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Old 27-09-2010, 04:04 PM
Occident Occident is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Its walking distance but along the way you are likely to be accosted by some chap who will "recommend" you a better place. This place is likely to be East Asia, AEN or upstairs of a nearby pub. You must remain resolute.
Old 27-09-2010, 04:38 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by Occident View Post
Its walking distance but along the way you are likely to be accosted by some chap who will "recommend" you a better place. This place is likely to be East Asia, AEN or upstairs of a nearby pub. You must remain resolute.
Sort of it is walking distance .. about two blocks or so away - as you can see in my feeble attempt to be a graphics artist ..

A good GPS / phone with GPS will help to guide you .. but walking with any electronic device out is inviting trouble - same for holding your phone / iphone .. Probably a magnetic compass to see your heading would be good enough ..

Anyway, walking in day time is not a bad thing as long as you can avoid the street children (some as grown up as adults) and all and every 'friend'

But night time - I would happily pay a taxi plus tip to be dropped outside LA Cafe (Manila Bay Bar)

As for the recommendations - Strictly say no unless you have a death wish, and once in a private taxi - you can walk out naked .. as some found out .. but then some braver souls ended up being toured the dorms .. and had more sweeties .. Luck favours the brave I guess ..
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Old 27-09-2010, 05:09 PM
nayrb_sheng nayrb_sheng is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

hi guys, i had arrived manila since yesterday. my local friends brought me to kremlin at quezon city. had a wonderful time there. chose a girl that is 24 yrs old and she just started working about a few days back. she is rather inexperienced and she is very very tight down there. end of it, just gave her 1,500 peso for the special.

the place is like our sg HC, you need to pay for the "massage service" & room. there are 3 levels, different levels will have different price for the rooms (i guess the price for the special service should be the same). the highest 3rd level will have the most expensive room. but on sundays, only the 3rd level is open (was told that there are very few customers on sundays due to family days etc) and you just need to pay the price you would pay for rooms on level 2 (cheaper rates) but you get to enjoy a bigger room with steam bath, jacuzzi etc. it's a good deal and you will have 1.5 hours with the lady.

but as usual, try to visit those places with your local guides and not try to venture on your own.
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Old 28-09-2010, 01:41 AM
WashDC WashDC is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Hi Bros.....
Please dun mind but after reading more and more precautions from bros here (which i'm really grateful) .... I'm starting to think if it is even worth going one of these bars (Manila Bay/Havana). Chances are, I will probably try to catch a cab from the hotel i'm staying.... and most likely the cab might not even know where these 2 clubs are.... so i'll end up walking around the neighborhoods and get mugged or something. Note that I'll be traveling alone and i'm not the biggest sized bloke.... is there anywhere that I can head to without any worry ?

Please don't get me wrong.... but i'm only gonna be there for only one night and am trying to think of ways to make the best use of it. Please advise.

Thanks again
Old 28-09-2010, 09:25 AM
snbd snbd is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Hi guys,

wonder if there is any massage place to go to? Nice massage + HJ?

No exactly looking to pick up ladies in pub/bar etc since im alone.

Appreciate if there is any recommendations.

Currently located near Greenbelt where theres 4 linked shopping malls
Old 28-09-2010, 10:06 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by WashDC View Post
Hi Bros.....
Please dun mind but after reading more and more precautions from bros here (which i'm really grateful) .... I'm starting to think if it is even worth going one of these bars (Manila Bay/Havana). Chances are, I will probably try to catch a cab from the hotel i'm staying.... and most likely the cab might not even know where these 2 clubs are.... so i'll end up walking around the neighborhoods and get mugged or something. Note that I'll be traveling alone and i'm not the biggest sized bloke.... is there anywhere that I can head to without any worry ?

Please don't get me wrong.... but i'm only gonna be there for only one night and am trying to think of ways to make the best use of it. Please advise.

Thanks again
No worry lah - Manila is as unsafe as most countries in Asia ... but if you are street-smart, you are safe .. can you count how many singaporean rob in malaysia but never report, unless they loose passport / ic ?? Even once, in Bukit Bintang, a friend of mine and myself were accosted by some arrogant guys .. yelling in Hokkein and looking for some trouble or create a scene so we pay and disappear .. lucky we had presence of mine to step into a restaurant and quitely tell the staff the fellows are not connected to us .. one fellow even try to come and join our table .. Luckily mamak shop boss take care ..

Havana is in Makati - most safe zone in town .. and makati is where taxis get fined for not running meters .. and when you alight, plain clothes police stop the taxi and ask you whether you pay meter or more .. and if you pay more - the taxi get fine ..

As for Manila Bay - it is in Malate, not Makati, but as long as you follow the suggestions, you are safe .. if you don't follow the basic street-smart stuff, even in Singapore you can be unsafe - right ??

