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Old 04-11-2006, 12:52 AM
Jap Lover Jap Lover is offline
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

After reading all the interesting stories about LHL in Zhuhai, I decided to visit it while attending the ongoing China Airshow today.

Went with my HK friends to Macau and from there cross over to Zhuhai on Thursday evening. After crossing the Gongbei immgrations, proceed to LHL.

Along the way, I was sharing with my HK friends all that I'd read in the SBF and how we would be swarmed with mei mei once we reached there. Told them that all mei mei will give us a card and that they should keep potential targets in one pocket and the rest in the other.

When we reached there, we felt that the atmosphere was very tense. As we walked down LHL, no mei mei approach us at all. Instead, we saw several vans parked along the side with the word "Gong An" on it. Just to check, is this normal or there was a cracked down on Thursday night?

Noticed lots of girls in twos or threes walking along LHL but there were no approach from them at all and once eye contact between them and our group. Anyway, most of the FLs walking around CMI. What a hugh disappointment. We then turn our attention to those cabanas.

Cabanas manned by good-looking mei mei will have very limited seats left and if you noticed any cabanas with empty seats, chances is that the mei mei manning it CMI big time.

After an hour walking aimlessly, we decided to return to Macau for fun instead.

Macau might be a lot more expensive but the quality is good. Next, my experience in Macau.
Old 04-11-2006, 12:54 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

After reading all the interesting stories about LHL in Zhuhai, I decided to visit it while attending the ongoing China Airshow today.

Went with my HK friends to Macau and from there cross over to Zhuhai on Thursday evening. After crossing the Gongbei immgrations, proceed to LHL.

Along the way, I was sharing with my HK friends all that I'd read in the SBF and how we would be swarmed with mei mei once we reached there. Told them that all mei mei will give us a card and that they should keep potential targets in one pocket and the rest in the other.

When we reached there, we felt that the atmosphere was very tense. As we walked down LHL, no mei mei approach us at all. Instead, we saw several vans parked along the side with the word "Gong An" on it. Just to check, is this normal or there was a cracked down on Thursday night?

Noticed lots of girls in twos or threes walking along LHL but there were no approach from them at all and once eye contact between them and our group. Anyway, most of the FLs walking around CMI. What a hugh disappointment. We then turn our attention to those cabanas.

Cabanas manned by good-looking mei mei will have very limited seats left and if you noticed any cabanas with empty seats, chances is that the mei mei manning it CMI big time.

After an hour of walking down LHL aimlessly, we decided to return to Macau for fun instead.

Macau might be a lot more expensive but the quality is good. Next, my experience in Macau.
Old 04-11-2006, 11:05 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by FirstTimer
Bro Rapebill, the cost of 1 way ticket from ZH, JiuZhou POrt to SZ, SheKou Port should be 80rmb instead of 160rmb cos I just taken it recently.
thanks for the info.
Old 04-11-2006, 11:07 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by Jap Lover

When we reached there, we felt that the atmosphere was very tense. As we walked down LHL, no mei mei approach us at all. Instead, we saw several vans parked along the side with the word "Gong An" on it. Just to check, is this normal or there was a cracked down on Thursday night?
yes, everytime there is an international event at ZH, there would be a crackdown. Think things will revert to normal after 05 nov
Old 06-11-2006, 12:20 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

After our very disappointing walk down LHL, we decided to head back to Macau.

One of our friend works as a Junket in Macau and he brought us to this pretty rundown restaurant which serves delicious "Crab & Clam Steamboat".

After dinner we head down to Golden Dragon KTV. As it was close to 1am when we reached there, the selection of girls available was pretty limited but I must say the quality was acceptable. Mummy serving us was Fei Fei.

Most of the girls that came for selection were dressed in see thru clothes, letting you a have a good assessment of the vital parts. Almost every one were wearing thongs.

Settled for a long legged, fair, B-cup, 21 yrs old mei mei from Wuhan.

Did the usual dice games, endless drinking and singing. As some of the girls were hungry and the kitchen has closed, we send the waitress to "Ta Pau" food from a store nearby.

