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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 28-01-2020, 01:43 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by otherOne View Post
Nobody is targetting her specifically. If other dommes behaved the same way, they'd be criticized too.

U are indeed a coward and a Fucking LOSER! Can't attack me so attacked my subs.


I am beginning to enjoy these text wars. Fuck your criticism! Save it for your gang of Gay whores and toilet slaves. Seem to me that u guys are sucking up to each other cocks....

Oh ya, to make sure u fucking eats your own shits. I am giving 50% discount to any subs who is not sucking up to u and want to schedule a session on 3rd or 4th Feb when I'm back. Of course a reviews to slap your bloody fucking face....
Old 28-01-2020, 02:40 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

To be fair, I feel that this thread isn't exactly fair to goddessxenia. No doubt she did sound harsh and have been spewing insults in this thread, we have to understand that this happen because her own personal info was leaked. In this work industry where this kind of job is considered a taboo to a typical Singaporean, having her info leaked will no doubt cause a lot of inconvenience and trouble to her own family. Just like how some of us in here doesn't want to let our own family knows about our own kinks/fetish, we should respect not just hers but all of the mistresses and give them the space they need.

Yes she could have handled this in a better way but every parent will care when their own children are being caught in this mess. So guys let's be understanding and stop making things difficult for her.

As for the complains about her rants outside of her sessions, I think that this isn't exactly the place to rant about it as many people here has been posting FRs here to support/oppose the mistresses from what they have experience in their session. To talk about someone professionalism outside her work isn't fair to her as she is also a human too and everyone have their own way of voicing their own problems. She might also have chosen to post in her blogs to interact with other subs who are more involved with her personal life. If you aren't into it, just ignore and continue with your life. It is after all not everyone's cup of tea to hear someone rant in social media.

Lastly about the "sex worker", I think that if someone doesn't like to be called that way, then so be it. Not everyone likes to be labelled in that way. Just like how we have different terms like ML,Dom, if they want to be called in a certain way then just let it be. It is also a form of respect after all and I believe that if you don't want to be called in a certain way, most mistresses will respect you.

I know I sound biased to goddessxenia but let's not undermine what she have done for the community for these years. It's not easy being a mistress after all and lers give her credits where credits are due and not criticize her for what she had rant outside her workplace.
Old 28-01-2020, 03:17 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by REARAdmiral View Post
Talk about a persecution complex
What cock are u talking about? Yours or the OTHERONE?
Come come don't shy, join in the fun of text war. I am more than willing to enlist more enemy so that I can enhance my verbal humiliation skills and have more cock suckers and gay whores to arrange future forced-bi session.
Old 28-01-2020, 08:13 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Goddessxenia View Post
What cock are u talking about? Yours or the OTHERONE?
Come come don't shy, join in the fun of text war. I am more than willing to enlist more enemy so that I can enhance my verbal humiliation skills and have more cock suckers and gay whores to arrange future forced-bi session.
Bitch please, you can barely construct a coherent sentence.LULZ. Don't flatter yourself. All the best in your future endeavours, which will no doubt involve numerous homosexual male prostitutes.

Last edited by REARAdmiral; 28-01-2020 at 09:52 AM.
Old 28-01-2020, 11:10 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by REARAdmiral View Post
Bitch please, you can barely construct a coherent sentence.LULZ. Don't flatter yourself. All the best in your future endeavours, which will no doubt involve numerous homosexual male prostitutes.

Any links to the personal photos of this whore?

Lol her raging on a sex forum is pure comedy gold
Old 28-01-2020, 12:20 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

I have not been very active on this forum but here's my few cents worth. I agree with what Mika says with regards to her family getting attacked. Xenia did what every parent would have done.

However instead of drawing conclusions about someone from a forum, we have to communicate with them and make our own decisions. This discussion about her has been going on for so long now and will lead to no where. I hope everyone can resolve this issue amicably. SM is a fantasy most people in this forum will have.. this community is already so small, why make enemies within? life is really too short to make enemies

[QUOTE=mikasissyhehe;19693599]To be fair, I feel that this thread isn't exactly fair to goddessxenia. No doubt she did sound harsh and have been spewing insults in this thread, we have to understand that this happen because her own personal info was leaked. In this work industry where this kind of job is considered a taboo to a typical Singaporean, having her info leaked will no doubt cause a lot of inconvenience and trouble to her own family. Just like how some of us in here doesn't want to let our own family knows about our own kinks/fetish, we should respect not just hers but all of the mistresses and give them the space they need.

