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Old 28-02-2009, 03:04 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by jchongking View Post
Just walk into those dirty back lane and the food there is really cheap.
Good cheap food for cheapskates!
For me I eat with my chick every meal at restaurants only.
The point is if u can't afford to spend and libe like a king, then why go ZH? Miht as well be a rich beggar in Geylang than be a poor customer in ZH and siat suay Sinapore there.
Anyway u should be thankful for the $200 which our govt giving u soon. With that money, u can eat plenty cheap & good in ZH!
Ur nick and the way u post is 100% similar to someone. Most of the bros here should know who i refering to (someone who like to give keychains, T-shirts and once a $300 nokia hp to meimei )
Never Try Never Know
Old 28-02-2009, 03:10 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by jchongking View Post
Just walk into those dirty back lane and the food there is really cheap.
Good cheap food for cheapskates!
For me I eat with my chick every meal at restaurants only.
The point is if u can't afford to spend and libe like a king, then why go ZH? Miht as well be a rich beggar in Geylang than be a poor customer in ZH and siat suay Sinapore there.
Anyway u should be thankful for the $200 which our govt giving u soon. With that money, u can eat plenty cheap & good in ZH!
You're right! maybe i should just stay in sgp instead of going to zh since i can't really afford it. So bro when's your next trip? Mind if i join you for a KTV session? Promise i'll split the costs. Let me experience once how the big spenders play. Cause like you said our gahment giving us 200 so maybe can splurge abit.

ps: Heard you give your gals nokia hps? You very "dai hung" hor? All the gals must "ai li ai ga si"!
Old 28-02-2009, 06:22 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by TinTin130670 View Post
......anyway, all foot massage in ZH is the when bringing me to BBS in CP...I will be in CP from 3rd - 6th April...
BBS Zh also have? Never get a chance at Zh or CA... CP more chances..
Old 28-02-2009, 06:25 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by TinTin130670 View Post
Bro...finally see u log-in...yup...i remember that time we go foot massage together...but dun think it's “米兰” or “太平洋” ...anyway, all foot massage in ZH is the when bringing me to BBS in CP...I will be in CP from 3rd - 6th April...

..correct, not these 2. It's the one closer to Gongbei..behind Jinye "GoldenLeaf" Hotel (not confused with the better Jinyu at LHL). Ah Bonk, Hottip,...there's 6-7 of us invaded that place. Adidas came later after I left town to CP, he would have taken photo (as usual) if he's with us....

The time I passed by LHL last year, that busty ger at the last cabana stall has return. I did not get to date her though (similarly mesmerised with her busts!)...she asked about u, I said u guys are invading Zh 1 mth after me.

CP BBS good..attack the base soon.."launching" pad at Swanlake.
Old 28-02-2009, 08:30 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Have not been back to Macau recently ! Heard from my BROs who were there last weekend,there were so many PRC Hookers all over the place ! In the past they were not allowed in the Casino...But now maybe because of world recession,they so aggressive that they ply their trade inside the Casino too !...
Old 01-03-2009, 01:06 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

I only bring these people to ZH & KTVs - sales directors, businessman and the lowest-paid friends are NUSAF officer & car salesman - so what is your job that u need the $200 so desperate? I tip $200 a nite to my ZH massage chick, can u play this game?
I'm just a poor bloke without any job.. $200 tip to your massage chick? wow thats really generous of you! I guess i dont qualify to be in your league.

I'm really glad there are fellow singaporeans like you in ZH doing us proud.

On a side note, you know this dice game thats really popular over there they call "BLUFF"? I bet you're really good at it! no pun intended of course.
Old 01-03-2009, 12:16 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai


somehow i feels that this james cheong is not the james cheong of the past..

his attack is too lightweight.. not haolian enough..
Old 01-03-2009, 10:18 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

I thot this thread is back to normal? just get jc out and now got new jc in again to cross fire with other bros....sigh.....
Like that how to help and give infor for other bros....

Old 01-03-2009, 10:21 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by chanyboy View Post
..correct, not these 2. It's the one closer to Gongbei..behind Jinye "GoldenLeaf" Hotel (not confused with the better Jinyu at LHL). Ah Bonk, Hottip,...there's 6-7 of us invaded that place. Adidas came later after I left town to CP, he would have taken photo (as usual) if he's with us....

The time I passed by LHL last year, that busty ger at the last cabana stall has return. I did not get to date her though (similarly mesmerised with her busts!)...she asked about u, I said u guys are invading Zh 1 mth after me.

CP BBS good..attack the base soon.."launching" pad at Swanlake.
yeap bro, u r rite, all the stall meimei only can remember him (tin )
so when u going again to ZH?

Old 02-03-2009, 07:52 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by jchongking View Post
Due to recession, many Hongkies, Taiwan kia & Macaunese & even the mainlanders cannot cheong the mei mei
KTVs, health centres, hotels, barber shops, shops in Gongbei & even LHL stalls very very empty now. Time for us Singaporeans to invade Zhuhai & the mei mei all the more want us!
er... but since u got so much money and am a top earner in sg, how come u need to go to cheap place like ZH to show off your money? ZH too cheap for u and your kakis

should go to SH or stay n sg and spend in TAM to show those prc MM your spending power so they will love u more!
Old 03-03-2009, 07:57 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by bonk88 View Post
yeap bro, u r rite, all the stall meimei only can remember him (tin )
so when u going again to ZH?
...early Apr, having nostalgic trip all the way up - starting from Zh. Who's around, btw?
I wanna snap a few good memories before the economy stops us from traveling anymore... so at present, eat econo-mee, econo-beehoon, econo-rice to save up (with RMB 4.4 so low). Next time, can onli look at Adidas' photos to 'remember' the good ole days... or Pimp's lappy for 'inspiration'.. or sit at kopishop hear Hottip chatting about 'Houdini tactics'..
Old 03-03-2009, 10:40 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by jchongking View Post
Recession or no recession, there is always a group fo successful property consultanst who can still travel to Zhuhai
Less cheongsters better for my group of friends anyway
The Zhuhai grils calling me again non-stop to visit them
ya... know you are very successful n kind with high spending power.
but need not keep telling people.

and if really tat great why you are here to wasting time?
you should go somewhere to enjoy you heaven ready!
如果你曾經愛過一個人,但你們又不能相愛,如果你不能忘記他,就讓時間將他沖淡,因為時間是世上最好的止痛 藥

Last edited by BulleYe; 03-03-2009 at 11:03 AM.
Old 04-03-2009, 06:18 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Recession or no recession, there is always a group fo successful property consultanst who can still travel to Zhuhai
Less cheongsters better for my group of friends anyway
The Zhuhai grils calling me again non-stop to visit them
funny leh... big spender why fly over to zh to spend small money. singapore got havelock road KTV. the gal quality there also got model style one leh.. but cost $1200 to overnite 3 shot max. .. room also 4 digit. further can choeng every day

sorry to burst ur bubble
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Old 04-03-2009, 09:53 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by jchongking View Post

funny leh... big spender why fly over to zh to spend small money. singapore got havelock road KTV. the gal quality there also got model style one leh.. but cost $1200 to overnite 3 shot max. .. room also 4 digit. further can choeng every day

sorry to burst ur bubble
exactly what murali said mah
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Old 04-03-2009, 11:03 PM
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Talking Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Opps Phua kang tao liao..........
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