Fei Fei came and pop the golden question as to whether we wanna "Ta Pau" our respective girls as well. I agreed to bring her back as I find her attentive and playful as well. My gut feel tells me that after the disappointing experience in Zhuhai, I'll be richly rewarded for returning to Macau.

After much hassle, Fei Fei finally found us our rooms Golden Dragon but they were all double.
Went along as we had no other choices.
Finally, the keys to our rooms arrived and we adjourn to our rooms.

Next up my FR....
Old 18-11-2006, 11:29 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Macau or Zhuhai珠海最安全的FL

【性息來源】:自己驗證 (小弟住的不遠進水樓台^_^)
【小姐素質】:60-90分 服務不錯
【價格一覽】:按摩30/小時 口爆100 130 外出全套300

一通前戲過後,XJ用嘴為本狼套上套子。因本狼一路飛行辛苦,懶得采取男上女下的姿勢,加之XJ雙峰最佳的 把玩得姿勢就是立姿,遂本狼讓其坐在小弟之上以行好事。待小弟全身進入時,XJ一聲的低吟,雙手交叉在頭發 間,挺直了腰身,似乎要將本狼的陽物全部吸入似的。此時挺起的乳峰就在你的面前,讓本狼一通揉弄!XJ很是 舒爽,快速的上下左右的運動,讓本狼覺得其小陰柔滑包裹的感覺甚強!此時隔壁屋

裡傳來另一對雲雨的“夫妻”若隱若現的性福之聲,更是讓本狼越戰越勇!上下翻飛了二十多分鐘後,小妹已是香 汗微出。胸前兩塊白玉也讓本狼弄成了紅色,圓潤的乳頭硬的和小弟弟一般!!本狼精蟲欲出,為了感受翹臀肉軟 而富有彈性的味道,遂讓XJ改為趴著的姿勢.

小妹欣然應允。趴好後,讓小妹雙腿盡量分開,小妹很是聽話,同時肥臀輕翹,迎接小弟弟的進入。摸了一把小妹 的私處,淫水泛濫,陰毛上沾滿了白帶,肛門上居然也是愛液密布。正在本狼撫摸之時,小妹嗲聲道:“哥哥快來 啊,再這麼摸下去,我可受不了了”,言罷,肥臀又往上翹了一些,腰低的更深了。從後觀瞧,真是絕頂的美艷, 女性的曲線盡顯!微漲的小陰,在愛液的浸淫下亮晶晶的!本狼也顧不上了,提槍上馬,讓自己的小腹充分的感受 柔臀的觸擊,雙手同時繼續肆虐小妹的乳房。龜頭感受到進底的舒爽,似乎陰道深處有一肉球在做弄著,每次抽插 ,都能有口交時舌尖舔噬的感覺。…………一膜z到小妹陰水和汗水濕透陰毛,小妹嘴裡只會說一個 字啊 啊 啊 !!這時候我提出做(後面)妹想了下後同意,把我推倒在床上自己胯身上來,沒有用任何潤滑物品的情況下把我 的DD對准她的後門坐了下去,當我的龜頭進入直腸的一剎那我感覺我的DD被很很的卡住了(痛+興奮+更想進 入)眼睛看著小妹臉上的表情屁股一抬一搶到底。。。在妹妹的全身顫抖的同時開始了我的衝鋒。眼 睛看得到 身體感覺到就是TMD舒服呀。。。。因換了環境(熱度偏低)及進入時有點痛延長了我的作戰時間,最終背入試 一邊抽插一邊用右手沾著陰水摸著妹妹陰道/陰埤,在妹妹全身僵硬的同時把我的精華射入妹妹的直腸………………………
Old 21-11-2006, 01:19 AM
davesome davesome is offline
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over night stay in macau

Hi brothers ,

I am coming to zhu hai this Thursday via macau. I came once every 1-2 month to look for my mm. I was too eager, thinking that I could get one more night by booking the night flight, realizing only after telling my girl that the custom close at 12 midnight.