If you are still scare, you can always engage a full time body guard (girl) who can help ward of unwanted attention - and also be your guide Now I am starting to think of a business opportunity there.. considering I met a couple of girls who work as security guards in Philippines and have licensed guns (then again guns can also attract attention .. )
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Old 28-09-2010, 10:07 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by snbd View Post
Hi guys,

wonder if there is any massage place to go to? Nice massage + HJ?

No exactly looking to pick up ladies in pub/bar etc since im alone.

Appreciate if there is any recommendations.

Currently located near Greenbelt where theres 4 linked shopping malls
Not a fan of HC, when you can go the whole nine yards

Maybe check the room-service menu or yellow pages ..
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Old 28-09-2010, 11:28 PM
WashDC WashDC is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Bro etsys....

Thanks for the pointers and totally agree what you shared. I'm actually from KL but have lived abroad for many years hence understand what you were referring about the experience in KL

Oh well.... it might not the safest place but I think my horny-ness and curiosity is very well over-powering the worry .... LOL !!

Will be there next Friday so if any bros around Makati area would like to have a beer together.... feel free to holla!!

Thanks again!
Old 29-09-2010, 01:47 PM
Longitude Longitude is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by snbd View Post
Hi guys,

wonder if there is any massage place to go to? Nice massage + HJ?

No exactly looking to pick up ladies in pub/bar etc since im alone.

Appreciate if there is any recommendations.

Currently located near Greenbelt where theres 4 linked shopping malls
The HC scene is not good in Manila. You will invariably end up with some milf. So don't bother to check the HCs. Head to the other places recommended by the other bros here. I will be there next month.
Old 29-09-2010, 04:39 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by Longitude View Post
The HC scene is not good in Manila. You will invariably end up with some milf. So don't bother to check the HCs. Head to the other places recommended by the other bros here. I will be there next month.
Forget the MILF, horror of horror, the three massage girls I met didn't even do HJ, apart from the two others, one stripped and jumped in, one stopped at HJ and not even BJ I may sound crude, but fuck the HC scene unless you are with a native who knows the joints ..

Or hit on Airforce 1 which is an official HC / MP but everything else happens except massaging
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Old 29-09-2010, 06:27 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Am in Manila, and went Manila Bay Cafe (previously LA Cafe) last nite. There is not much change at ground level, as usual, guys drinking, many girls around.....etc.

However, at 2nd level, it has lost its crowd. There are definitely lesser girls and even at the "Korean" section, not many customers, with empty tables.... There are a few Koreans who went up, had a beer or two, and left without any girls. In fact, last night, if not for a Japanese who celebrated birthday for a girl there (and opened Black Label and bought the lady service staff drinks), it would be "dead" up there. The band is still there thou....

Dun know where the crowd went to....or maybe the Koreans found another joint to pick up.....

Sad.....different from those LA Cafe days in which 2nd level was packed every night.....I hope it recover soon.
Old 29-09-2010, 06:50 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Manila has been swamped with korean only joints .. so it would not surprise me that the short time that LAC was closed, sort of pushed the left over fellows to the Korean / Jap joints ..

I saw a nice Porn by a filipina speaking Perfect Jap .. speaks volumes .. about the trouble they undergo to 'integrate' with Japs ..
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Old 05-10-2010, 05:11 PM
latebloomer88 latebloomer88 is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Hi bros,

Since I go to Makarti quite often now, have been checking out the scene. Have tried to go spa but didn't get much action. Most of the actions happen in KTV (which is cheap and good) but you really need a local or experienced bro to bring you as it is not very safe. Have also tried those massage service from the yellow pages and it has been a very bad experience. Basically, they send the gal together with a huge guy and demanded much more than what I agreed on the phone. Terrible! But lucky enough to find a reliable massage contact and I've used the service in the last few trips. Basically, if you're the sort that don't really want to go out and hunt but prefer the gal to come to your room for a nice massage and happen ending, this lobang is quite reliable. Cost is 750 for 60 (or maybe 90 mins) massage but if want full service, it's just 2,500 + tips. Gals are NOT model or killer looks one, just average local fare although occasionally got pretty one (but they quit or move on quite fast!). So if you are not fussy and probably lazy like me, just PM me for contact.

Would be good if you have any similar lobang or reliable FL contacts to share as well. Don't log in often but will reply when i get the chance.
Old 05-10-2010, 05:19 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Bro, my experience with in-room was never good ..

If need such service, always look up Air Force 1 @ Pasay Atleast WYSIWYG

Alternates - are a few .. but ... I am always hesitant about the Escorts .. and more than enough of the 'big' guys showing up at your door, or sometime bringing a parade till you embarass to even step out ..
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Old 05-10-2010, 11:22 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

yep, it was really freakly the last time. Yes airforce one is popular but do they do room service? Usually finished busines dinner quite late and too tired to go out and cheong again, especially if alone. So prefer hotel outcall although hard to find a reliable service that doesn;t try to rip you off or rob you!
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