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Old 02-05-2022, 09:35 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by bondage View Post
Good words.

I see 3 keypoints.

Sniping is counter productive. And I don't wish to pontificate.

No worries. This is an open forum.
We don't need to be friend here neither we need to be foe as well.
See see can liao. And take them with a pinch of salt.
I don't general comment unless that joker is way off his description against ML whom I know are generally hardworking.
And there are a few ball lickers here to some old birds which are quite obvious.
No offence to anyone.
Old 02-05-2022, 09:38 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Tried mlx recently before the new location. Concept of the place is quite interesting, hidden but not hidden.

As other bros already said, she's the big boned kind, but I like. Nice to hug. The rolling of her body on your back is quite an interesting experience, never tried it elsewhere before. Service wise is good and she won't shortchange you. Left a relieved man. Her persona wise quite similar to 7p I find. Bubbly and likes to sing.
Old 02-05-2022, 09:56 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Tom666 View Post
I don't general comment unless that joker is way off his description against ML whom I know are generally hardworking.

No offence to anyone.

I could have written more earlier. Usually I do when I craft a post but before I really post, I read through many times and trim off 90% because it's pointless since I have read enough of the forum.

All I need to say had been summed up by your earlier words referred to by me. Elaborating ain't going to help, those who have had the passage of time and years would not need this. Those with the right state of mind too. Points and zaps are also irrelevant to real life and the ability to interact and enjoy the girls available whether ML or FL behind closed doors.

Old 02-05-2022, 09:57 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by 22ginger View Post
I thought so too..

Sometimes I do feel for these ladies. To come here and earn money must bleed money first, pay agent and all.. Then there is the risk of neighbours complaining or kena "fished". If suay will meet some no life siao lang stalker and harassed by them, every little thing also blackmail and threaten to call police. These days seem like their rental is quite ridiculously exorbitant too and probably why $120 is here to stay.. Got to put up all the stress and still put up a show and give gfe..
I have to agree with you on their cost here.
I know of someone who is paying 200+ daily rate.
This is on top of their web fee, etc.
The winner here is not us but the agent and web owners.

Some jokers do bully ML but over extending their booking and of course never pay the extended hour.
For me, as long as I don't get short change and the service is about right is good enough.
I don't need them to be my GF.
Remember why we visit them, to relax and release.
Whatever extra we get is a bonus. And shut the F up.
Don't be like woman who has 2 mouths and talk so much unless you also have 2 mouths
Old 02-05-2022, 11:41 PM
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Originally Posted by heyumf View Post

Anyone have her contact kinda of miss her massage le

I know the link is like few year back ago
Link not working Liao lar.
Old 02-05-2022, 11:56 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by vitroman View Post
Tried mlx recently before the new location. Concept of the place is quite interesting, hidden but not hidden.

As other bros already said, she's the big boned kind, but I like. Nice to hug. The rolling of her body on your back is quite an interesting experience, never tried it elsewhere before. Service wise is good and she won't shortchange you. Left a relieved man. Her persona wise quite similar to 7p I find. Bubbly and likes to sing.
The other one who does that was Xiao Xue Li
Sensual wise MLX top notch
Old 03-05-2022, 12:04 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by wanfulou View Post
Yea sorry just edited. Just found out she delisted. My visit is 2-3weeks back.
I think i know which girl. She resigned. The last time i met her she keep saying she want to go back China. She tired of working of this line and got a sg divorcee bf who controls her so much. Doesn't want her to do FJ and all. So i guess thats the reason she quit.
Old 03-05-2022, 12:27 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

To the person who zap me.
Have some balls lah. Don't tell me you are the man with 2 mouths. LOL
Leave your name. I can upzzz your point instead.
Points can't exchange them for voucher.
And is easy to get them back in the point exchange forum.
But Don't think I have time for that.
Old 03-05-2022, 12:59 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Been up mountain for almost a year, finally back in action. Had MLX over the weekends and here's my first 2022 ML experience!

check w her. for me, central,very convenient for both driver and foot soldiers.

Face: 7/10
Definitely the same person. of course photo is enhanced. Late 20s? But like what other bro said, her look will grow on you.

Body: 7.5/10
Definitely not fat, big bone, pretty decent figure , C Cup? with super smooth skin.

Massage: 8/10
As compared to ML on SLG , I think it's pretty decent already. Added bonus since most of us are not there for masg.

Sensual: 9.5/10
Definitely top notch. Licking all over you without missing a spot, rolling all over you, HDLY etc. N-Vanilla.

overall experience 8/10
the location I met her over the weekends is perfect, clean and accessible. Top notch service with looks that will slowly grow on you. I'll say it's pretty value for money as compared to what you get now on SLG.