So I have to spend the night there. I do not intend to stay in hotel ,so would like to know if there are places I could spend 5-6 hour for a rest , I will head for the custom early 7am.

I heard some massage provide a room but if I do not intend to book any girl, is it still available.

Or any very budget hotel near to the border.

Pls advice

Old 22-11-2006, 05:08 PM
elijahbaley elijahbaley is offline
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Been reading SBF for quite a few years now. My first post.

In Zhuhai now on a weeklong business trip. Flew in Friday 17th to Guangzhou and coached down to Zhuhai. I must say LianHua Lu is as per what everyone says. Shops and street walkers everywhere. Post it notes, half cut business cards with their numbers written. And very young too. Saturday and Sunday were spent there and at Cabana No.3 somewhere near the north end of LHL. According to the cabana server, there's usually a auntie (ah yi) that controls a few of them, also some work alone. Didn't try any though. The gals at the cabana are really fun to chat with. One looks like ShuQi/Rong Zhu'er (Joey), the other looks like our own homegrown singer Stella.

My hotel is by the seaside in Jida, some 10min away by taxi. Did the health centre thingy on Saturday and Monday night. Hotel just opened 2 months back and the health centre not even a month i think. Very nice, service varies. Went in the night around 10pm-11pm and damage is around 300RMB for the full service and 100RMB for the room or 2 hours. But i just think everything is just too robotic and clinical. Even down to the part when they say "qing ai de..."

Actually took a fancy to the assistant supervisor on my 2nd visit there, non looker. She gave me her number, I called and we decided to meet up after her work at 5am. Doesn't take much convincing to ask her to spend the night with me, and she came to my room at 0510hrs this morning Wednesday. Made out, very inexperienced but really enjoyable experience. I'm asking her to see me every morning for the next few days after her work. Not for long though, morning call 7am and i have to be downstairs for breakfast by 0730hrs. But the thing is...she said ok. Urh, i haven't given her any money yet, but i think i will.

There's a chambermaid working the night shift.....chatted with a her a bit the night before. Very nice sweet young lady. I'm having those thoughts.

I guess i'm not into the health centre, street hooker thing but more into the non-professional kind of women. I like it.

Will be here till Sunday, then off to Guangzhou for the 1pm SQ flight back to Singapore on Monday.

Just wanna say that this forum has been a great big help, even down to dinner at WanChai Seafood Street. Amazing place.

Old 22-11-2006, 05:51 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Just lost the entire chunk of my first ever posting here on SBF.

Flew into Zhuhai via Guangzhou last Friday on a week long business trip. LianHua Lu is what everyone says it is, down to the shops and streetwalkers and their post it notes or cut up business cards with the hp numbers scribbled on it. Plopped myself down at Cabana 3 at the north end of LHL and was served by May. She looks like Rong Zhu’er/ShuQi, nice gal. Another one beside her looks like our homegrown singer, that Stella something. So they told me the trade there. The hookers work in groups with an auntie (ah yi) controlling. Some also do it solo, but it helps if you’re in a group, they can protect the streetwalker from the police if they’re caught. But it’s very open, the soliciting, especially when it gets dark around this time as I write this – 1730hrs. Didn’t try any though. But there’s one that stands out for me. She wears glasses, long hair and looks like an office gal, very light make up. Something office gals I guess…..

Did the health centre thing on Saturday and Monday at my hotel. It’s 10min away by taxi in Jida, by the beach. Brand new, only opened a few months back and the massage parlour like less than a month. Walked in at around 11pm both nights, full service 300RMB and another 100RMB for the room for 2 hours. Ok lah, but I still kinda feel like it’s devoid of emotion. Even down to the way they say “qing ai de…..” Of the 2 gals, #9 is better at the full service thing but not in the looks department. I like the kuasa bit though, when she kuasa(ed) my back with the incredible suction power of her mouth. Damn painful, but a nice kind of pain.

