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Old 18-12-2014, 02:55 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
Don't bring bags how to put RMB .....

Anyway , bro who are there , must be extreme careful and alert this coming 1 week .

Always remember don't act smart or garang if you are being check or question , be polite .

Of cos NO DRUG , NO GAMBLE , NO STRIP when party in KTV !!!

There is still a couple of KTV with powerful backup in Zhuhai .
another suggestion
just go to any BANK OF CHINA main branch in zhuhai
with your passport you can open a savings bank account
carry enough cash for your mongering needs
the rest just deposit into your bank of china account
also most bank of china branches do currency exchange
you may change your dollars into rmb at the branches
Old 18-12-2014, 08:21 AM
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Smile Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by MichaelWinn View Post
another suggestion
just go to any BANK OF CHINA main branch in zhuhai
with your passport you can open a savings bank account
carry enough cash for your mongering needs
the rest just deposit into your bank of china account
also most bank of china branches do currency exchange
you may change your dollars into rmb at the branches
Don't need so much hassle. There are many banks in Singapore that issue union pay credit cards. ICBC even offers SGD+RMB dual currency union pay credit card. Exchange rate may be slightly less favourable, but it's a small cost to pay for convenience.
Old 18-12-2014, 08:31 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Anyway, just to share a short and simple FR on Wang Fu last weekend. Was back in zhuhai for a few days and decided to revisit one of my favourite joints. Only decided to go at about 9pm, full house booking for the day and managed to squeeze out one room for us.

Reached there at 9.30pm, of course not expecting much choices as it was quite late. Was shown around 30 over ladies and managed to pick one to be my companion for the night without much trouble (maybe cuz I am not choosing wife) hehe.

Anw proceeded to play our normal dice drinking games. Wow this lady for the night was super enthusiastic in playing and drinking, constantly upping the drinking stake and changing drinking games. And she was very 爽快 in drinking. Thought to myself: ho sei ah, should be a very good drinker.

So we played and drank for more than an hour, then I think better let us get a time out and do some singing. Who knows, once stop for 5 min, she just leaned against my shoulders and close her eyes to rest. The rest of the night, she just remained in that same comatose state. Later on, she even gave us a "performance" on puking through both the mouth and nose. Hahaha

Parry ended at 12plus, wanted to bring her back one. But despite our combined effort, she still remained in comatose state. Hai... ended the night without any human bolster, as I was also too tired to look for a replacement.

So based on my trip, I will say that there is still fun to be had in zhuhai
Old 18-12-2014, 08:51 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by xiaopangge69 View Post
Don't need so much hassle. There are many banks in Singapore that issue union pay credit cards. ICBC even offers SGD+RMB dual currency union pay credit card. Exchange rate may be slightly less favourable, but it's a small cost to pay for convenience.
bro i appreciate your feedback轻信提额度电话 卡主卡信息泄露被骗数千元
银行广州日报 [微博] 李婧暄2014-12-17 09:40我要分享 1
[摘要]利用提高额度的便利套取了信用卡的卡号、有效期、卡片背面三位数卡片安全码(CVV2)码等信息,导致王女 士被诈骗消费了2900元。


昨日,持卡人王女士向记者反映称,近日她接到电话,对方自称是银行客服人员,利用提高额度的便利套取了其信 用卡的卡号、有效期、卡片背面三位数卡片安全码(CVV2)码等信息,导致其被诈骗消费了29 00元。

对此,银行方面提醒,信用卡动态验证码是授权网络快捷支付的重要凭据,而卡片背面三位数的卡片安全码(CV V2)的重要性几乎等同于密码。任何情况下都不能向任何人透露自己的动态验证码和卡片安全码。


岁末正是消费者频繁刷卡消费时期,但同时也是信用卡诈骗、盗刷案件的高发期。除了制造伪卡、失窃卡盗刷、网 络诈骗等方式外,近期又出现了一种新型电信诈骗手段——“调额度”。

