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Old 29-06-2014, 12:20 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Sibei Cham ah! First zh,cp and now jurong! jurong rhymes with 猪笼! those were the days before the PRC , Thai gal were everywhere in balestier!


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Old 29-06-2014, 10:53 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Just got back from ZH from the 23 to the 26 June. Though there is a "proavtive" yanda on-going, and stock of MMs seem to be sparse, you really need to know who to look for to ensure access. Try to get access from the online service providers, they did help me heaps>>高飞 - Dick

Anyway, the KTV sessions seem to start and end earlier these days. I was at 金沙and it started at 6pm and was in full swing until 730pm where all the MMs who have not been onboarded were release from the building and asked to go home.

However, despite the new SOP in place, me and my friends did have a good time.

So in short, be prepared before you pop by ZH and if you are technically a newbie or don't already have "a car in your garage" there, best is to get some help as the situation is not as bad as CP.
Old 30-06-2014, 12:47 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

MP3 is a pinoy pub, Lion Bar is more like a sit-down bar usually girls come with guys and sit at tables with bottle-service. D2 is better for pick-up cos working girls like mongolian sauna girls hang out there after work.

Originally Posted by ossan View Post
Halo All,

in 2 weeks we will go to Macau, can someone recommend best bar/club to find girls?

From the forum I found:
1. MP3 bar
2. D2 Bar
3. Lion Bar

Which one has the hottest girl and easy to pick?

Old 01-07-2014, 10:31 PM
skorpio69 skorpio69 is offline
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Recently organised a trip to Macau and Zhuhai for my friend's bachelor party for 4 days 3 nights, below is a description and rough travel times.

Day 1
We took the 0815 flight through ShenZhen Airlines to SZ, landed around 1200hours. By the time we collected our stuff and bought our ferry tickets it was around 1pm. The ferry tickets around 222RMB and we proceeded to take the shuttle bus from SZ airport to Shekou Ferry Terminal. The shuttle bus leaves 35mins prior to the ferry timings so do not miss the bus or you have to take taxi or private car.

Ferry ride was approx. 1hour ++, by the time we reach Macau and clear customs it was near 3.30pm. We booked Hotel Golden Dragon as it was within walking distance from the ferry terminal and also houses one of the famous saunas in Macau (18 Spa).

However, we visited East Spa located at Waldo Hotel for the first day. Basic fee for PRC/Viet was 1988++ HKD. Take this one can already. My friend more adventurous went for 3P @ 1988 + 1788 HKD. We were given free whisky (one shot each) as the manager wanted to psycho my friend to take one more and go for 4P. For 3P, you can choose a normal hotel room or request for a small KTV room to perform your heroics.

During this World Cup Period, got promotion with freebies. At the starting part you will be showered by one of the lineup girls sitting in the bathing zone with the hot pools. The manager will tell you to choose any one of the girls to help you shower. Once you take your pick, you will be led to the shower and she will clean you up with soap. Its quite SOP but after she ask you to wash off the soap, she will disappear for awhile. Once you are done, she suddenly appears with a bottle with blue liquid inside and pour abit in her mouth. What comes next is a bbbj to bring you to heaven!! But not enough to make you cum, don't worry. Haha. Just tempt you only. (Tip: Make sure you build rapport with the girl that help you shower as they are part of the lineup you will see later on, but if you don't like her then nevermind, at least you filter out one girl that will give you bad service). The girl that shower for me was No.6. Quite sharp features but didn't manage to do her as I was slow... Someone else chose her before I did.

After you are done with the shower, you will be led to the main hall with all the big leather seats with the food/service menu. Try to make it to the sauna during 7pm-9pm as there will be 'free' services. For East Spa, it came with some 'games'.

