she had accidentally double booked me. She proceeded to offer me any other slots of my choice, and also offered a discount. While disappointed, I was also appreciative of her honesty, sincerity and professionalism in handling the situation.

I'm not a fan of LN and never plan on visiting since I'm not into wild sessions. But I don't think LN intentionally double book bros. I had this discussion with XE and NX previously, both of them told me that they are fine with bros cancelling as long as they are given at least an hour's notice, since they can easily get last minute replacements. Since LN can easily get replacements when bros aeroplane, there's no real need for her to intentionally double book as insurance. So my guess is, LN is just disorganised as many had said.
Old 11-04-2021, 01:38 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ww888 View Post
I had my fair share of being aeroplaned or radio silence by MLs when I already reached, and was usuallly given ridiculous excuses. Will just move on from such bad encounters.

Just want to share my only positive encounter from a genuine double booked situation with Xue Er few months ago.

Is it this Xue Er? Bod looks damn hot but wonder if the face is pretty since it's covered/blurred?

I think everyone just wants to have a good time, but if your phone has 20-30 queries a day I think it's not easy also.

I think there's alot more variety now, if one girl or angpai bue gam then just move on, alot more to try out.
Old 11-04-2021, 01:46 AM
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Originally Posted by 1KnightinBKK View Post

Is it this Xue Er? Bod looks damn hot but wonder if the face is pretty since it's covered/blurred?
Yes, is this Xue Er. Face is fairly pretty. Very service oriented and well organised ML.

Interesting that I immediately kena zapped for sharing my views. LOL.
Old 11-04-2021, 01:48 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
Er... how often do you chiong? Which ML or FL accepts paynow, paylah or Visa? I really like to know.
Quite a few just that u didnt know
Old 11-04-2021, 02:00 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ww888 View Post
Yes, is this Xue Er. Face is fairly pretty. Very service oriented and well organised ML.

Interesting that I immediately kena zapped for sharing my views. LOL.
sglonely website, one bro write until like composition
Old 11-04-2021, 02:15 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by heartlock View Post
sglonely website, one bro write until like composition
Haha maybe the ML service so good until 感动 him 💓

I used to think the FRs on those portal sites were more fake than some SBF FRs written by new or dormant accounts. Didn't trust them.
Old 11-04-2021, 03:26 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Had a very interesting encounter today.

Was waiting for my session in the afternoon, the ML suddenly text me ask me to call her to scold her to hurry up. There was a customer that didn’t want to leave after his 1 hour wanted stay longer. After i call then the customer when to wash up.

End up i waited an extra 20mins.
Old 11-04-2021, 05:19 AM
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Originally Posted by justyouraverage View Post
Had a very interesting encounter today.

Was waiting for my session in the afternoon, the ML suddenly text me ask me to call her to scold her to hurry up. There was a customer that didn’t want to leave after his 1 hour wanted stay longer. After i call then the customer when to wash up.

End up i waited an extra 20mins.
I had similar experience..
Old 11-04-2021, 08:24 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Remember last time Mint knew that she had offended a customer, she will quickly message the customer to apologise and promise to improve her service, etc. Seriously I always totally she either afraid that the customer will give her a bad review resulting in many bros boycotting her or worst customer call AV to raid her unit. I feel regardless if u are ang pai here, should not really treat customers like carrot head. We make an effort to book her, travel all the way and then got smoked is really a big NO for me. Will certainly reply her in a harsh manner about my unhappiness..
Old 11-04-2021, 08:25 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by justyouraverage View Post
Had a very interesting encounter today.

Was waiting for my session in the afternoon, the ML suddenly text me ask me to call her to scold her to hurry up. There was a customer that didn’t want to leave after his 1 hour wanted stay longer. After i call then the customer when to wash up.

End up i waited an extra 20mins.
Obviously the cheapo was milking the session to get more than his money's worth.

If he is reading SBF, then picha lobang already. Next time he would know that the scolding was staged and would still not leave. These are the kind of customers that deserve to be blacklisted in the database for the general good of everyone, MLs and customers included. Perhaps you could suggest the ML to do it.
Old 11-04-2021, 08:36 AM
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Originally Posted by JasonJG View Post
Obviously the cheapo was milking the session to get more than his money's worth.

If he is reading SBF, then picha lobang already. Next time he would know that the scolding was staged and would still not leave. These are the kind of customers that deserve to be blacklisted in the database for the general good of everyone, MLs and customers included. Perhaps you could suggest the ML to do it.
Seriously, all sorts of people around. It's not so easy to be in this field too.
Old 11-04-2021, 08:39 AM
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Originally Posted by addict999 View Post

Her erantic character behaviour is also due to increasing ML/FL getting caught recently and change of locations since she arrived

Anyway,she had already admitted to her mistake so move on guys..
Seriously. I wish I knew about this trend. A recent regular ml had to return and prob not coming back. Though she is no mint, but kind of sad to be suffering similar fate of not being able to come back.
Old 11-04-2021, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by kaisiong View Post
Remember last time Mint knew that she had offended a customer, she will quickly message the customer to apologise and promise to improve her service, etc. Seriously I always totally she either afraid that the customer will give her a bad review resulting in many bros boycotting her or worst customer call AV to raid her unit. I feel regardless if u are ang pai here, should not really treat customers like carrot head. We make an effort to book her, travel all the way and then got smoked is really a big NO for me. Will certainly reply her in a harsh manner about my unhappiness..
That, my friend, sums it up! There aren't many AP that are the level of Mint's popularity. Yet when she makes a mistake (or lose her cool..she is quite fiesty after all..), her apology is always genuine with real intention to makeup for it. That earns our respect cos honestly she can choose to be a bitch, delete those she offended and still her Q of customers will be there. Same for OG Momo, she aeroplane will be apologetic and offer alternatives. Said many times, ATTITUDE is everything in a service line

Sure, any ML, AP or not can choose to behave in any manner they deem fit la. Imho, us as customer ought to have some dignity too. If unapologetic aeroplane/ doublebook/ regular lame excuses are something you can't stomach, take a firm stance and axe the ML from your list and spend your $$ elsewhere. In life, if you repeatedly accept shitty treatment, then yah, you probably asking to be treated like shit.

Last edited by Johndick; 11-04-2021 at 09:37 AM.
Old 11-04-2021, 09:33 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Is there any difference in someone deliberately planning double booking and someone who supposedly accidentally do it? If the ML is so disorganised and supposedly ang pai, shouldn’t there by triple, quadruple bookings for the same slot, since she doesn’t know how to do basic scheduling?

To me, both are not acceptable, so if you’re the type who is willing to put up with this, you can go ahead. Those who won’t, just book other more professional ML. We also need to play our part by canceling early if we can’t make it. If last min can’t make it, I’ll pay for the session by giving a generous tip the next time around.
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