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Old 22-06-2012, 08:16 PM
troysteel troysteel is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Sorry for saying so, but if you can't figure that shit out, I could suspect that you are on a self destructive path ..

Have fun ..
lol...hey bro...dunno if it's just me but once I stopped expecting women to be rational and think like men, I've had good success understanding how they think...
Old 23-06-2012, 12:59 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

hey wow, this thread suddenly heat up ahh...

anyway my 2 pesos:

1 peso: mens from mars, women from pluto.. , and never the twain shall meet! lol we don't understand them, they don't understand us but that's what makes it all so SEXciting! if they are just like regular joes / guys, who can decide what to wear in 1 min, and get ready to go out the door in 5 mins, it's damn boring can? bono already hit the nail on the friggin head - can't live with or without them, hur hur .. some truth in that

my other peso: but men will never stop trying to understand women, even if it's a seemingly impossible task, just see the successes of books like "the game" which claims to teach you how to pick up chicks by understanding the way they think and shows like "Hitch" about dating expert showing greenhorn the tricks (ironically Will Smith ends up with a girl his dating tricks didn't work on in the end)

though it may be useless or counter productive to try and dissect how they think, we just never stop trying to do that -- just like women can never stop trying to understand men. Just pick up any ladies mag, and you'll find tonnes of articles on what men REALLY want .. two parallel roads on the highway to heaven. but hell, it's a sweet journey

PS - now that i've spent my last 2 pesos, any bros wanna meet up for beer to further discuss these issues feel free to PM me , as long as you buy first round,
Old 23-06-2012, 01:04 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by Sgahtian View Post
Hi, will be posted to manila for 3 years. will be in Manila on 26th - 30th to look for my accomodation. Any bro free to show this new semester the way around, pls pm me. Thnx.

whoa, i read semester, thought you were student -- cos right now it's the start of the new school semester in mnl, lol (don't ask me how i know..)

anyway if your office based in makati, i recommend salcedo park area, it's quite nice, has a lot of green around, a park nearby (with a weekend market, though prices are steep) and pretty accessible to all the major business areas

makati pretty small as well, if you stay central enough, can walk to the major malls and all, don't need car. car also quite useless since "trapik" is very "hey-bee"

if outside makati - not very sure liao
Old 23-06-2012, 01:47 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Wah... Like the Taglish

Originally Posted by bolsterposter View Post
whoa, i read semester, thought you were student -- cos right now it's the start of the new school semester in mnl, lol (don't ask me how i know..)

anyway if your office based in makati, i recommend salcedo park area, it's quite nice, has a lot of green around, a park nearby (with a weekend market, though prices are steep) and pretty accessible to all the major business areas

makati pretty small as well, if you stay central enough, can walk to the major malls and all, don't need car. car also quite useless since "trapik" is very "hey-bee"

if outside makati - not very sure liao
Old 23-06-2012, 02:28 AM
Sgahtian Sgahtian is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by bolsterposter View Post
whoa, i read semester, thought you were student -- cos right now it's the start of the new school semester in mnl, lol (don't ask me how i know..)

anyway if your office based in makati, i recommend salcedo park area, it's quite nice, has a lot of green around, a park nearby (with a weekend market, though prices are steep) and pretty accessible to all the major business areas

makati pretty small as well, if you stay central enough, can walk to the major malls and all, don't need car. car also quite useless since "trapik" is very "hey-bee"

if outside makati - not very sure liao
Haahaaa indeed I am a student in sbf ...

Thnx for ur advice bro.

Will keep that in mind.
Old 23-06-2012, 03:10 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

If stay near enuff and got shower id recommend taking a bike. Like pedal bike
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Old 23-06-2012, 08:00 AM
RodRideOut RodRideOut is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

day 2 FR ... dinner at the italian restaurant on the 3rd floor of greenbelt 3. the lasagna and seafood linguine was good and recommended. the wait staff was nice too - thumbs up to mailyn.

afterwards went back to the hotel but nothing happened. she wasnt in the mood. maybe all my talking turned or off. so she went home.

ended up at havana and met a few lovelies. One of the gals (nicole) had huge ones, perfect for boob lovers. Eventually going back wth AJ. good times and we even ordered up a an in-room couples massage (legit).

another good trip.
Old 23-06-2012, 11:11 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Benni benassi coming to republiq.
Superstar dj.. If you are in the know.