Now to describe the games, as the games are about to start, the waitress will put a plastic cup with Listerine on the table followed by the normal massage girls being evacuated from the main hall and the lights will be dimmed. Some World Cup / Techno Songs will be played and the full lineup will appear infront of you. They will parade infront of all the customers before coming to a stop infront of you. This will be followed by some mechanical seduction moves such as dry humping / Rubbing of boobs and lastly another bbbj with the Listerine!! hahaha. It is at this point where you will again try to smile at the girls and see which of them smile back at you. (I chose the girl which giggled back when she did the bbbj, No.23. Slightly plump but her boobs D cup!!)

After the mechanical performance (I would call it sampling), the manager will ask which girl you prefer, best to have a few choices in mind as this is the part where its first come first served. However, if you want to relax and get some shoulder / leg massage first then up to you. Just signal the manager for another lineup when you are ready.

The managers at East Spa were quite friendly as I asked her to explain the charges quite a few times. (first time mah)

Just take note, for the girls that offer leg massage, to unlock the HJ part, you will need to do 3 units of 20min leg massage before she will do HJ for you at a price (400++ HKD plus 3x190++ HKD), around 1000HKD for a HJ with 60min leg massage. Think they call it thigh massage.

However, if you have a glib tongue and flirt with the massage girls they will HJ you for less. ( I managed to reduce one session of leg massage ) OR you can approach the manager for a cheaper deal but the girl you cannot choose. Haha.. Might be an old aunty.

So during that night, for 1 shot, 1HJ, 1 Shoulder Massage, 2 sessions of thigh massage I spent 3005HKD. Expensive but fun, entered around 7pm, left around 11.30pm.

(If you were wondering how much for 3P, my friend paid 4800++ HKD, not sure what else he did, depends on the grade of the girl as well)

Day 2 on my next post. Up my points thanks!!
Old 01-07-2014, 11:05 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Day 2

The second day, we filled the day time by going around Macau to eat egg tarts and stuff along with a visit to the Transformers Expo at Venetian. (Don't bother, its like visiting Science Centre and fucking pay 100HKD).

Around 7pm we made our way to Familiar Nobre (also called FN or How Moon is Cantonese, the cab drivers will know). Its a super famous spa and definitely a must go. Basic packages start @ 1788 for the Viets and PRCs. Followed by the other grades such as that Singaporean and the oversized Jamaican and Russian that looked like boxers.

The lineup was much much more than at East Spa. You can request to take a look at the lineup before you choose to use the services, which we did and it was very grand!! The manager told us to sit on the couch and proceeded to call out all the girls. Out came like 40-50 girls marching out as if it was National Day and we were the VIPs!! They greeted us and we were allowed to inspect the goods and also to take note of a few numbers to call. ( I took note of this 793, viet girl named Ah Mi, she is fucking wild!! More on her later on... )

After the inspection, we were very satisfied and proceeded to the showers. This part different from East Spa, shower our own. Haha. But we were entitled to 2 free services for coming in at 7pm. The main hall here is much bigger but not as new as EAST SPA. However, it seemed to be a more authentic joint. Need to be to both places then you know what I mean. We sat down at the main hall and the massage girls swarmed us to use their services ranging from shoulder/leg/thigh/ear picking/scraping dead skin off your sole. (I personally love massages and used both my free sessions on my left and right shoulder. The girl that serviced me was Ah Xue, a Vietnamese, short hair, cute, petite and she speaks Cantonese!! OMFG!!)

During the 50min massage (2 sessions of 25mins), you can see the full lineup pacing up and down the hallway. Each time they do that, means got new customer come in. Got some part they walk back halfway then new customer come and the manager as them turn back again... Like robots, haha... Ah Xue also told me that the shirt color got some meaning. For the service girls if they wear red means you can up them but at a price, something like 10times service rate, meaning to say 2680, similar to unlocking the HJ where you need 3times. If they wear blue, like that Ah Xue was wearing, they don't offer such services. Something like that. (Not worth it in my opinion)

So came the time for my session with 793 (I chose her because she smiled back at me, very important!!!), I signalled the manager and she escorted me to the room. While walking she told me she was in Singapore before and stayed in Boon Lay ( It took me 30 minutes to realise it was Boon Lay... she kept saying Boleh Boleh, until she showed me a photo of a HDB carpark....)