Yes she could have handled this in a better way but every parent will care when their own children are being caught in this mess. So guys let's be understanding and stop making things difficult for her.
Old 28-01-2020, 04:44 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by REARAdmiral View Post
Bitch please, you can barely construct a coherent sentence.LULZ. Don't flatter yourself. All the best in your future endeavours, which will no doubt involve numerous homosexual male prostitutes.
Cock sucker, don't flatter yourself too!U think that by sucking up to gay whores makes u a reasonable dickhead? Go on and continue sucking up to all cocks that can fill your mouth. Lastly all the best to your future cock sucking endeavors which involves all disgusting gay whores including those in here.
Old 28-01-2020, 04:48 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by adama View Post
Any links to the personal photos of this whore?

Lol her raging on a sex forum is pure comedy gold
Hey mother fucker, why not u go fuck your sister, your mother or anyone in your family huh? I will seriously give u a thumb up for having this incest comedy that is being replay everyday at your hse. Like the movie " Flowers In The Attic". Have fun screwing your family ya...
Old 28-01-2020, 05:43 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

[QUOTE=mikasissyhehe;19693599]As for the complains about her rants outside of her sessions, I think that this isn't exactly the place to rant about it as many people here has been posting FRs here to support/oppose the mistresses from what they have experience in their session. To talk about someone professionalism outside her work isn't fair to her as she is also a human too and everyone have their own way of voicing their own problems. She might also have chosen to post in her blogs to interact with other subs who are more involved with her personal life. If you aren't into it, just ignore and continue with your life. It is after all not everyone's cup of tea to hear someone rant in social media.

Thanks for this. I wish to clarified that I am hardly in here to fight everyone. The outrage last year was my 1st to explode because some dickhead sent me a threat with photos of my family/kids. It is every parent rights to stand up to cyber bully and I did mine. I don't care if u think I'm doing the right way or not because u can't feel it as it doesn't happen to u. Ppl will just standby and watch the stalker shame me and my family in laughter like a fucking freak show or could be worse in helping to circulate the photos/gossips further. I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO AND NO REGRETS! So fuck those hypocrites keyboard warriors. I don't care if they are upset with me or not. THEY ARE NOT MY LOVE ONES!

I think all of u overlook this fact that this OTHERONE ask me to add him on my Wechat (My personal BDSM world/House) where I write mini blogs of my sessions, my views, my frustration at work and things I do daily. He is watching me in my own BDSM House (Wechat) picking only the negative stuffs but say nothing of the good I did. Nvr once mentioned my good reviews from all over Asia nor the charity work I have done. Instead he pick on those which he can attack me with and went viral with his gossips...

Are u agreeable to invite a guest to your house and let the fucking guest circulates the misunderstood gossips to the community? Hey beside this SBF, I hardly ever speak to anyone about my work not to mention the so called Rantings. In fact I don't even tell my regular subs when we are in session because the time in session is for session and not GOSSIP! And I only have Wechat as my personal space/house for work. I don't own any other social media platform! So why can't I do what I want in my own home (Wechat)? I didn't invite u into my HOME, u bloody hell hide behind some stupid profile and ask me to add u. Then got audacity to say that I am ranting in my HOME where u are a guest! Wtf is wrong with all of u huh? Can't see the pictures? I am not allow to be mad where this fake sub lucking in my HOME scooping for negative elements to turn into accusation against me, And trying to pick fights with me whenever my subs voice up for me in SBF. Yet doesn't have the fucking guts to speak up to my posts in my Home (Wechat)? Because he was afraid of being caught and remove by me in my Home (Wechat) and that will end his career of being a bloody snitch. So he took it here to attack me and my supporting subs and gaining the support of those low life creatures in SBF.

If anyone can find any rantings done by me in any public places beside my own home (Wechat) or in sessions, tell me about it now! And don't use this SBF as reason because there is a cause for it (Threats and self defense). Ever wondered why SG local dommes are getting lesser and lesser and most fade out fast? It is because of dickheads like u who refused to differential the right or wrong things to believe and thought your pathetic bad reviews can seal a domme's fate! U DON'T! Any good local dommes will not stay in SG to take your SHITS! So fuck off!

SBF is a platform for subs/slaves to exchange pointers or search for Mistress best suited for each individual. It is not a place for anyone of u to play GOD for judgement day!


*PS - Mika I'm not directing at u ya... I am stating the harsh fact that is happening right now. Thanks for being my pillar of strength. I shall see u when I'm next available and I will remember my appreciation of u in this time of troubles. It takes a lot to speak up for someone u have yet to meet....

