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Old 16-01-2006, 02:00 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Bro Jinger,
Thanks for your reply and advice. I will see what i can discover there.

Old 17-01-2006, 10:44 AM
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Macau or Zhuhai

I was in Zhuhai last month.

As I was walking along the Lian Hua Lu (Lotus Flower Road) to look see look see in the evening, I came across many FL PRC among the shoppers. Those FL PRC must have sensed that I am a foreigner as they kept coming at me. Maybe I also look like a shui-yee to them all.

Just by making a quick eye contact, the first PRC (Pretty, tall and slim) stopped me , held on to my hand and asked me if she can accompany me. Told her maybe some other time and she quickly gave to me her hand phone number.

Walked a further 20 meters , the second PRC (petite and cute with curly hair ) walked along me and offered the same service to me. Did not take up her offer .

Just a moment later noticed a pair of PRC on the other side of the road. Just gave her a quick smile and one of the PRC cross the road to meet me. This third PRC (Fair slim and pretty) offered overnight service to me .However I have to decline her offer as I have to cross over to Macau in a few hours time. Anyway she gave me her handphone number asking me to contact her when I come to Zhuhai again.

The moment she walked away another PRC (SYT and pretty also) immediately came up to me, putting her arm around my arm and offering herself to me saying that she will give me a good time. Reluctantly I declined her offer and quickly make my way to my hotel with is located at the midway of Lian Hua Lu.

Just before I got to my hotel , a group of three young PRC came up to me asking me if I could take them all together out for disco and ktv. Mmmm my mind at that time I was thinking that maybe we could all end the night with a foursome together. Too bad I have to decline their offer as I really have to go off to Macau that night for my return flight.

Hence it was an interesting experience just by walking 300 meter along the Lian Hua Lu . Lots of opportunity available with pretty and young FL. Short term FJ only cost 200 Rmb. Maybe can be negotiated for some slight discount.

Stayed short term at the Kapok hotel which is conveniently located midway of Lian Hua Lu. They offered me short term stay of six hour for only Rmb 130.
Old 18-01-2006, 01:58 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by golddragon
I was in Zhuhai last month.

As I was walking along the Lian Hua Lu (Lotus Flower Road) to look see look see in the evening, I came across many FL PRC among the shoppers. Those FL PRC must have sensed that I am a foreigner as they kept coming at me. Maybe I also look like a shui-yee to them all.

Just by making a quick eye contact, the first PRC (Pretty, tall and slim) stopped me , held on to my hand and asked me if she can accompany me. Told her maybe some other time and she quickly gave to me her hand phone number.

Walked a further 20 meters , the second PRC (petite and cute with curly hair ) walked along me and offered the same service to me. Did not take up her offer .

Just a moment later noticed a pair of PRC on the other side of the road. Just gave her a quick smile and one of the PRC cross the road to meet me. This third PRC (Fair slim and pretty) offered overnight service to me .However I have to decline her offer as I have to cross over to Macau in a few hours time. Anyway she gave me her handphone number asking me to contact her when I come to Zhuhai again.

The moment she walked away another PRC (SYT and pretty also) immediately came up to me, putting her arm around my arm and offering herself to me saying that she will give me a good time. Reluctantly I declined her offer and quickly make my way to my hotel with is located at the midway of Lian Hua Lu.

Just before I got to my hotel , a group of three young PRC came up to me asking me if I could take them all together out for disco and ktv. Mmmm my mind at that time I was thinking that maybe we could all end the night with a foursome together. Too bad I have to decline their offer as I really have to go off to Macau that night for my return flight.

Hence it was an interesting experience just by walking 300 meter along the Lian Hua Lu . Lots of opportunity available with pretty and young FL. Short term FJ only cost 200 Rmb. Maybe can be negotiated for some slight discount.

Stayed short term at the Kapok hotel which is conveniently located midway of Lian Hua Lu. They offered me short term stay of six hour for only Rmb 130.

reading this post from you alone oledi made me horny....