The services here compared to East Spa was much much better. Prior to the deed, she will shower you thoroughly using her boobs (something like Nuru Massage) followed by a cat bath.... Damn shiok. Then she told me to turn and lie on my back. Same thing, another round of Nuru with her boobs followed by BBBJ with some deepthroat... Wah.... Shiok... Must try if you are there.

The whole bathing session by her was around 15-20mins, lost track of time here...

After drying up, lie down on bed, catbath again!! She likes to lick man!! What comes after, ownself go imagine. Haha... Won't reveal much... She really made my day.

Once I was done, I was escorted back to the main hall... to rest... As I was browsing the menu, I saw a promotion ' Add 300HKD for 800HKD value for customers who took any package 1788 and above'. The package included a 90min full body massage (by and auntie of course, cannot choose), another free service of your choice and a body scrub. This package is a must take, totally worth it. So off I went for another round of massage for 90mins, really shiok. But is by an aunty, haha...

Then came the body scrub. Take note, the way they promoted it BM Body Scrub, we thought it meant Boobs Massage Body Scrub... End up is Body Massage Body Scrub... Felt cheated man!!! But 300HKD with so many services, what to expect... haha... felt super clean after the scrub.

With the one free service left, I called back Ah Xue to do ear cleaning for me... super shiok... she kept laughing when I gave the orgas face during the session. As well as successfully selling me a facial session cos she say i got a lot of blackhead for 368 HKD, 45mins. What the hell, might as well do it.

So off I went for the facial and so did one of my buddy. My friend decided to chu pattern. He had a facial and 3 sessions of thigh massage with HJ all at the same time... And beside me... wtf... well like 50 cm away... Won't describe much about the facial... haha... not by him of course...

So by the time the facial was done... it was... 4am in the morning... time flies... we were in FN spa from 7pm to 4am.... 9 whole hours of relaxation!
And the damage? Roughly 2600++ HKD. Cheaper than East Spa and much more services. (1FJ, 1x90min full body massage, 1 Facial, 3 services & 1 body scrub)

We dragged our lifeless bodies back to our hotel to prepare for Day 3, Zhu Hai.
Old 02-07-2014, 09:13 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by skorpio69 View Post
Day 2 ...


We dragged our lifeless bodies back to our hotel to prepare for Day 3, Zhu Hai.
Nice report. Please continue to share.

Looking forward to your Day 3 sexventure.

Old 02-07-2014, 09:31 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

I second that! Very good writeup bro... Really enjoyed reading your experience
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Old 02-07-2014, 02:07 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

I just noticed that that agent VivianXu has restarted her advertisement with announcement about her now operating out of zhuhai - same as GoFly previous month. Hmmmm....?!

Wonder if indeed the action is gonna shift back to zhuhai?

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Old 02-07-2014, 02:58 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
I just noticed that that agent VivianXu has restarted her advertisement with announcement about her now operating out of zhuhai - same as GoFly previous month. Hmmmm....?!

Wonder if indeed the action is gonna shift back to zhuhai?

Hmmm it means cp nothing to earn for agents so they move base ... Another Taiwan agent move XGX to Fuzhou island called 平潭 this shld new playground...
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Old 02-07-2014, 06:45 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Day 3. Zhu Hai, 27th June 2014, Saturday.

As we were spent after the 9 hour session at FN Spa, we were totally behind schedule and were ready by 1pm in the afternoon.

Amazing as it is, some of my friends actually went on to venture on their own between 4am to 1pm. I will briefly elaborate on what they did so that you guys can decide whether to risk it and try it yourselves.

One of them called the overnight service on the sex141 Macau section hotlines and was really tempted to try. He was just desperate for some warm bodies to sleep with. ( We sort of wasted our rooms at Golden Dragon by sleeping alone in them and paying $180 SGD per night, third night was burnt as we spent a night in Zhu Hai, incurring more cost but super worth it).