Last edited by Goddessxenia; 28-01-2020 at 06:03 PM.
Old 28-01-2020, 05:55 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by subbkim View Post
I agree with this, I've met her for a few sessions and the sessions are always so professional as she respect your limits and puts a lot of thought into the session. I think we all know that she's a perfectionist. Don't get why some people keep targeting her specifically.
Thanks for voicing out from KL. U are my 1st slave in KL 3.5yrs ago and I still remembered fondly of the times we spent chatting and sipping Moscato and watching the night view from my suite that very 1st night. Am so glad I picked the right salve agent to handle all my sessions in MY. This year is going to be a super fun year and I may take u along with me on my overseas session if the situation permits and u can meet my other personal slave agent overseas. Let's go have some BDSM fun outside our comfort zone.
Old 28-01-2020, 06:38 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

ANNOUNCEMENT - To all Pro dommes.

I Goddess Xenia is in the midst of setting up a fashion cafe with BDSM staycation in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I may require some visiting Pro dommes to be my in house mistress for certain days at your convenience to host session for my subs who is having a BDSM staycation in my cafe. There will be tributes for your gracing appearance including lots of fun. The cafe should be ready for booking by 3rd quarter of 2020. So add me on Wechat ID: GoddessXenia to stay in touch.

I am also looking for SG salve agent to handle booking for BDSM Staycation on my behalf as I will be busy running all over the globe. You will be paid in monetary for your contributions in securing bookings. This position will be open to subs/slaves I met in session or will meet in session. Meaning it is open to only my regular/supporting subs/slaves.

For cross dresser who wanna book a staycation, u wlll dress in waitress uniform with hair wigs and full make up done by my in house make up artist or me for each and everyday u are staying in my cafe. And there will be fashion shows weekly for u to live the high life of a PRETTY WOMAN instead of being drag queen including photo shoot done by me in my photography studio above my cafe.

For Dog slave, u will wear a dog collar with waiter uniform and sleep in cages of your choice or bed in the night. I also require house slave for cleaning and washing. In fact I need slaves in all fetishes excluding toilet slaves which I dislike cos I HATE DICKHEADS WHO TALK AND EAT SHITS!

Subs/Slaves will have to pay for your BDSM staycation in my cafe and I have to warn u that it won't be cheap. And the 3 days 2 nights in my cafe or longer, u will be under full control by me or any other visiting Pro dommes. Be careful what u wish for because it is going to be in reality soon...
Old 28-01-2020, 07:01 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by alexwangt View Post
Idk whether you're here trying to be white knight but if you don't follow other Dommes then you shouldn't assume and think you're always right
tks for c me up but i not knight la, juz another blue collar coolie, similar to the rickshaw pullers of yesteryears, i'm juz a grab driver trying to earn a honest living...
i didnt alwiz assume i'm alwiz right, i juz share what i hear or see... i not chn 5 or CNA to verify the authenticity of the news, so if the source wrong, i also kana wrong, i'm not the source of the news...
if any which part is wrong, feel free to correct me... i'm open to constructive opinions and criticisms, although i'm not perfect but i do try my best to share what i can even though my english not good
(lucky got one kind bro to help me read and correct my FR, else in raw form i think most pple wouldnt understand what i'm trying to say)
i did follow her but sadly didnt have a chance to meet as i cant afford her tribute (even after heavy discount due to strong referrals from 3 other dommes),
i did have a few opportunities to meet her outside of session but since she above my league so i think better not indulge, later meet alrdy gian but no money to go then lagi tui...
probably if u are close to her or have any insider news, i hope u can share here too...
forum is all about sharing, as the saying goes, sharing is caring, it will be more productive to keep up the spirit rather than to criticize others...
Points exchange welcomed, min. 1 power...

Last edited by Havanna Slicks; 29-01-2020 at 01:08 AM.
Old 28-01-2020, 07:10 PM
REARAdmiral REARAdmiral is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by mikasissyhehe View Post
As for the complains about her rants outside of her sessions, I think that this isn't exactly the place to rant about it as many people here has been posting FRs here to support/oppose the mistresses from what they have experience in their session. To talk about someone professionalism outside her work isn't fair to her as she is also a human too and everyone have their own way of voicing their own problems. She might also have chosen to post in her blogs to interact with other subs who are more involved with her personal life. If you aren't into it, just ignore and continue with your life. It is after all not everyone's cup of tea to hear someone rant in social media.

Thanks for this. I wish to clarified that I am hardly in here to fight everyone. The outrage last year was my 1st to explode because some dickhead sent me a threat with photos of my family/kids. It is every parent rights to stand up to cyber bully and I did mine. I don't care if u think I'm doing the right way or not because u can't feel it as it doesn't happen to u. Ppl will just standby and watch the stalker shame me and my family in laughter like a fucking freak show or could be worse in helping to circulate the photos/gossips further. I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO AND NO REGRETS! So fuck those hypocrites keyboard warriors. I don't care if they are upset with me or not. THEY ARE NOT MY LOVE ONES!