ZH .. here i come!!!
Old 18-01-2006, 10:37 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by golddragon
I was in Zhuhai last month.

As I was walking along the Lian Hua Lu (Lotus Flower Road) to look see look see in the evening, I came across many FL PRC among the shoppers. Those FL PRC must have sensed that I am a foreigner as they kept coming at me. Maybe I also look like a shui-yee to them all.
Please do not be mistaken. They are FREE LANCE!

These are the common SWs (street walkers) and according to sources, no pure FL girls can and dare operate in LHL area.

All the girls no matter how innocent looking are all controlled by syndicates there!

Their duty each and every day unless sick / time of the month is to cruise and sell themselves to customers for ST until LT booking is achieved. The ones you see late into the nights are the ones who did not manage to convert a customer to LT!
retired but sometimes active!
Old 19-01-2006, 10:56 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by HamSupChai

reading this post from you alone oledi made me horny....

ZH .. here i come!!!
Is so normal...our geylang also have plenty mah....

They are all Street walkers...not yr oridnary gals on the road...

It's the after sell service that counts.... Like what Bro Asa had mentioned ..they are controlled by syndicate which means they hv targets to hit...So u know wat kind of service to expect hoh....

Same goes to FL hanging around the Macau casinos.... that even worse... they hv to make good to pay for their "visa" fee....hehe...

U sounded so green n naive.....

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Old 19-01-2006, 10:29 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by Sinoview
Is so normal...our geylang also have plenty mah....

They are all Street walkers...not yr oridnary gals on the road...

It's the after sell service that counts.... Like what Bro Asa had mentioned ..they are controlled by syndicate which means they hv targets to hit...So u know wat kind of service to expect hoh....

Same goes to FL hanging around the Macau casinos.... that even worse... they hv to make good to pay for their "visa" fee....hehe...

U sounded so green n naive.....
lol... thanks for your 2 cents of advice...

i prefer to be naive when it comes to places that i haven been before because you get to learn more things than when you are being stuck up.

i reallly appreciate a lot of bros advice.
Old 29-01-2006, 03:16 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

helo all bros! i miz ZH! went there with bro gogogo & dlimts previously last yr & miss all d fun there!

any fren wanna going there 10feb-14feb via SG to Macau tigerairway?
any bro at ZH during this period?
hope to meet up & haf fun together! pls PM me, i seldom online read all d post 1 by 1..

Old 29-01-2006, 07:54 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by rokket
Bro Boobster,

For Darling 1, $1400 includes return ferry tickets, full service for 90 mins with a girl of your choice from the 'fishtank'. There's was about 40+ girls when I was there (around 5pm) ranging from PRC, Thai, Viet, Russian and model types. The last 2, you'll have to pay extra on top of the voucher.

When you buy the package ticket in HK, the shopkeeper will give you a voucher for Darling and a single ticket to Macau. Darling 1 is within walking distance from the ferry terminal. Once you exchange your Darling voucher, the guy will give you a voucher for the return leg to HK. You'll have to go to the specified travel agent mentioned on the voucher at the ferry terminal to exchange it for a return ferry pass. Remember, dont go to the ferry ticket window to exchange your ferry voucher. Including travel time, I was there for about 5+ hours on my first trip.
Hey brother rokket,

I like to check with you on the KTV in Macau. Saw on those magazine and website ( ) saying;

ÔçÁú 2pm-7pm - $1,458
×ÔÓÉÁú 2pm-11pm - $1,558
×ÓÒ¹ 11pm - 4am - $1,198
»ØÁ¦×ÓÁú 11pm-4am - $868

Care to advise what does the packages include(i.e.drinks, room charge, mummy charges or ger ON) and what are the diffferences?

I am keen in trying it out but was a bit worried if I don't prepare enough vitamin M.