Took a fancy to the asst supervisor there, a young woman who’s a non-looker and very plain jane. Told her discretely that I’d taken a fancy to her. She passed me her number. She only gets off work by 5am, yes the health centre closes at 4am, and i managed to convince her to come up to my room this morning Wednesday. We made out and the experience is so much more enjoyable. Urh I didn’t give her any money yet, but I think I will. Will be seeing tonight and the flowing day.

I’m not into professional sex workers per se, as I think picking up a gal is so much more interesting. I’ve been chatting with a chambermaid on my floor of the hotel, been having some thoughts about her….

Lastly, I’d like to thank this forum for all the help it’s given me, even down to dinner at Wanchai Seafood Street. Amazing place.

Will be leaving for Guangzhou this Sunday and flying back home to Singapore on Monday the 27th.
Old 23-11-2006, 06:46 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

hey guys, im kinda new to this site but have been reading this thread for awhile now. me n a few frens are plannin a trip to Zhuhai as we heard its just as good as Macau. I was just wondering which areas in Zhuhai should we visit and which hotels are the best for plp who dont really speak mandarin? in our group only 1 guy knows mandarin n the rest of us cant speak it at all. Would it be better in our case to go to macao instead?
Old 23-11-2006, 07:28 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Daer all bro...
hi , I have the intention to go Zhuhai from HK. Want to know te fery schedule from HK to ZH and also the way back from ZH to HK. Dont want to go thhrouh Mcau la .. Its too many people.
And also, Can I apply the visa on arrival form the Zhuhai fery terminal. I knaow that one can apply the 3 day visa on arrival in GongBei .
So pls bro. thanks
Old 24-11-2006, 01:06 PM
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Re: over night stay in macau

Originally Posted by davesome View Post
Hi brothers ,

I am coming to zhu hai this Thursday via macau. I came once every 1-2 month to look for my mm. I was too eager, thinking that I could get one more night by booking the night flight, realizing only after telling my girl that the custom close at 12 midnight.

So I have to spend the night there. I do not intend to stay in hotel ,so would like to know if there are places I could spend 5-6 hour for a rest , I will head for the custom early 7am.

I heard some massage provide a room but if I do not intend to book any girl, is it still available.

Or any very budget hotel near to the border.

Pls advice

go do yr homework & reading lah.

This was discussed (and answered) not long ago only!
Old 24-11-2006, 01:09 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by piratebooty View Post
hey guys, im kinda new to this site but have been reading this thread for awhile now. me n a few frens are plannin a trip to Zhuhai as we heard its just as good as Macau. I was just wondering which areas in Zhuhai should we visit and which hotels are the best for plp who dont really speak mandarin? in our group only 1 guy knows mandarin n the rest of us cant speak it at all. Would it be better in our case to go to macao instead?
not speaking mandarin is not much of a big issue, if u can speak cantonese, the local dialect there.

if u cant speak mandarin or cantonese, it can be frustrating or an issue for you.

Macao may be a better option, their english proficiency is better. Most of the locals oso speak cantonese, oso the local dialect.
Old 24-11-2006, 02:52 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by nathan View Post
Daer all bro...
hi , I have the intention to go Zhuhai from HK. Want to know te fery schedule from HK to ZH and also the way back from ZH to HK. Dont want to go thhrouh Mcau la .. Its too many people.
And also, Can I apply the visa on arrival form the Zhuhai fery terminal. I knaow that one can apply the 3 day visa on arrival in GongBei .
So pls bro. thanks
If Macau too many people, then HK even more people than Macau!

Not sure if there is direct ferry from HK airport to ZH. Otherwise, you have to go to the ferry terminal in the city in Tsim Sha Tsui. For that, you either have to take taxi, or bus, or Airport Express train to town & then change bus or taxi to get there! I'm oso not sure if there is direct ferry from ZH to HK Airport.

From Macau Airport, you can either take the mini-buses or taxi to GongBei, about 15 minutes only.
Old 24-11-2006, 04:14 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

thanks 84gunner. on anothernote what other nationalities are available in zhuhai? i read theres russians, mongols and viets but how accessible are they and whats their quality like?
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