I think all of u overlook this fact that this OTHERONE ask me to add him on my Wechat (My personal BDSM world/House) where I write mini blogs of my sessions, my views, my frustration at work and things I do daily. He is watching me in my own BDSM House (Wechat) picking only the negative stuffs but say nothing of the good I did. Nvr once mentioned my good reviews from all over Asia nor the charity work I have done. Instead he pick on those which he can attack me with and went viral with his gossips...

Are u agreeable to invite a guest to your house and let the fucking guest circulates the misunderstood gossips to the community? Hey beside this SBF, I hardly ever speak to anyone about my work not to mention the so called Rantings. In fact I don't even tell my regular subs when we are in session because the time in session is for session and not GOSSIP! And I only have Wechat as my personal space/house for work. I don't own any other social media platform! So why can't I do what I want in my own home (Wechat)? I didn't invite u into my HOME, u bloody hell hide behind some stupid profile and ask me to add u. Then got audacity to say that I am ranting in my HOME where u are a guest! Wtf is wrong with all of u huh? Can't see the pictures? I am not allow to be mad where this fake sub lucking in my HOME scooping for negative elements to turn into accusation against me, And trying to pick fights with me whenever my subs voice up for me in SBF. Yet doesn't have the fucking guts to speak up to my posts in my Home (Wechat)? Because he was afraid of being caught and remove by me in my Home (Wechat) and that will end his career of being a bloody snitch. So he took it here to attack me and my supporting subs and gaining the support of those low life creatures in SBF.

If anyone can find any rantings done by me in any public places beside my own home (Wechat) or in sessions, tell me about it now! And don't use this SBF as reason because there is a cause for it (Threats and self defense). Ever wondered why SG local dommes are getting lesser and lesser and most fade out fast? It is because of dickheads like u who refused to differential the right or wrong things to believe and thought your pathetic bad reviews can seal a domme's fate! U DON'T! Any good local dommes will not stay in SG to take your SHITS! So fuck off!

SBF is a platform for subs/slaves to exchange pointers or search for Mistress best suited for each individual. It is not a place for anyone of u to play GOD for judgement day!


*PS - Mika I'm not directing at u ya... I am stating the harsh fact that is happening right now. Thanks for being my pillar of strength. I shall see u when I'm next available and I will remember my appreciation of u in this time of troubles. It takes a lot to speak up for someone u have yet to meet....
"I am hardly here to fight with anyone".....procedes to go on several rambling diatribes filled with homoerotic imagery.

Cognitive dissonance much?

Also, look up youtube for new material. The cock, gay,incest schtick is getting very old.

Bitch you cray cray!
Old 28-01-2020, 09:15 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Goddessxenia View Post

"I am hardly here to fight with anyone".....procedes to go on several rambling diatribes filled with homoerotic imagery.

Cognitive dissonance much?

Also, look up youtube for new material. The cock, gay,incest schtick is getting very old.

Bitch you cray cray!
Oh, mean u are done screwing your family for incest play? True MOTHER FUCKER indeed! Now what? a cock suckers for Gay Whores or being a gay whores is your new games? Fucking perverts!!! Hope u get fuck by those filthy gay whores till you fucking rot in your ugly black CUNT!

Mother fucking asshole!
Old 28-01-2020, 09:20 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by REARAdmiral View Post

"I am hardly here to fight with anyone".....procedes to go on several rambling diatribes filled with homoerotic imagery.

Cognitive dissonance much?

Also, look up youtube for new material. The cock, gay,incest schtick is getting very old.

Bitch you cray cray!
By stroke of luck, I have to repeat this twice to u!

Oh, mean u are done screwing your family for incest play? True MOTHER FUCKER indeed! Now what? a cock suckers for Gay Whores or being a gay whores is your new games? Fucking perverts!!! Hope u get fuck by those filthy gay whores till you fucking rot in your ugly black CUNT!

Mother fucking asshole!

Additional add on specially for u! Instead be a proper human, U chose to be fucking lowlife slaves paying money to dommes and begging them to fuck your filthy black cunt and on your knees to beg for beatings or licking dommes's feet. And no fucking shame at all. Luckily for me as a dominatix I get paid to beat the daylight out of your pea sized brain and still have slaves like u on your knees begging for more. Another best part that I don't have son like u or be your mother otherwise I have to engage in a disgusting incest freak show with u. If your mum learns of u being a fucking disgrace slave in this forum, I bet she would have strangle u to death the sec u are born. As for me, I would grab the nearest surgical knife and stab your bloody mouth to make sure u don't grow up going around sucking cocks for gay whores. As well as stabbing your bloody asshole so that u can't grow up begging gay whores or dommes to fuck your ass!

Disgusting and filthy slave!

Last edited by Goddessxenia; 28-01-2020 at 09:38 PM.
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