Thank you,

Old 29-01-2006, 08:17 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Bro Ricky,

Darling One is a sauna place and not a KTV. You choose a girl from the fish tank and go to one of the rooms for 90mins of pure enjoyment.
Old 06-02-2006, 10:57 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

I might be making a trip down to ZhuHai and Shenzhen on the 13th - 17th Feb. Any Bro heading there maybe we can meetup.
Old 06-02-2006, 11:08 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by jinger
I might be making a trip down to ZhuHai and Shenzhen on the 13th - 17th Feb. Any Bro heading there maybe we can meetup.
bro jinger,

i will be there from 15th - 19th in ZH. would you still be threrE?
Old 07-02-2006, 09:09 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

First time at Zhuhai on CNY meeting my Guilin gf. Always thought she is pretty n voluptios but damn, I think I was drawn in to some of the LHL girls when I we wer shopping on the eve night. But I doubt it was fl coz doesn't look like one ler. Maybe I wasn't alone lar. My gf was so protective that she hold my hand so tight and close. She has warn me many times to stay away while me chatting with the local waitress, bartenders, shopkeeper,etc. The was once I was totally drawn talking to a SYT at a gongbei McD. and I made my gf waited for me 2 hours at our hotel at JIDA. Shit, normal street girls on CNY already make my cock itchy, I wonder what happen off festive season, particularly when weather get better and clothing get thinner?

Ok, this time, me going there again on early March. But smarter liao, I will go Guilin this time instead of my gf coming out. So, perhap a 4 days journey to get to Guilin shall not raise any suspision rite?
Supposingly fly Shanghai latter to join my relatives for "sau mu".

Going to get my buddies to come along with me to try out all the nice places that all bros has to recommend. Will start off at Macau with Lisboa n Darling2 then Zhuhai spa, but not sure which one yet as seen vast lots of recommendation to pick from. LHL fl seem not so exciting anymore but will still go to try out my luck. If no fl, I will go for street hunting...hmm....who knows, maybe can keep another SYT as part-time lover.

Quite tempted to try KTV but foreigner pricing seem abit too high for zhuhai standard. But so far, no exciting KTV were reported huh. Nothing special fun like uniform theme, body fruits, strip dancing etc. If normal one everywhere also the same. Rather spend liquid money at local bar. At least still can gamble for ONS opportunity.

Any zhuhaister bros out there that happen to be at Zhuhai on early March, lets get together. Perhaps we do something different!

Last, I would like to thanks all bros here for sharing. Benefit alots from reading this. Will post update after my in-coming first cheong trip on 2006! Zhuhai mei mei, here I come!!!!
Old 09-02-2006, 11:41 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

I am interested to join you.

I am new to Zhu Hai or Macau. Can any bros explain:

1) How to go from Macau to Zhu Hai and then to LHL?
2) Intend to fly tigerair (morning flight) to Macau for 2 nights, any bros can propose itinery? Should I stay in Macau or go direct to Zhu Hai?
Old 10-02-2006, 10:25 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by belonglong
I am interested to join you.

I am new to Zhu Hai or Macau. Can any bros explain:

1) How to go from Macau to Zhu Hai and then to LHL?
2) Intend to fly tigerair (morning flight) to Macau for 2 nights, any bros can propose itinery? Should I stay in Macau or go direct to Zhu Hai?

From Macau International airport has got bus straight to 拱北关卡. This is the border separating Macau and ZH. Go thru the Macau custom then a short walk to cross the ZH custom.

Once u step out of the ZH custom building n look at your 11 o'clock direction, walk straight n u will find the 拱北车站. Jus besides it's a small road that will lead u all the way to LHL.

IMHO, the main difference between Macau n ZH are amount of money to spend and casino.

Macau ktv n sauna generally has got good quality gals n good service but higher price. ZH may find gems but lousy services are alot too...price mayb about 30-40% if compared same type of activity, eg. sauna....Macau sauna about HKD 1,500 for a shot, ZH cheapest one I know is Rmb 400...u go do the sums...but of course Macau offers much better hardware n software...

Sorry dun really know wat u want so can't really offer u any advice..

Old 13-02-2006, 01:40 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

I will be going to Macau and will be venturing ZH for the first time. Any bro wanna join me?
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