Basically an overnight call girl session starts from 1-2am and ends at 10am. You have 2 shots and price ranges from 2000-2100 HKD. BUT!!! The girl picture totally don't match what they show on the website. So super waste money and if you want to change girl, must pay 100HKD per change. So don't bother unless you just desperate for a girl to hug and sleep and shoot 2 times.

My other friend, went down to 18 spa since it was housed within golden dragon hotel. By the time he went down, it was 545am. As it was a weekend every couch was already filled and he chose a girl with a Dragon Tattoo. Please take note, they change shifts near 6am and the girl he chose was like super sian because she wanted to knock off already but still must serve him. End up another disappointing session for him. The dragon girl he chose was so tired that she just lie down and let him do her. He was so turned off that he turn soft and she just cannot be bothered to reach out and help him out.

So please don't go when they changing shifts and skip the overnight call girls.

Next post, Zhu Hai!!
Old 02-07-2014, 07:05 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Plenty of discreet places that's just a stone's throw fm Grand Lisboa to enjoy bro, booking gals fm the web is such a waste of money, the saunas prices there are crazily high too.
Old 02-07-2014, 07:13 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

So now, we set off to the borders of Macau. Just tell the cab driver 'Guan Kou' and he will know.

Basically its just like crossing from Singapore to Johor.

Clearing customs took like 1 hour, inclusive of filling up the arrival/departure card. We have to queue as foreigners and it was quite slow.

Once customs cleared, you will end up in Gong Bei and its an underground shopping mall with everything you can find (clothing, food, electronics, blah blah blah)

Prior to us crossing customs, I have made arrangements with Dick from GoFly and he helped us settle accommodation at Kingdo Hotel, 4-star, not too shabby. 408RMB per night. We had our lunch at one of the shops before setting out in a cab to our hotel.

The taxi ride from the customs to KingDo Hotel took like 10mins and cost only 20RMB. Checking in was a breeze and we were greeted with some fresh fruits and tea as a welcome gift. Not bad! We didn't even get that in Macau. By the time we were settled down in our rooms, it was around 4pm. We took a nap as we were meeting Dick at the Jing Sha KTV nearby (5 min walking distance only) at 5.15pm.

Once we met Dick at the KTV, most of the KTV rooms were already filled but he managed to get us a room. (We took a room for 5, minimum spend 1380 RMB shared between 4 person). This one no choice as it was a Saturday so just take a bigger room lor. Anyway, we ended up spending 2500RMB on 3 bottles black label. So, you will just end up spending more lah. Unless u drink beer. Think its like 380RMB per carton.

Now come the girls, totally different from CP. No flower street. Instead they were called into our rooms for us to choose. As their working hours start at 6pm, we were actually early. Most of them without makeup and in their normal clothes. (Now this is the important part. If you see those without makeup and still look good, don't wait already. Just take. Girl quality quite cui due to the recent raids. So don't be so choosy. Not choosing wife. Haha.)

Anyway the rates nowadays are 300/1000/1300 & 400/1200/1600. Dick will explain to you the rates. He is also very friendly and very patient.

One of my friends took a girl called Ke Ke and she looked like Fann Wong. Damn wild and damn pro at playing dice. She was the most fun of the lot. My girl was called Tu Zi, very skinny... Like 39Kg only...

As per normal, play dice, sing song, get drunk. It was a peaceful and pleasant night. We didn't get any interuptions from the GA. Must be quite lucky.

So from around 7pm to roughly 10pm, we were done. Nowadays all of them recommend to end the KTV session early and we headed off for supper. Took a cab (10RMB only) to some place called Peng Hu for some supper.

Then we proceed back top our hotel rooms for the main course haha...

I would say how much rapport we build during the KTV session will be rewarded when we get back to our rooms. As the following day the four of us has different reviews and services from our girls.

Mine gave me 2 shots, one at night another in the morning, showered with me and stayed with me will 11am the next day.