市民王女士对记者反映,日前她接到“020955××”的电话,对方自称××银行的客服人员,称年底可将信 用卡额度提高至10万元,王女士正好觉得额度不够用,便马上同意。

于是,王女士按该“客服人员”的指引提供信用卡卡号、有效期、卡片背面三位数卡片安全码(CVV2)码等信 息。对方称最后一步是验证手机动态验证码,需要王女士在收到验证码后提供给客服人员便可完成提升额度。于是 王女士便按对方提示进行操作。

一分钟后,她收到了一条银行的短信:“您的信用卡消费了2900元。”王女士这才觉得不对,马上打银行电话 955××询问。银行称并没有给她打过电话,王女士意识到遇到诈骗了,于是马上挂失信用卡,并向派出所报案 。



据了解,这种电信诈骗手段是不法分子利用改号软件,将电话号码“伪装”为银行的客服电话,使持卡人放松警惕 。由于此类案件不同于卡片被克隆导致的盗刷案件,交易过程中受害人被诱导提供了交易必须的各种信息通过银行 的安全验证,银行便默认为持卡人本人交易,无法做出有效的识别和拦截。

广发银行专业人士介绍,信用卡动态验证码是授权网络快捷支付的重要凭据,而卡片背面三位数的卡片安全码(C VV2)的重要性几乎等同于密码。任何情况下,都不能向任何人透露自己的动态验证码和卡片安全码。

同时,记者了解到,银行不会外呼客户要求客户提供私密信息,持卡人如接到此类电话,可通过回拨信用卡背面银 行客服电话进行核实。


·看看信用卡中的战斗机:黑卡有多牛逼? 2014.12.16
·深圳选美大赛被指山寨 主办方或被起诉诈骗 2014.12.16
·男子以维权为由冒充电视台记者诈骗40万元 2014.12.15
·男子办信用卡接到诈骗电话 被骗5千元
·修水洗黑钱电话诈骗 糊涂男子损失12万

but the rise of credit card fraud in china is a major major concern
Old 18-12-2014, 09:10 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Yea indeed individuals have their own preference. Well, personally, I put my eggs in different baskets. Being in China for a few years, I just have a few cards with low credit limits (of e.g. 3000sgd per card). Enough to meet the entertainment needs. Plus the banks' anti fraud measures of sms alerts when there is a charge to the card, have been able to survive the past few years without any scares. To me, beats the hassle of carrying bulk cash around. And ya, personally I earn SGD income but stay in China, so those SG union pay credit cards bring more convenience
Old 18-12-2014, 10:06 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Anyway, not to be diverted off topic, as this is under the international Field Report section.

Did not have much time for personal entertainment this trip back. But still managed to sneak in another massage with happy ending (hj) with YYL. Given a choice of ladies to pick, I went for the only milf (I like) hehe.

Was given a very good and thorough massage, the best I had in this joint. Fun part comes only during the hdly and hj hehehe. Besides the routine sticking of hands into bra and nipper tuning, this time round got frenching and let me slip my hand into panties to play puss. Sloshing wet lady she was.

Of course not contended with just this, I ask her if can meet after she finish work next morning. So we exchanged phone numbers and next morning waited for her at her shop doorstep. Haha really did not fly pigeon/aeroplane.

So we went for dim sum then of course go hotel la.. wa her bbbj was damn shiok and pussy constantly dripping wet. After round 1 still not enough, still got round 2. Really finished off as a exhausted and sextified man.

The highlight was, after resting a while upon completing our exertions, she said she was tired and want to go home sleep. I being shagged out so just opened the room door and let her go. Hahaha no mention of fees/charges and no money changed hands throughout. Damn bloody happy. Advance Xmas present dropped from the sky for me hehehe
Old 18-12-2014, 12:25 PM
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Arrow Zhuhai

Originally Posted by xiaopangge69 View Post
Anyway, just to share a short and simple FR on Wang Fu last weekend. Was back in zhuhai for a few days and decided to revisit one of my favourite joints. Only decided to go at about 9pm, full house booking for the day and managed to squeeze out one room for us.
Welcome back for humsup action!