Currently at jb , although the price here is more affordable, but kinda miss MLX's service and attitude. So will recommend bros to give it a try !

Last edited by silenceReader; 03-05-2022 at 01:12 AM.
Old 03-05-2022, 01:29 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Lili may be the most addictive MILF I have ever been with! She has a well maintained figure, taller than average height, and smooth white skin. It was a heavenly experience when she skillfully glided her body over mine with nuru gel, turning me on and causing me to have an uncontrollable erection. Will definitely return to visit her again.
Old 03-05-2022, 01:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Sibeyshiok View Post
Link not working Liao lar.
Yup I know can't rmb her face liao also lol
Old 03-05-2022, 09:36 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ilovehebe View Post
I am happy to pay $120 to a syt with gfe. I feel shiok and happy haha
I too do enjoy the company of young girls, whether it's a SYT or SYL (Sweet Young Lady,  because real SYTs very hard to come by here). But yes, these girls MUST have very high gfe, and auto strip down to sexy underwear - than worth it. Those shorts-wearing, cannot this cannot that bullshit I avoid.

However, I do like to mix up the sweet and the downright nasty for more complete sexual satisfaction.

So my sexual fixes roughly goes something like this. Out of every 5 encounters, there'll be :-
- 1 fun, happy, very high gfe SYT/SYL ML.
- 2 heavy flavoured MLs for intimate, steamy, intense sessions.
- 2 all out, aerobics, hot, sweaty, no-holds-bar, work out till exhaustion fxxks!!! :P

Mixing it up really makes one enjoy a fuller spectrum of what girls/ladies/women are, and have to offer. I'm lucky to have found some options

Tid Bits: Another awesome, lip smacking Chicken Nasi Briyani meal at Zamas River Valley (the fresh cucumber achar is the perfect foil to the richness). My absolute second go-to briyani places, only after the famed Koothurar at Golden Mile.
Old 03-05-2022, 09:38 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Sharing an overdue MR on ke_ying

Finally got to visit her in her new place last week which is just across the road from her old place. A 1-bedroom apartment where the only bathroom is located in the living/dinning area and not attached to the bedroom. So have to walk in and out abit What is attractive is the full wall mirror at the dinning area as well as the kinky metal frame bed (you know those type where the headboard and tailboard are in grills.) Anyway, greeted me in her oversize t-shirt and sexy panty (not the ah ma type hor). Started with some small talk at the dinning area as she poured me a drink (that was when i discover the full wall mirror). The session was very spontaneous. It started with a simple massage (good strength) and small talks about her learning journey (seems like the bros here have been training her.. haha). As she sounded keen to show me her new skill sets so stopped the massage and started the sensual. She started her cat bath and later i turnaround and pin her down instead. (Remember the grills. Quite useful.. haha). Anyway will not go into too much details here, but expect lots of hugs and kisses and saliva everywhere. No commercial feel, had a great connection, just like a young girl learning to become a woman. Treat her well and respect her boundaries. Give her some time to get familiar with the trade and comfortable to up her skill sets. I'm sure she will blossom very well.
Old 03-05-2022, 09:45 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Kopiosteve View Post
I too do enjoy the company of young girls, whether it's a SYT or SYL (Sweet Young Lady,  because real SYTs very hard to come by here). But yes, these girls MUST have very high gfe, and auto strip down to sexy underwear - than worth it. Those shorts-wearing, cannot this cannot that bullshit I avoid.

However, I do like to mix up the sweet and the downright nasty for more complete sexual satisfaction.

So my sexual fixes roughly goes something like this. Out of every 5 encounters, there'll be :-
- 1 fun, happy, very high gfe SYT/SYL ML.
- 2 heavy flavoured MLs for intimate, steamy, intense sessions.
- 2 all out, aerobics, hot, sweaty, no-holds-bar, work out till exhaustion fxxks!!! :P

Mixing it up really makes one enjoy a fuller spectrum of what girls/ladies/women are, and have to offer. I'm lucky to have found some options

Tid Bits: Another awesome, lip smacking Chicken Nasi Briyani meal at Zamas River Valley (the fresh cucumber achar is the perfect foil to the richness). My absolute second go-to briyani places, only after the famed Koothurar at Golden Mile.
Thumbs up for Zamas River Valley, Selamat Hari Raya
Old 03-05-2022, 09:59 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

anyone know if Shi Shi is only accepting regulars now? texted and no reply :/
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