Friend A has a bad night, once the girl removed makeup she went from 7 to 2. Gave fucked up service and left before 10am. (you can complain to Dick if any of the girls leave earlier than 10am)

Friend B's girl didn't shower at all, didn't give him his first shot till the next day 10am, but they fell asleep once they reach back the hotel. Maybe that's why. But she has a 4 year old child and B complain say the pussy was so loose that 4 fingers can go in without any problems. So he DNF (Did Not Finish)

Friend C, the one that took Fann Wong Lookalike, was only given one shot as well. She was about to have her period so she complain she was quite bloated. Of course not in the mood for sex. Blah blah.

Well out of the 4 maybe I was just lucky to have had a better bang for my buck. This kind really need luck and some skills in talking to your girl perhaps.

Then came the time to checkout. Quite rush actually. Both B and C couldn't shake off their girls and we only managed to checkout of our hotel by 12pm.

We managed to reach back Macau by 1.30pm to rush through our checkout from Golden Dragon followed by making a mad dash to the ferry terminal for the 2.30pm ferry back to Shen Zhen.

Worse still, the ferry ride got delayed from 1hour to 1 hour 30mins. Lucky we didn't miss our 6.30pm flight as we did not have buffer time for shuttle bus from the ferry terminal to the airport (roughly 30mins for the journey and 15-20 mins for the loading up)

All in all, it was a fruitful trip. Hope you guys find my review and itinerary useful. haha.

Old 02-07-2014, 07:15 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by Xtremist View Post
Plenty of discreet places that's just a stone's throw fm Grand Lisboa to enjoy bro, booking gals fm the web is such a waste of money, the saunas prices there are crazily high too.
Ok lah. Sauna got license and I am a sucker for massages. That's why I chose the sauna path. Haha.

We didn't manage to see any girls on the racetrack. Maybe we were too early.
Old 03-07-2014, 12:34 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by Allanooi View Post
Hmmm it means cp nothing to earn for agents so they move base ... Another Taiwan agent move XGX to Fuzhou island called 平潭 this shld new playground...
Makes sense as XGX handles a ton of Taiwanese tourists/mongers; I THINK they had all along been sending Taiwanese mongers not only to Chang Ping, but also to Fujian

Pingtan is the largest island in Fujian, even bigger than Xiamen and the bridge to the mainland had only recently been completed and now the Fuzhou airport is within an hour. Pingtan is actually the closest PRC territory to Taiwan.

This is from a few years ago, but Fuzhou is famous for hot springs/saunas and Pingtan itself is quite a scenic tourist island. So yeah, should have a lot of potential as our new playground.... as I think it already is so for the Taiwanese.


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Last edited by SEAJ; 03-07-2014 at 01:32 AM.
Old 03-07-2014, 01:07 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by skorpio69 View Post
.................settle accommodation at Kingdo Hotel, 4-star, not too shabby. 408RMB per night. ........
GREAT series of reports! Thanks!

Just a little tip about Kingdo (which happens to also be my favourite Zhuhai Hotel of late as it is nice and very convenient to most things that are of interest to us mongers there) as well as other hotels in Zhuhai, IF YOU GOT TIME and want to save a bit of money, especially if you're gonna be staying multiple days.

And that is to just go to just about ANY travel agent after you cross over Gong Bei and ask them to quote you a rate for the Kingdo (or any other Zhuhai hotel you may want to stay at), and you'll find that you'll save around RMB 40-60/night. Once you've settled on the price, the Travel agent will contact the hotel and they'll give you the booking number and/or other information you need to just check in yourself.

You'll see various tour agencies when you go through the underground shopping mall and on LinHuaLu, the famous "Walking Street" (bear to the right at the mall) and the Kingdo is just at the other end of LHL. A nice pleasant walk to get your bearings of Zhuhai when you first get there. And if you're lucky, you may be able to still spot a few of the famous and previously profligate "Walking Ladies of LHL!"

Only bad thing I don't like about the Kingdo is that internet is ONLY available at the main lobby and there is only 1 Lift.

CROOK AGENTS: 55055, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong2, sex crusader, $$$$$$$$$$.
EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.."
IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74.
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