Originally Posted by xiaopangge69 View Post
The highlight was, after resting a while upon completing our exertions, she said she was tired and want to go home sleep. I being shagged out so just opened the room door and let her go. Hahaha no mention of fees/charges and no money changed hands throughout. Damn bloody happy. Advance Xmas present dropped from the sky for me hehehe
Wah you always so lucky man.

First in Danshui and now Zhuhai.
Old 18-12-2014, 12:59 PM
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Re: Zhuhai

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
Welcome back for humsup action!

Wah you always so lucky man.

First in Danshui and now Zhuhai.
Hahaha nature din bless me with good looks, so I guess it's compensated by luck

Too bad it was only a one week trip back. Next time shall try to extend the stay so that can pop over to DS or HZ... seems very happening there nowadays man
Old 18-12-2014, 10:16 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

"... HONG KONG, Dec 18 (Reuters) - As Chinese President Xi

Jinping arrives in Macau this weekend for his first official

visit in five years, the message from Beijing is clear: the

world's biggest gambling centre cannot remain a one-industry


Xi's pervasive anti-graft campaign contributed to a

disastrous year for major casino companies, which have lost a

combined $58 billion in market value over the past six months as

VIPs stayed away.

The former Portuguese colony became a paradise for Chinese

government officials and rich businessmen to flaunt their wealth

and indulge themselves with private jets and sumptuous hotel

suites. Gambling revenue hit $45 billion last year, seven times

Las Vegas's take."

Fellow mongers- forget about partying anywhere in Macau/Zhuhai this weekend... The Big Boss dropping by, everything on red alert, clampdown will be on..
Old 19-12-2014, 06:04 AM
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Re: Zhuhai

Originally Posted by xiaopangge69 View Post
Hahaha nature din bless me with good looks, so I guess it's compensated by luck

Too bad it was only a one week trip back. Next time shall try to extend the stay so that can pop over to DS or HZ... seems very happening there nowadays man
you did not do a visa run via gonngbei or hengqin border control to extend your stay in china?
Old 19-12-2014, 09:15 AM
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Re: Zhuhai

Originally Posted by MichaelWinn View Post
you did not do a visa run via gonngbei or hengqin border control to extend your stay in china?
Hehe I'm actually on a china work permit, unlimited stay
Old 19-12-2014, 05:48 PM
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Re: Zhuhai

Originally Posted by xiaopangge69 View Post
Hehe I'm actually on a china work permit, unlimited stay
Hahaha best!
Old 19-12-2014, 05:54 PM
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Re: Zhuhai

Originally Posted by xiaopangge69 View Post
Too bad it was only a one week trip back. Next time shall try to extend the stay so that can pop over to DS or HZ... seems very happening there nowadays man
Luckily you started going Danshui KTV when it was not so popular yet.

Now is sausages more than abalones.
It's ok now my kakis and me go Shenzhen KTVs.
Quality is good hehehe.
Old 20-12-2014, 01:27 AM
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Re: Zhuhai

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
Luckily you started going Danshui KTV when it was not so popular yet.

Now is sausages more than abalones.
It's ok now my kakis and me go Shenzhen KTVs.
Quality is good hehehe.
shenzhen ktv girls better quality than danshui and huizhou ones
so that is why the shenzhen girls are much more expensive than other parts of
guangdong province
Old 20-12-2014, 01:33 AM
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Re: Zhuhai

Originally Posted by xiaopangge69 View Post
Hehe I'm actually on a china work permit, unlimited stay
i thought china work permit or china residence permit is subject to yearly renewal ,also the tax now for foreign workers in china is now quite high
is yours a D visa or Z visa?
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