If you are clubber you know its some good stuff.
If you are cheongster, can see the pedigree come out to play.
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"When you are youthful and attractive, why not play the field? You are wasting your youth if you don't. It is not a crime to be promiscuous!" - Cecil Chao
Old 23-06-2012, 11:15 PM
troysteel troysteel is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by bolsterposter View Post
my other peso: but men will never stop trying to understand women, even if it's a seemingly impossible task, just see the successes of books like "the game" which claims to teach you how to pick up chicks by understanding the way they think and shows like "Hitch" about dating expert showing greenhorn the tricks (ironically Will Smith ends up with a girl his dating tricks didn't work on in the end)

PS - now that i've spent my last 2 pesos, any bros wanna meet up for beer to further discuss these issues feel free to PM me , as long as you buy first round,
The Game, Hitch, etc... that's science fiction, they take some truth and then sensationalise it.

But behind every science fiction, there is some science to it, more boring, harder, much more work and effort required...
Old 24-06-2012, 06:22 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

well troy i believe you've made your choice.
lets hope we don't come back to a "i told you so" moment.

make sure you have a exit strategy when shit hits the fan, pinays are like heat seeking missle that will follow you all the way unless you manage to ditch them.

romance is a double edge sword, it can be exciting and also exhausting depending on the side you're on.

As such good luck.
I know sometimes cautionary do not play with fire is not heeded, but only when you are burnt that you learn you lesson.

make the best out of it and don't ruin your life.
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"When you are youthful and attractive, why not play the field? You are wasting your youth if you don't. It is not a crime to be promiscuous!" - Cecil Chao
Old 24-06-2012, 11:43 AM
darkknightrises darkknightrises is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by RodRideOut View Post
day 2 FR ... dinner at the italian restaurant on the 3rd floor of greenbelt 3. the lasagna and seafood linguine was good and recommended. the wait staff was nice too - thumbs up to mailyn.

afterwards went back to the hotel but nothing happened. she wasnt in the mood. maybe all my talking turned or off. so she went home.

ended up at havana and met a few lovelies. One of the gals (nicole) had huge ones, perfect for boob lovers. Eventually going back wth AJ. good times and we even ordered up a an in-room couples massage (legit).

another good trip.
AJ? Girl with a tattoo of a dragon on her left shoulder blade?
Old 24-06-2012, 11:49 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by BoinKING View Post
Benni benassi coming to republiq.
Superstar dj.. If you are in the know.

If you are clubber you know its some good stuff.
If you are cheongster, can see the pedigree come out to play.
The big names come to Republiq but I read the reviews and they are less than glowing (example Avicii who even missed the first gig due to virus).

Having said that, I'm still looking forward to the anniversary of Republiq in July.
Old 24-06-2012, 03:30 PM
bolsterposter bolsterposter is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

sep got maroon 5 you know?
Old 24-06-2012, 03:58 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

benni benassi leh..

Anyway I tried this combo yesterday -
2 bottles of Tiger + 2 flaming lambo back to back + 1 jug of vodka redbull.

Dance the whole night like a crazy mofo.

If it doesn't get you in the mood I don't know what will lol
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Old 25-06-2012, 05:55 AM
bolsterposter bolsterposter is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by BoinKING View Post
Anyway I tried this combo yesterday -
2 bottles of Tiger + 2 flaming lambo back to back + 1 jug of vodka redbull.

Dance the whole night like a crazy mofo.

If it doesn't get you in the mood I don't know what will lol
i know what will -> if the flaming lambos were sucked from the navels of willing young, nubile females...
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